1991 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1991 Targeting the Future: HP Labs’ 25th Year

  • HP Labs celebrates 25th anniversary and mission of long-range technological exploration and development in collaboration with product organizations; new products account for most of HP sales. 3-9
  • HP’s Advanced Manufacturing Systems Operation (AMSO) develops “electronic toolbox” -– the Service Bay Diagnostic System (SBDS)– for Ford. 10-14
  • Holdings of HP archives are described. 15-18
  • Technology Center of Silicon Valley houses history and technology of Silicon Valley. 19-21
  • Jim Hanley of HP Asia Pacific workstation group collects carvings from New Guinea. 23-24
  • HP’s views on changing and adapting; five “C’s” of change-adept professionals: confidence, challenge, coping, counterbalance, creativity. 25-26
  • John Young discusses progress of reorganization plan. 27-28
  • HP awards of 1990 listed. 30
  • Year-end net revenue up 6 percent, net earnings down 18. 30
  • HP Labs engineer and 15 other women set Guiness record for biggest sky diving stack of women. 32

March-April 1991 HP Flexes its Training Muscle

  • HP revamps and consolidates its training programs. 2-7
  • Lew Platt, manager of the new computer Systems Organization discusses CSO goals; long-term goals focus on open systems, client/server environment; short-term goals to improve profitability, eliminate redundancy. 8-12
  • HP’s NewWave office used by Britain’s Prince Edward at the Theatre Division Ltd. 13
  • HP computers and peripherals used at Australia’s Argyle Diamond Mines. 14-17
  • HP South Queensferry, Scotland, celebrates 25th anniversary. 18-21
  • HP’s Donna Yeager named Disabled Person of the Year; other disabled employees featured. (diversity) 22-25
  • John Young discusses commitment to R&D, time to market, break even time (BET). 27-28
  • Information systems ROUTS, COMSYS replaced by BatchNet. 29
  • Canadian Airlines International (CAIL) purchases 81 HP Vectras for computer-based training. 29
  • HP Malaysia team honored for reducing defects in optoelectroinic lamps. 30
  • Executive Committee created in 1974, HP’s primary policy-setting body, eliminated. 30
  • New products include five business computer systems and servers. 31
  • Vectras used in Helsinki, Finland, for analyzing the genetic traits of dairy cows. 32

May-June 1991 What Scares Sun, DEC and IBM?

  • “Snakes” program is HP’s Apollo 9000 Series 700 workstation family to compete with other RISC workstation manufacturers. 3-8
  • Dick Hackborn, executive vice president of Computer Products Organization, with HP 31 years and led laserjet printer business to top of market. 9-13
  • HP employee, Claudia Davis, adopts Romanian child. 14-18
  • YHP is key business partner of ORIX Rentec, Tokyo, largest equipment rental company in world. 21-23
  • HP instrument steers Nissan racing cars. 24-26
  • Dean Morton, chief operating officer, discusses progress of Quality Maturity System (QMS). 27-28
  • Soldier uses HP-41C in Desert Storm. 29
  • HP credit union sends Valentines to soldiers in Persian Gulf. 29
  • Michael McGuire, MTS, HP Lab’s Printing Technology department book “An Eye For Fractals.” 29
  • HP gives grants to UCLA for IC lab and computing resource center to Oregon State Univ. 30
  • MPG, Medical Products Group, Andover and Waltham Mass., celebrate Black History Month. (diversity) 31
  • Cultural and ethnic diversity celebration at HP San Jose, Calif. 32

July-August 1991 Brainstorming in Corvallis

  • Open systems cooperative computing, NewWave software, is success with customers. 3-7
  • HP’s efforts to protect environment and conserve/recycle are explained. 8-12
  • HP Labs scientist, Jeanne Wiseman, recognized by 1991 HP Technical Women’s Conference for scientific contributions and community leadership. (women) 13-14
  • Hewlett’s hobby is wildflower photography. 15-17
  • Bill Wickes, Corvallis, is “father” of HP’s best-selling scientific calculators. 18-20
  • HP-95LX palmtop computer is giant step for technology. 21-22
  • Dick Alberding, executive vice president, retires after 33 years; as head of Marketing and International Sector, he helped put “global” in HP lexicon. 24-26
  • John Young discusses managing practices and open door policy. 27-28
  • HP gets awards from Spain and China. 29
  • HP opens subsidiary in Prague, Czechoslovakia. 29
  • HP Canada’s grants advanced computing lab to school for blind. 30
  • HP sponsors cooperative study program with Univ. of Cincinnati to design chromatography lab of future. 31
  • Customer’s cat gets tail caught in HP laserjet printer. 32

September-October 1991 Medical Marvels of Monitor Moppets

  • HP’s launched its 2116A computer 25 years ago; now computer products are two-thirds of company’s revenue. 3-6
  • Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP) comprised of 11 CEOs of top companies; they meet in Washington, DC, to discuss public-policy issues of industry-wide concern. 7
  • New acquisitions and joint ventures include Idacom Telecom Division, Edmonton, Alberta Canada; HP & Controll Kft.; AOT Applied Optoelectronic Technology Operation; Edisa Informatica SA; HP Thailand Ltd., Bangkok; HP Ceskoslovensko spol.s.r.o.; HP Portugal S.A., Lisbon; Haupu Information Technology; HCL Hewlett-Packard Ltd.; Hewlett-Packard Polska; Intelligent Network Communication; Apollo Systems Division; Bergamo, Italy Hardcopy Operation; Quingdao Zhonghui Medical Products Ltd; India Manufacturing Operation; Hewlett-Packard Bilgisayar Ve Olcum Sistemleri. 8-11
  • HP’s new elder care benefit introduced. 12-15
  • Lucile Packard led planning for new Stanford children’s hospital. 16-19
  • HP sponsor 24 professors to help earn Ph.D.s. 20-21
  • HP uses relative ranking process to gauge employee performance. 22-23
  • HP employee helps train dogs to help disabled: Canine Companions for Independence. 24-27
  • John Young discusses HP Mexico 25-year success story. 29
  • HP signs agreement with Moscow company, which will market and manufacture HP products. 30
  • Four U.S. sales regions and Canadian sales region combine. 31

November-December 1991 The New Germany

  • Fall of Berlin Wall and German reunification brings HP new opportunities. 3-7
  • HP’s network of libraries are modern electronic information centers staff with trained consultants. 8-10
  • John Doyle, executive vice-president and employee from 1956-1991, is Management by Walking Around (MBWA) originator in 1967. 12-14
  • COLOS (conceptual learning of science project) software written by Zvonko Fazarinc uses computers to teach complex scientific principles in easy to understand ways. 15
  • Federal Express uses HP Apollo 9000 computers to develop new FedEx system to monitor flight and truck planning, crew management, weather, maintenance. 16-19
  • Buenaventura “Benny” Garcia, Spain, is competitive swimmer. 20-23
  • John Young discusses changes that made 1991 tough year. 24-25
  • Charles Babbage calculator rebuilt. 26
  • HP equipment appears in movie “Terminator 2: Judgement Day.” 27
  • HP Exeter Computer Manufacturing Operation (ECMO), Exeter, N.H., first to earn International Standards Organization (ISO) certification. 27
  • Third-quarter net revenue up 8 percent, earnings up 20. 28
  • “Real Life” advertising campaign features HP products used in every-day situations. 29
  • New products in 1991 include HP 75000 model D20, HP FAX 300, HP SONOS 1500 echocardiography system, HP 8504A precision reflectometer, HP systems and servers, HP OpenView software, HP DeskJet 500J Japanese language printer, HP SCSI-2 disk drives, HP ORCA chemical analysis robot, HP RTAP 5.1 industrial automation enabler, HP DeskWriter C printer laser quality color printing, HP ScanJet IIc printer scanner. 30-31

1990 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1990 HP Gear Keeps Ferrari on Track

  • HP manufacturing plant in Puerto Rico had 50 percent growth in shipments for two years. 3-7
  • Ferrari automobile test equipment includes HP 1000 computers and color terminals. 8-11
  • October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in Bay Area; HP buildings in Palo Alto suffered severe structural damage; HP earthquake preparedness efforts are explained, including creation of emergency response teams (ERTs) at each site. 12-15
  • Colorado Springs site is highlighted. 16-19
  • Corporate Design Center efforts to make logo and corporate identity uniform. 20-22
  • Nancy Zawistowski, graphics hardware designer, films vintage WWII air shows in spare time. 25-27
  • John Young discusses future challenges: global growth, customer satisfaction, work force 1990s, changing markets, R&D. 28-30
  • Test and Measurement Group in Geneva launches demobus tour to Greece, Turkey and Middle East. 30
  • Fourth-quarter sales up 25 percent, earnings up 1. 30
  • NSS, Network Systems Sector, changes. 30
  • New group formed, ING, Information Networks Group. 30
  • New board game includes HP. 31
  • New sales entities include Far East Region, India, Thailand. 31
  • CMD adds Exeter, N.H., Computer Manufacturing Operation; Livingston, Scotland, formerly Apollo. 31
  • HP Labs establishes science center at U. of Pisa, Italy. 31
  • Hewlett receives honorary degree from U. of Bologna, Italy. 32

March-April 1990 HP and the Environment: A User’s Guide

  • HP’s redeployment program is explained: enhanced early retirement, downsizing, workforce reduction (layoffs); changes due to overstaffing. 3-7
  • Berlin Wall torn down; political and social reform in Eastern Europe has implications for HP, Czechoslovakia; reforms bring new business opportunities. 8-11
  • HP and the Environment: A User’s Guide; tips to prevent pollution and conserve resources. 13-20
  • HP holds European Ski/Race Games in France. 21-23
  • Joe Oliverio, engineer, is a performing magician. 24-26
  • John Young discusses environmental challenges for HP; managing human resources and workforce balancing. 27
  • Fortune rates HP number one in computer category in annual corporate reputation survey. 28
  • Rand Kruback, HP illustrator, creates cartoons about computer-related subjects. 29
  • First-quarter sales up 17 percent, earnings down 2. 29
  • HP named number one “most generous corporation” by Public Management Institute. 30
  • 48SX is first calculator to interface with PCs. 31
  • HP’s environmental considerations in buildings. 32

May-June 1990 Europe 1992: A Time for Flag-Waving

  • Wildlife forensics lab uses HP analytical equipment to fight international trade in endangered species; crime labs recommended HP instruments such as gas chromatographs and mass spectrometers. 3-7
  • NewWave software is HP’s version of “cooperative” computing based on open systems. 8-11
  • HP Vectra computer used by National Car Rental for Smart Key system. 12
  • HP opportunities with formation of united European Common Market in 1992. 13-20
  • Packard founded Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, MBARI, in 1987 to foster marine research. 21-23
  • Ann Johannessen trains hospital personnel in use of HP medical equipment. 24-25
  • John Young discusses open system software, NewWave. 29
  • USSR students visit HP Geneva as part of Glasnost program. 30
  • HP Labs establishes research lab in Tokyo. 30
  • Apollo Scotland merges with South Queensferry. 30
  • HP ranked 33 by Fortune, 49 by Forbes. 31
  • HP’s visual user environment (VUE) icons make UNIX easier to use. 31
  • HP’s brightest LEDs used in taillights of Lincoln Continental. 32

July-August 1990 Biosphere II: Living Inside a Terrarium

  • Success in Latin America region marked by doubled sales in last two years; Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina have enormous market potential. 3-7
  • Use of voice mail enhances productivity. 9-10
  • INTEREX (interchange and exchange of information), HP’s international users group; HP computer fan club. 11-13
  • Biosphere II, in Oracle, Ariz., is two-year experiment in closed structure where researchers will study ecological systems; HP designed “nerve system” of computers, sensors, analytical and medical instruments to control and store data. 14-18
  • Mark Johnson, HP mechanical engineer, teaches high school physics in Spokane, Wash. 19-21
  • Esso Resources, Calgary, Canada, uses HP 48000 remote terminal, 3852 data acquisition system and 319 host computer to searches for gas, oil on Ice Island northeast of Alaska. 22-25
  • John Young discusses customer satisfaction; surveys show improvement. 28
  • HP Thailand holds grand opening ceremony, blessed by monk. 30
  • HP Barcelona, Spain, ships first product. 30
  • Second-quarter orders up 16 percent, earnings down 8. 30
  • HP bicycle company exhibit at the Smithsonian; HP contributed $500,000 in support. 31
  • HP and Actel to develop field-programmable gate arrays. 31

September-October 1990 HP and Education

  • HP’s commitment to education throughout company’s history; new efforts include model K-12 program and university affairs program, in addition to scholarships, donations of equipment and cash, volunteer efforts, summer internships. 3-11
  • Sales reps reunion brings together 10 of HP’s original reps. 12-13
  • HP donates cash and equipment to Idaho bicycle race. 16-18
  • HP’s human factors engineering addresses repetitive strain injuries (RSI). 20-21
  • Jean-Francois Porret, HP Grenoble, France, is mountain climber. 24-26
  • John Young discusses HP’s commitment to education. 27-28
  • HP ICs and computer-generated drawings at Museum of Modern Art in New York. 29
  • HP equipment used to train and employ people with spinal cord injuries. 29
  • HP 9000 used on Australian icebreaker. 29
  • Intercon restructures with new Asia Pacific organization and new Americas group. 30
  • Open Systems Software Division formed to address HP-UX operating system. 30
  • HP hosts Junior Achievement event. 30
  • HP Canada acquires Idacom Electronics Ltd. 30
  • New products include HP 3000, 9000 series 400, Pagewriter ECG. 31
  • HP engineer plays organ at Stanford Theater. 32

November-December 1990 Tuning in to the Right Channel

  • HP’s relationship with dealer sales channels accounts for a quarter of worldwide sales. 3-7
  • Telephone-activated Benefits System (TABS) lets employees monitor benefits via the phone 24 hours/day. 8-9
  • HP and Petite Ltd., one of England’s leading toy manufacturers, join forces to make typewriter; HP’s inkjet technology used. 10-12
  • HP’s history of corporate philanthropy begins when Lucile Packard donates $5; HP ranks as one of most generous U.S. companies. 13-17
  • Al Minter, sales, writes book on blacks working for predominantly white companies. (diversity) 19-21
  • 10X program strives to reduce failure rates of HP products by 10 times. 22
  • 1990 organization chart. 23-25
  • John Young discusses organizational changes and restructuring. 26-27
  • HP equipment used in Biosphere 2; eight biosphere researchers picked. 28
  • HP 9000 model 375 aids in automated fingerprint-identification system. 28
  • HP donates patient monitors to Romanian hospital. 29
  • HP 9000 workstation helps students design car. 30
  • Third-quarter orders up 9 percent, earnings down 5. 31
  • New products include Apollo workstation 9000, HP SNA, HP 8751A network analyzer. 31

1989 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1989 50th Anniversary Year

  • Measure captures photographs of typical day in the lives of HP people around the world. 2-45
  • Challenges of showing diversity of HP in “One Day” project. 46-48
  • John Young reveals what makes him most proud of HP people: mutual respect, open to change, technically excellent, creative risk-takers, committed, unpretentious. 49
  • HP has largest team in first world corporate games. 50
  • Pope John Paul II blesses HP 565MS cardiac data management system during visit to Rome hospital. 51
  • HP loans 70 systems to International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) annual meeting. 51
  • New products include 10B, 20S calculator, 9000 340 workstation. 51

March-April 1989 Fifty Years of Looking to the Future

  • Thinking globally at HP means considering diverse needs of worldwide customers up front; YHP sells more workstations than any other region operation—localizing to support Asian languages. 3-7
  • Retrospective of HP’s first 50 years, by decade. 9-24
  • Egon Loebner, pioneer in optoelectronics, holds 40 patents. 25-27
  • John Young says challenges of future include changing technology and importance of international market. 28
  • HP donates time/instruments to Armenian earthquake aid. 29
  • YHP to build second plant in Kobe. 30
  • Corvallis breaks ground for new production facility. 31
  • 50th anniversary calculators available to employees. 31
  • HP lists on European Stock Exchange. 31
  • New products include 64000-UX emulator/analyzer, 78352A patient monitor, 5921A atomic emission detector, 9000 340 srx workstation, ScanJet. 31
  • 50th anniversary flag raised at headquarters in Palo Alto. 32

May-June 1989 Break Even Time (BET)

  • Break even time (BET) is time it takes to recover money spent to bring new product to market; BET effective measure because it takes into account all major functional areas: R&D, manufacturing and marketing. 3-7
  • 50th anniversary list highlight noteworthy events, for example, 10 famous people who visited HP, 10 noteworthy HP grants. 8-11
  • Cargo plane crashes; Canadian Aviation Safety Board uses HP computers as investigative tools. 12-15
  • Harry Margolis, founder and chairman of CompuTrac, uses HP equipment to monitor his home. 16-19
  • Corporate security program offers tips for employees to deal with sensitive company information. 20-21
  • HP’s Personal Computer Distribution Operation (PCDO) ships more than 2.5 million pieces/year. 22-24
  • John Young discusses profitability and need to strike balance between profits and growth. 26-27
  • First-quarter sales up 21 percent. 29
  • HP to sell subsidiary in South Africa because of business conditions and failure of government to end apartheid. (diversity) 29
  • HP Labs establishes science centers at three universities. 29
  • HP transmits training class via satellite to 10 HP locations in Europe. 30
  • HP 82000 IC tester wins Japan’s Nikkei Award. 30
  • New products include 8791 frequency signal simulator, graphics controller, CLP PLUS software. 31
  • Employee’s photo entry displayed in Disney Pavilion. 32

July-August 1989 YHP Sets a Fast Pace in Japan

  • Success of YHP includes top HP sales region outside U.S., compound growth rate 22 percent, world leader in component-measurement product line; plans to triple manufacturing capacity. 3-10
  • HP manufacturing sites cut wastewater by factor of 40. 11
  • HP anniversary ambassadors chosen by peers to attend 50th anniversary celebration in Palo Alto. 12-17
  • Hewlett and Packard’s garage landmark dedication. 18-19
  • Measure solicits employees’ visions of future for upcoming article. 20
  • John Young discusses values of the HP Way. 21
  • Corporate objectives. 22-25
  • HP catalog translated into German. 29
  • YHP and Nissan co-sponsor race car. 29
  • HP lists on European Stock Exchange. 30
  • HP 9000 computer used at Trump casino in Atlantic City. 31
  • HP employees create gourmet candy business. 32

September-October 1989 Mickey Mouse Way to Start a Company

  • Worldwide customer support operations offers 24-hour, 365-day service; 15,000 customer support people in 400 support offices worldwide. 3-7
  • HP’s first instrument, the 200B oscillator, used in Disney film, “Fantasia”; 10 fun “Fantasia” facts. 8-11
  • Corporate strategic alliances and joint ventures focus on teamwork; some HP partners include AT&T, Hitachi, Eon, Biotechnology research and development, Matsushita, 3COM, RACE, Varian, Open Software Foundation OSF, UNIX, Telecom, U.S. Memories Inc., Tsinghua University. 12-15
  • Blind systems administrator, Earl Norwood, credits HP for giving him a chance. (diversity) 16-18
  • Steve Martin, comedian, uses HP computer. 19
  • Apollo Computer and HP partner. 22-24
  • John Young discusses collaboration, alliances and joint ventures. 25
  • HP Vectra PCs appear in movies “Ghostbusters II” and “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.” 26
  • John Young receives honorary degree from Oregon State University. 26
  • IEEE gives HP-35 Innovation Recognition award. 27
  • 50th anniversary celebrations around the world. 29-31
  • U.S. vice president Dan Quayle visits HP. 32

November-December 1989 An Amazing Look into HP’s Future

  • Future of corporate computing environment (CCE) is interconnected, easy-to-use computers; everyone would use computers daily; consumers could choose components regardless of manufacturer. 3-5
  • Test and measurement will play instrumental role in future; good instruments key to increasing productivity. 6-7
  • HP will be driving force in future of medical and component products; linking diverse computer systems. 8
  • Factory of the future focuses on work teams; teams make decisions and eliminate one layer of supervision. 7-12
  • Celebrities view the future: Dan Rather, Steve Martin, Arthur C. Clarke, etc. 13-16
  • HP execs view the future; preparing for future is matter of positioning; superconductivity is next industrial revolution; more intuitive interfaces tailored to special usage; expanding global markets. 17-18
  • Employees views of the future include non-petroleum power, booming health care industry, ozone generators to slow green house effect, genetically engineered food, telecommuting, manufacturing automated with robots. 19-22
  • HP sales rep, Pete Cage, is auto racer. 24-26
  • John Young says cooperation is key to HP’s future. 27
  • Former HP employee worked on Voyager 2 space mission; HP measuring equipment used. 28
  • HP wins International Design magazine design award for software. 28
  • New products include 9000 635 sv, 9000 808s, 75000 VXIbus, 3000 960, Apollo 2500, LaserJet IIP, 700/X window system. 30
  • Spokane employees put signal generator and 50th anniversary flag atop Mt Rainier. 32

1988 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1988 Made in Roseville

  • HP’s Roseville, Calif., Terminals Division is part of new manufacturing “Frontier” in America –- “the Detroit of the West”; challenges of the division include total redesign of computer terminal architecture. 3-7
  • HP exhibits at Telecom reach international customers; extensive seminars and demonstrations at HP’s headquarters in Geneva. 8-9
  • HP ingenuity helps disabled students learn drafting techniques. 10-11
  • HP 3000 computer used in enhanced 911 emergency lifeline. 12-13
  • Margaret Tinsley, HP employee, was lead plaintiff (on behalf of her children) in Palo Alto school desegregation case, 1976; case settled out of court in 1986. (diversity) 14-16
  • John Young discusses “Take the Offensive” campaign, focus on customers, markets and winning. 18
  • Computer version of “Go” (Wei-Sh’I) game, an ancient Chinese board game. 19
  • Stevie Wonder uses HP 64000 workstation. 19

March-April 1988 Changing Shape of HP Divisions

  • HP division structure is explained and differentiated from sectors, groups, business units, operations, entities, and regions. 3-7
  • Employees recovering from drug abuse and HP’s personnel policies on illegal drugs at work; tips on how to detect abuse and what supervisors can do to help. 8-10
  • HP Taiwan subsidiary grew 30 percent; success due to understanding importance to succeed in a country only recognized officially by 22 nations. 12-15
  • Jim Carbone, engineer, uses computer and compassions to help athlete with diabetes. 16-18
  • Bill Terry, executive vice president of measurement systems, emphasizes need for teamwork. 19
  • Employee wins California Sate Lottery; says he won’t quit job at HP. 20
  • Cartoonist Russell Myers uses HP in “Broom Hilda” comic strip, which mentions rising HP stock. 19
  • HP donates $14,000 to World Wildlife Fund (WWF). 21
  • Walt Disney World uses HP-85 desktop computers to weigh currency. 22
  • Employees with over 20 years of service receive 10 extra shares of HP stock. 23
  • Encyclopedia Britannica uses HP in film on improving quality. 23
  • HP stock is mentioned in the movie, “Wall Street.” 24

May-June 1988 HP Aviation Takes Off

  • Balancing the workforce when flattening economy resulted in glut of employees; balancing included voluntary severance incentive, relocation, retraining; Measure interviews employees who participated. 3-7
  • HP employee makes holograms as hobby. 8-10
  • HP aviation has new hanger at San Jose airport to house seven company aircraft. 12-15
  • Improved process for pricing HP products overseas takes into account fluctuating exchange rates, local tariffs, transportation costs. 16-17
  • John Young reflects on his 10 years as CEO. 18
  • Packard and Hewlett visit Atlanta sales office while in Georgia to be inducted into U.S. Business Hall of Fame. 19
  • HP engineer wears ambulatory 43400B ECG to top of Mt. Kilamanjaro. 19
  • Vince Yaras, HP’s first sales rep in New England, dies after 33 years at HP; library named after him at Burlington, Mass., sales office. 20
  • Spokane honored by Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC). 20
  • Steve Duer produces Test and Measurement Catalog. 21
  • HP has six products in Fortune “best products.” 21
  • HP-71B handheld computer used by America’s Cup skipper Dennis Connor. 22
  • HP 3000, 9000 computer models introduced. 22
  • HP ranks second (after IBM) for corporate philanthropy. 23
  • HP 150, 3000 computers replace card catalogs in Sunnyvale library. 23
  • HP assists students in bridge building contest for Northern California Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Day. 24

July-August 1988 Poised for Action: HP and the Olympics

  • Advances in modes of communication at work: e-mail, electronic messaging, voice mail, Confer (computer teleconference), HPDesk. 3-7
  • Zvonko Fazarinc, former Yugoslav refugee, is HP authority on computer graphics to explain science. 8-10
  • Open Software Foundation (OSF) established by major computer companies to develop standard software for customers. 12
  • Organization chart (insert).
  • HP 5890 gas chromatograph used in Olympic drug testing. 13-15
  • Past HP Olympians featured. 16-18
  • HP holds lectures and lab training for China Hewlett-Packard employees in Beijing. 19
  • John Young discusses board’s Asia-Pacific trip. 20
  • HP is official partner of several sports associations. 21
  • Tokyo Stock Exchange lists HP; first time HP on non-U.S. exchange. 21
  • HP partners with Foothill College to use its sports facilities. 21
  • HP attends World Expo in Brisbane, Australia. 22
  • HP and Northern Teleco form strategic alliance to provide corporate networking systems. 23
  • New products include OSI, 35660A analyzer, 54501A oscilloscope, 4284A LCR meter, 22S, 32S calculators, CAE, CAD. 23
  • HP Olympic hopeful, Peggy Pollock, shot putter. 24

September-October 1988 Coming to Grips with Child Care in the ‘80s

  • Childcare issues strain working parents; task force says flexible work hours/time off is small but significant start; HP policies include salary reimbursement account for dependent care, part-time employment, child-care coordinator. 3-7
  • One-fourth of HP’s engineering professionals are women; first HP technical women’s conference to be held. (women, diversity) 8-10
  • Profit-sharing formula explained. 11
  • Pat Hunt, waste treatment and emissions engineer, describes HP’s waste treatment program. 12-14
  • HP’s Political Action Committee (PAC) supports candidates who support high-tech electronics industry. 15-17
  • John Young discusses ongoing strategic issues. 18-19
  • Swiss Bureau of Standards picks HP’s 5528A time measurement laser system. 21
  • HP receives awards from GTE Telephone Operations. 22
  • New products include 9000 workstation, CD ROM RETRIEVE, 5364A microwave mixer, 5371A frequency and time interval analyzer, 4284A, 64700. 23

November-December 1988 Would You Buy a Used Computer from these People?

  • Finance and Remarketing Division sells refurbished computers and other equipment worldwide. 3-6
  • Peripherals Group, Boise, Idaho, has best year ever due to LaserJet, DeskJet and other printers, and proprietary inkjet technology. 7-11
  • Employee, Karen Abbott, donates time, computer expertise to Camp Ronald McDonald for kids with cancer. 12-15
  • Special company store insert.
  • HP’s flex-force program hires temporary employees to supplement work force as needed. 16-17
  • John Young discusses challenges of commercializing technology into products that return profit. 20
  • HP’s SEED student work program attendees meet Packard and Hewlett. 21
  • HP products win three consumer awards (most of any company) in Financial World magazine contest. 21
  • HP-12C calculator survives being run over. 22
  • HP 9000 workstations used in America’s Cup race. 23
  • New products include 14B, 42S RPN calculator, 5528 laser measurement system, Vectra QS/16, 3065 board test system. 23
  • HP employee has pink Cadillac in his limousine business. 24

1987 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1987 Fitting the Pieces Together

  • HP consolidates manufacturing facilities, combines the manufacturing of the Roseville Networks and Office Systems divisions. 3 6
  • “Rows and columns” concept of how divisions make plans and how their performance is measured; six major rows, or businesses, and columns represent resources available from HP entities. 7
  • Hong Kong’s return to People’s Republic of China in 1997 might affect HP operations in Hong Kong by exodus of professionals leaving the country. 12 13
  • HP grants medical donates equipment to Moorehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, the first predominantly black medical school. HP philanthropic programs described. 14 17
  • Packard Foundation, overview of interests and support. 16
  • Hewlett Foundation, incorporated in 1966, discusses foundations interests. 17
  • John Young discusses promising year ahead. 18
  • First shipment of Spectrum program systems HP 9000 Model 840; shipment celebrated with fanfare. 19
  • HP sponsors international womens tennis tournament in Netherlands. (women)19
  • Artist uses HP 7475 color plotter to plot HP stock, calls it art. 20
  • HP 7585 plotter used in Disney film, “Flight of the Navigator.” 21
  • Winners of HP Information Technology Group United Way raffle are served lunch by Joel Birnbaum, vice president and general manager of ITG. 22
  • Don Riccomini and Phil Rosenzweig write book about management style, “Unexpected Japan.” 23

March-April 1987 This Research is Heady Stuff

  • HP instruments used by Los Alamos National Laboratory for magnetoencephalography—-measuring magnetic fields in brain activity: HP 9000 Series 500 Models 520 and 550, Touchscreen PCs, plotters, disc drives, graphic systems. 3 5
  • Joint venture between HP and Samsung in Seoul, Korea, in Sept. 1984; general manager, George Cobbe; guidelines for doing business in Korea. 6 9
  • Why HP spends $150 million a year on business travel; best way to get job done: see customer site, resolve complex computer system problems, recruit talent; controlling travel costs; Ed Hogan corporate travel manager. 10 11
  • Linus Pauling uses HP-15C calculator. 15
  • John Young discusses 10 business strategies for 1987. 18-19
  • Defect detection and tracking (DDT) system for tracking information about part, process and design defect for products, assemblies, components and processes. 20
  • “Star Trek IV” movie filmed at Monterey Bay Aquarium; exhibit features artifacts from Paramount and Lucas Film’s Industrial Light and Magic. 21
  • HP-Canon partnership; Canon System 3000 fully compatible with HP 3000 family; Doug Chance, senior vice president of Business Systems honored. 21
  • First President’s Club meets in Monterey, Calif. 21
  • New products: HP DraftMaster family of three new plotters replaces 758X line; HP LaserJet 2000 printer, HP ScanJet scanner is HP’s first desktop scanner, transportable HP 8328A transmission-line test system, new X Window software package HP82320A for HP9000 Series 300 computers, HP8180S IC design-verification system, HP8780A vector signal generator. 22

May-June 1987 The Goal? Visibility for HP through Sports

  • Various HP divisions/locations relate what they are doing to stay competitive, especially customer satisfaction; prominent programs. 3-6
  • HP sports marketing efforts: Tour de France, statistics and scoring, tennis, test and measurement; provides drug-testing equipment and support to international competitions. 8-11
  • Three new directors on HP board: David Woodley Packard, Walter Barry Hewlett, Donald Petersen; seven major responsibilities of board explained. 15-18
  • John Doyle, executive vice president, on open-door policy; policy leads to trust, and trust has practical, economic value by increasing efficiency. 19
  • Corvallis employee helps disabled Texas Tech student with hardware solution; HP-71. 20
  • Hong Kong horse race betting uses HP equipment; HP4971S LAN protocol analyzer. 20
  • Don Hammond and Len Cutler elected to National Academy of Engineering. 21
  • HP 9480 analog LSI test system is HP’s most expensive product. 21
  • HP 9000 Model 330 replaces 320. 23
  • HP 5890A gas chromatograph coupled with HP 7673A auto sampler to test wine in Milan, Italy, for methanol. 23
  • HP Touchscreen 150 PC used for occupational therapy. 24

July-August 1987 Where in the World Are We?

  • Networking, Information Networks Group (ING), general manager Wim Roelandts explains complex technology of networking; HP sorts string of network-related products into solutions to fill customers’ specific needs: networks for sales and service, the business office, engineering and manufacturing, company-wide network. 3-6
  • Tom Saponas White House Fellow, Department of the Navy, R&D manager, Colorado Springs. 8-11
  • HP meteoric rise as a multinational organization has its roots in the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which created the European Common Market unrestricted by tariffs; in 1987, HP international orders exceed domestic; HP has manufacturing operations in 16 countries and sales offices or distribution in 78 countries. 12-14
  • Procter and Gamble works with HP’s Clark Wallace and Tim Acree to develop computer systems that track success of P&G’s consumer marketing efforts; use HP 2392 display terminals with HP 1000 and 30000 computers. 15-17
  • Parts, reducing the number, simplifying; company urges to reduce parts in each product to simplify assembly process. 18-19
  • John Young says Spectrum computer program has met its goals and have begun to see payoff; just shipped HP 9000 model 840. 20
  • HP Denmark’s HP museum of old products; model 50 electrocardiograph. 21
  • Industrial touch keyboard HP 3082A useful in broad range of industries. 22
  • Queen’s Award, Britain’s highest business accolade, to HP Ltd. for demonstrating significant and determined efforts to improve export performance. 22
  • HP 3000 to Pepsi Cola is 30,000th sold; Pepsi to use it to manage vending machine distribution. 22
  • New portable analyzer, HP 4972A; HP8510B replaces 8510A network analyzer. 23
  • Lucile Packard dies, tribute. 24

September-October 1987 A Portrait of HP Labs

  • Ethics, honesty; HP Standards of Business Conduct; situations requiring ethical decisions are discussed; HP standards must override other considerations. 3-6
  • New products: HP 28C calculator, HP 8562A portable microwave spectrum analyzers, PaintJet printer, aluminum gallium arsenide LEDs, HP 54111D digitizing oscilloscope, HP 16500A logic analysis system, HP 21362 transesophageal transducer, portable Vectra computer, desktop scanner, HP 8780A and HP 8980A vector generator and analyzer. 8-9
  • HP Labs people, photo essay. 10-13
  • HP’s university-industry relationships; HP Strategic Grants Program. 14-17
  • John Young discusses importance of the company’s traditional instrument markets. 18
  • McMinnville Division donates medical equipment to USSR exhibit: cardiograph and defibrillator. 19
  • HP working with Washington State University to produce videos that demonstrate latest manufacturing automation and microwave electronics; videos used in classrooms. 20
  • HP 1631D logic analyzer breaks computer code called Smarty Arti. 21
  • Portable Vectra computers used at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) to store data about position of particles. 21
  • Professor at Michigan State authors book, “Programming the HP-41C/CV/CX,” and designed college course around it. 21
  • Public Relations Department news media survey shows HP is well known by significant percentage of media, overall impression favorable. 22
  • Packard wins Vannevar Bush award of the National Science Board; HP5965A Fourier transform infrared detector received IR 100 award from “Research & Development” magazine. 22
  • HP 3000 system used by San Francisco Symphony for database management. 23
  • Singapore uses HP 5061B to synchronize all digital components of telecommunications switching complex. 23

November-December 1987 Blending Tradition with High Tech: Spain’s Tabacalera and HP

  • HP factory in Barcelona, Spain, and push to sell HP solutions to big companies make it fastest-growing sales organization in Europe. 3-5
  • HP repair center opens in Montreal, Canada, to repair radioactive detectors in HP gas chromatographs. 8
  • Competitors identified—10,000 products in six markets, including products from IBM, Wang, Apple, Sun, Apollo, DEC, Prime, Teradyne, Data General, Tectronix, Advantest, Anritsu, Perkin-Elmer, Shimadzu, Varian, Siemens, Acuson, Westmark. 9-15
  • John Young discusses goals for FY88, 10 strategic issues, quality. 16-17
  • HP Vectra PC used by N.J. police department to pinpoint trends and identify possible suspects. 21
  • HP Foundation funds calculator museum exhibit for Computer Museum in Boston. 23

1986 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1986 HP 1000s Fire Up to Save Lives

  • HP hires full-time Washington lobbyist to influence legislative decisions impacting company’s worldwide operations. 3 6
  • HP 1000s power Oakland Fire Department’s computer-aided dispatching system. 8 10
  • HP’s commitment to operations in Italy; HP presence since 1964, introduced first computer to Italy in 1970s; HP in top 200 companies in Italy. 11 14
  • HP proposing three measures at annual meeting to thwart unsolicited takeover: 1) fair price for all stockholders, 2) eliminate action by written consent, 3) authorize additional stock. 15
  • John Young discusses health of world’s trading system. 18
  • HP map, new software for HP 3000, transforms columns of numbers into map. 19
  • Naval Observatory in Miami keeps time for DoD with HP cesium clocks. 20
  • Product Support Division, Customer Service Training, install bugs in computer systems and make customers dismantle equipment for customer hardware training. 21
  • Microwave Semiconductor Division introduces HBCS-7000 slot-reader family and bar-code wand. 22
  • Updated organizational chart. 23

March-April 1986 Where Do Ideas Come From?

  • Discussion about creativity and how HP provides a creative environment; excerpts from book by Roger von Oech–tips to inspire creativity. 3 7
  • Spectrum family of computers introduced based on RISC (reduced-instruction-set computer) architecture and innovative HP design; breakthrough development from HP Labs. 10 11
  • McMinnville Division, Oregon, began in 1973; part of the medical group: defibrillators, electrocardiogram analyzers, cardiographs, ECG management systems, x-ray systems. 12 15
  • John Young discusses 1986 management meeting. 16
  • Duke of Kent visits HP Labs’ Bristol Research Center. 19
  • Pie chart of who owns HP. 19
  • HP 8494-7 and 33320-3 families of attenuators improved, warranty doubled and life rating increased by factor of 10. 21
  • HP Touchscreen PCs, 7585 and 7550 plotters, LaserJet printers used in yacht race in Portsmouth, England. 22
  • New products: HP 8770S arbitrary wave form synthesizer system; HP 4971S LAN protocol analyzer; HP 97503B disc drive; HP 8753A vector network analyzer; SP 2567B dot-matrix printer. 22
  • HP portable computer used in Volvo road rally. 23
  • HP Portable computer used at EPI Center in Palo Alto to analyze building structures to determine effects of earthquake; has been used to inspect 5,000 buildings. 20

May-June 1986 HP Makes an Oil-Out Effort

  • HP helps oil companies increase productivity; HP-75C handheld computer has custom-designed chip with software that helps interpret test results; HP 3000s help automate business. 3 6
  • Pictorial tour of HP recreational facilities. 11-14
  • HP hiring and promoting minorities; affirmative action and equal employment opportunity regulations (diversity); HP pilot program in southwest to win more Hispanic and American Indian hires. 15 17
  • John Young explains effort to improve software quality. 18
  • HP ranked second place engineering students want to work. 19
  • HP Germany receives award for practicing excellent partnership between company, management and employees’ award based on HP’s profit-sharing plan and HP way. 19
  • HP 1000 computer used on Southern Pacific’s train simulator. 19
  • HP Touchscreen II and Painter software used in tennis poster. 20
  • Shareholder’s reject proposal to prohibit sale or lease of HP products to government of South Africa. 20
  • Organization chart changes; restructured Design Systems Group’s Workstation Business Unit. 20
  • HP commissions artist Charles Ginnever to erect statue outside new Mountain View facility. 21
  • Measure magazine wins two Gold Quill awards from International Association of Business Communicators. 22
  • HP accepted as participant in European Economic Community’s RACE program to develop integrated communications networks for use in Europe. 22
  • New products: LaserJet 500 PLUS printer expanded paper handling capacity; HP-GKS graphics library; HP 1046A programmable fluorescence detector. 22
  • HP ThinkJet printer used in Emporium-Capwell department stores. 23
  • HP donated three microcomputers, two Braille processors and a Braille printer to University of Stuttgart. 23

July-August 1986 Radical Change?

  • HP discusses changes in work force and placing emphasis on people and long-term solutions, not quick fixes; offering early retirement, voluntary severance incentive, retraining. 3 6
  • GM plant in Highland Park uses HP 1000 Series A600s in its 21-mile assembly line. 8 11
  • Discussion of need for a software development process; emphasis on training, standards, using metrics and tools. 12 15
  • John Young discusses change and how it affects the HP way in terms of profit and commitment to our people. 18
  • HP sponsors World Cup soccer championships in Mexico; supplied analytical equipment for drug testing; equipped press headquarters with resuscitation systems and cardiographs. 19
  • Scientist for Wildlife Conservation International uses HP 110 portable computer to study macaws in Peru. 20
  • HP Vectra workstation introduced in Taipei, Taiwan; operates in Japanese, Korean, Chinese by flip of a switch. 23
  • HP exhibit at World’s Expo ’86 in Vancouver. 24

September-October 1986 Artificial Intelligence: It’s Relatively New at HP

  • AI (artificial intelligence) hot topic driven by money—sales should grow 43 percent/year; HP started in AI in 1980 at HP Labs; focus on expert systems, natural language and programming productivity; HP product “Photolithography Advisor” troubleshoots problems in integrated circuit fab shop; HP software engineering program presenting AI courses for employees. 3 6
  • Carnation Farm’s Feline Research Center uses HP 3000 to analyze eating habits of 500 cats. 7 9
  • Handicapped workers assemble cable management kits for HP. 10-13
  • U.S. Field Operations is automating sales force to give sales reps more time to spend with customers, improve reps’ knowledge of PCs and increase job satisfaction. 15 17
  • John Young discusses highlights and significance of Design Automation Conference; what set HP apart was integration—linking—of applications. 18
  • Rolling Meadows Center initiates “Seven/Eleven” campaign to cut turnaround time of units returned for service. 19
  • HP 9816, 7580 and 9000 used in Australian miniseries about America’s Cup. 21
  • HP Vectra PC awarded to Irish students winning HP Ireland Award for most innovative project. 21
  • HP member of X/OPEN Group, international organization of major computer-system suppliers. 22
  • New products include HP DraftPro plotter (HP 7570), Office Talk voice communication product for Vectra PC, HP 4947A transmission-impairment measuring set, HP 3235A switch/test unit. 22
  • Don Hammond returns to Calif. from Bristol, England, to become acting director of HP Labs. 23
  • HP provides IRS with 18,000 HP ThinkJet printers. 23
  • U.S. Windpower in Livermore, Calif., uses HP 1000s and 3000s. 24

November-December 1986 HP in China: Technology for Tomorrow

  • HP’s two offices in Beijing, China, consolidating; HP in China since 1981 100 percent owned by government, now 50-50 joint venture; HP practices need to be explained in a local context. 3 7
  • HP grant to NPR (National Public Radio); HP says there is strong need to increase literacy in science, engineering and medicine and NPR’s science reports have proven effective. 8 10
  • Stanford Park Division sales manager, Bill Moore, talks about competitiveness—new “get tough” stance. 13
  • 30th anniversary of Hewlett-Packard’s corporate objectives; revisions and minor changes to reflect changes in business over the years. 14 17
  • John Young reflects on importance of HP internationally to the bottom line. 18
  • Bristol Research Center focuses almost entirely on software. 19
  • HP 80240A fetal ultrasound frees patient to move in 300-feet distance of receiver. 22
  • HP presence in Brazil. 22
  • HP’s first endowed chair, HP Professor of Manufacturing Metrology at Brunel University in West London. 22
  • “Miami Vice” TV show uses HP gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer in episode. 23
  • HP Canada celebrates 25th anniversary. 23
  • HP-71B handheld computer used by U.S. Forest Service to help firefighters predict fire danger. 24

1985 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1985 A Peek Inside the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium; Packard Family Foundation contributed $40 million over past eight years; largest aquarium in U.S.; HP people used as resources for advice on construction, audiovisual needs, security program; HP 3000 for standard business jobs, but emphasis on sea life, not technology; Packard designed machines to recreate effects of tides/waves. 3 6
HP in offices in Quebec and the initial challenge of doing business in both French and English; everyone in the office is bilingual; employees were provided French lessons at company’s expense. 7 9
HP’s first videoconferencing takes place at Cupertino site. 11
HP in Hong Kong; many doing business in Hong Kong as an economic springboard to the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong concerned with discounts, fast startup, and saving face (by negotiating discounts and buying prestigious products); HP challenge is coming up with right solutions. 12 14
HP’s objectives from the 1950s compared with today; revised in 1981 to place emphasis on product quality, customer satisfaction, new product lines, safety and teamwork. 16 17
Business man in Alabama uses HP computers to design custom cross-stitch patterns. 18
Grateful Dead uses HP portable computer on the road to communicate with home base, write music; may use in future to create sounds and treated as another instrument. 18
HP computer used in Australian car race to record lap times, speed, distance. 19
HP 150 Touchscreen computer used in horse race, Swiss Driving Championship. 19
HP ships 500,000th HP 2392A terminal. 19
HP in Germany for 25 years; how its operation has evolved. 20-22
John Young evaluates operating results of FY84. 23
New products include HP JIT (Just in Time) software for HP 3000: HP 3562A dynamic signal analyzer; HEDS-7500 digital potentiometer; PageWriter cardiographs; HP 788354A neonatal monitor; HP 5988A gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer; HP 2566A and 2565A matrix line printers. 24

March-April 1985 How Women Manage at HP

Since equal opportunity legislation in 1964, HP made determined effort to recruit women; a small but growing number now hold executive-level positions; Shirley Hufstedler first woman on HP board of directors. (women, diversity) 3 7
HP Corporate Parts Center (CPC) in Mountain View, Calif.; stores more than 97,000 parts and ships virtually anywhere in the world. 8 9
Minnesota professors use portable HP computer to prepare database for lion research. 10
HP gets gold medal for HP 5890A gas chromatograph from Czechoslovak Socialist Republic’s fair. 10
ARCO Solar uses HP 2250 measurement and control processors and HP 1000 computers for solar power facility. 11
HP Touchscreen PCs featured in Digital Equipment Corp.’s Computer Museum in Boston. 11
Overhaul of organization chart; three officers retired and instead of replacing them, Executive Committee realigned various responsibilities and reporting relationships. 12-13
President’s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness, chaired by John Young, recommends ways for U.S. industry to meet growing competition from foreign companies, both in the U.S. and international markets. 14
Night shift at HP featured; about 4,500 employees in U.S. work night shift. 16-19.
Measure magazine does reader survey. 20
Bob Boniface retires from HP after 42 years. 21
John Young describes 10 strategic issues for 1985. 22 23
HP places fifth in Fortune’s 1984 survey of 250 large U.S. companies. 24
HP grants universities $50 million of engineering workstations and software. 24
HP grants $5 million cash and equipment to new Harvard Medical School program. 24

May-June 1985 Coming on Strong: HP in the Communications Business

HP increases attention on marketing as a process and reorganizes and elevates role of marketing; marcom enrolls in SRI program using psychographics called “Values and Lifestyles” (VALS) to evaluate audiences. 3 7
HP 260 minicomputer sold almost exclusively to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who customize it with software for small business owners. 8 9
Open Line survey shows most HP employees feel positive about the company. 13 16
HP and communication business; with the breakup of AT&T there are new vendors and competition, and they in turn order HP test equipment; HP has own network. 14 17
John Young discusses business cycles; growth rate slowed mirroring industry trends. 18
Sunnyvale, Calif., creates Hazardous Response Unit and HP donates hazardous environment suits. 19
New products include TurboImage database management system; Access software; Integrap PC; HP 3055S software; HP 9000 Model 550; HP 7907A disc drive; HP 54200A/D logic analyzer. 19-20
Two new adult-patient monitors, HP 78353B and 78354A. 21Personal Software Division pitches 282 new software packages at New York’s Whitney Museum of Modern Art. 22
HP donates five-bed patient monitoring system to Navaho Monument Valley Hospital. 23
HP is 60th on Fortune magazines ranking of largest 500 companies. 23
HP donates desktop and handheld computer to San Diego Wild Animal Park to build database and analyze growth and behavior of condors and other captive birds. 24

July-August 1985 Working Together in a Country Divided: HP in South Africa

HP in South Africa; challenges of Black; at work they follow the HP way, outside they live under apartheid. (diversity) 3 7
Joel Birnbaum, vice president and director of HP Labs, sets high goals for R&D: “mission of technology is to improve society which it serves.” 8 11
Employees’ dress and how clothes reflect social, financial status, mood, etc. 12 15
John Young describes HP’s commitment to South Africa and cost control. 18
Interactive video is new technology for training. 19
HP-21 calculator is 10 years old. 19
HP provides computerized scoring for International Ice Dance Championships. 20
Introduction of central learning centers for HP customer engineers for training. 21
Signal Analysis Division winner of first U.S. Senate productivity award. 21

September-October 1985 Toxics: HP’s Battle to Keep the Environment Clean

HP addresses concerns about environment, industrial waste; actions taken to address issues: environmental audits, representatives to coordinate/share information, sharing best practices, staff to support and counsel divisions involved in local issues. 2 6
HP fleet of cars, about 8000, replaced yearly with new cars, which is cheaper; in 1983 agreement, Ford provides cars. 7
Yokogawa HP and rocket project; HP equipment widely used in NASDA—Japan’s NASA; satellite tracking network based on 22 HP 1000s. 11
HP facilities have employee garden plots. 12-15
John Young discusses emphasis on quality.
HP counting/analyzing European Basketball Championship using HP 3000 computer. 19
1959 product display photo; 204 then, 10,000 now. 19
UK annual report designed to show HP as creative company. 21
HP 85 computer monitors storage conditions for frozen fish industry in Canada. 21
HP 5510A laser transducer helps study changes in earth’s upper atmosphere in NASA experiment. 22
HP gas chromatograph used to sample blood of thoroughbred racehorses. 23
HP press conference in Moscow reported in Soviet newspaper. 24

November-December 1985 Personal Computers: What’s in the Cards?

Two years after HP introduces the 150 Touchscreen PC, HP released its IBM-compatible Vectra; outsider look at HP and the PC marketplace. 3 5
HP introduces VideoMagazine, an employee video program to complement existing print communications. 10 11
HP de Mexico helping to brighten Mexico’s economic picture; in last two years, HP in Mexico has seen 121 percent growth, mostly from HP 3000 business computers; earthquake in Mexico leaves four employees homeless. 12 15
Economic slump in Vancouver Division affects HP; companywide cost-cutting measures including cuts in pay. 16 17
John Young discusses factors that had effect on electronics industry: competitors, slowdown in capital spending, decreased government purchases, value of U.S. dollar. 18
HP 1000 computer used on SCARAB (Submersible Craft Assisting Repair and Burial) to translate sound signals to calculate position of “black box” from crashed Air India jet. 19
HP Germany holds conference for members of parliament to demonstrate how technology and innovation can solve social and environmental problems. 19
HP equipment used in Tour de France. 20
Maestro database of HP equipment owners helps retrieve stolen HP PCs. 21
HP’s “What If” advertising campaign informs buyers of HP’s commitment to U.S. business market. 21
HP 1000s used in Australia to track and analyze data about animal diseases. 22
New products include HP LaserJet Plus printer, CareView, ColorPro pen plotter, 2603A daisywheel printer, 1040M diode-array detection system, DesignCenter Series, Logic DesignStation, Personal Logic DesignStation. 22
Prince Philippe of Belgium visits HP facilities on West Coast. 23
Dakin, stuffed animal manufacturer, uses HP 3000 Series 42 for inventory control. 24

1984 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1984 Touchscreen: The Inside Story on HP’s Newest Personal Computer

  • HP 9845C desktop computers used for special effects in movie “War Games.” 2
  • HP 150 personal computer puts company in fiercely competitive market; if it doesn’t succeed, will hamper HP’s overall performance. 3 7
  • Still making HP’s original product for 45 years, the 200A audio oscillator. 8 9
  • HP 2100 on board NASA weather observatory flights. 11 13
  • HP donated 10 HP-86 PCs to San Diego school to improve computer literacy. 14
  • Colorado Ballet uses HP Series 200 computer and 7585 plotter. 15
  • HP employee picnic in Frankfurt, Germany. 15
  • Computer security hot topic; HP forms permanent subcommittee on computer security. 16 19
  • HP 280 Rappaport-Sprague stethoscopes best in class. 20 21
  • John Young discusses board’s Far East tour and year-end results. 22-23
  • HP Labs established in Stoke Gifford, England. 24
  • HP has new program to lease equipment. 24
  • New products include HP 1000 Model A600 computer, 2250 software, 41CX calculator, 3577A network analyzer, 3092A/3093A industrial terminals, VisiCalc program. 24

March-April 1984 YHP’s Battle for Worldwide Competitiveness

  • HPDESK plays big role in company’s internal message strategy. 2
  • Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard (YHP) 20 years in Japan; wins Deming Prize award for all-around quality in Japanese industry; YHP is mix of Japanese and American business styles. 3 9
  • HP International Users Group “fan club”; computer groups provide valuable feedback. 10 12
  • HP Way insert (8 pages)- “There’s Something Special About This Place.”
  • Ergonomics; West German government regulation requires display units with detached keyboard, which leads to design change of HP’s computers; HP dispels fears about radiation emissions from terminals; primer on ergonomically correct terminal setup. 14 17
  • HP 27 handheld calculator used by California podiatrist to develop mathematical models to explain bunion and forefoot deformities. 19
  • New building for HP in Boeblingen, Germany. 19
  • HP’s corporate cashier invests HP’s excess operating funds. 20-21
  • John Young reflects on future of company’s culture. 23
  • HP and Samsung announce joint venture to develop and manufacture HP products in Korea. 24
  • HP places third among 250 largest U.S. companies by Fortune magazine. 24
  • New products include HP 8510 network analyzer, HP 7586B drafting plotter, HP 78720A arrhythmia monitoring system, 78532A monitor/terminal. 24

May-June 1984 The Echo Eaters of Cupertino

  • Oakland A’s use HP 3000 for ticket operations, accounting and marketing applications. 3 5
  • HP in Singapore; site has 2,500 employees in manufacturing; labor shortages in the 70s improved to substantial gains in skill levels; HP Singapore in the forefront of moving to more automation, low-tech to high-tech. 6 10
  • Annual shareholders’ meeting is “more like an extended family than official meeting” says John Young. 11
  • HP avoids layoffs through employment ups and downs; Hewlett reflects on how Great Depression affected his and Packard’s views on how to run a company; did not want to run a hire-and-fire operation. 12 13
  • Striking French truck drivers blocked HP’s computer facility in Grenoble, France. 14
  • Walter Cronkite visits HP to learn how automation is changing the company. 15
  • HPSA cuts classical records. 15
  • Every HP computer product must meet FCC regulations for EMI (electromagnetic interference) levels; HP simplifies and automates procedure to create new home for EMI testing—a semi-anechoic chamber. 16-19
  • Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf visits HP in Palo Alto and Cupertino. 21
  • John Young defines 10 strategic issues for fiscal year. 22-23
  • New products include HP 7550A graphics plotter, 7090A measurement plotting system, 4951A protocol analyzer, 4937A transmission impairment measurement set. 24

July-August 1984 UK’s David Baldwin: Architect of Success

  • HP IC experts travel to 52 divisions to present capabilities of company’s six IC centers. 2
  • HP in UK; HP adds 700 jobs to Queensferry, Scotland; HP growth in UK evident in sales, manufacturing, research and increased corporate prestige; HP’s first office software activity. 3 9
  • HP packages world’s best-selling game software for HP 150 and 110. 10
  • Customers who sign up for HP 3000 training courses get ticket to world’s fair. 10
  • HP garage appears in cartoon in San Jose Mercury News. 11
  • HP 3000 computer used in German elections. 11
  • Organization chart shows new corporate structure. 12 13
  • Matrix management; teamwork imperative. 14 15
  • Entrepreneurial alumni; HP employees who’ve left to start their own firms. 16-19
  • HP crossword puzzle contest. 20 21
  • John Young discusses recent organizational changes and their effect on the company. 23
  • HP announces joint venture in China and Mexico. 24
  • The Medical Group, Sunnyvale, Calif., manufacturer of ultrasound equipment became the HP Sunnyvale Medical Operation. 24
  • HP Labs reorganized. 24

September-October 1984 HP Down Under

  • HP operations in Australia and New Zealand. 3 7
  • HP’s customer telephone response centers; company created database of all software questions and solutions known to HP, which is available to support engineers. 8 9
  • HP’s Computer User’s Catalog dates back to the 1940s and is printed in five languages. 11 13
  • Just in Time (JIT), Japanese manufacturing process: bring just enough material directly from supplier to production, make one product at a time(instead of pushing batches through each stage), stop the line when anything goes wrong. 14 17
  • Cardiologist programs HP-15C to evaluate patients for heart conditions. 18
  • HP competes in Corporate Cup National Championships in San Jose. 19
  • Answers to HP crossword puzzle contest. 19
  • HP offers leasing program to help customers acquire equipment; makes sales easier. 20 22
  • John Young stresses importance of marketing. 23
  • HP Hellas is new entity in Athens, Greece. 24

November-December 1984 HP: Behind the Scenes at the Summer Games

  • Len Cutler of HP Labs’ Physical Sciences Lab awarded Morris Leeds Award from IEEE for contributions to advanced time standards. 2
  • HP involved in Olympic games in Los Angeles; performed all drug tests; used HP 150 to do daily smog graphs printed on HP 7475 plotter. 3 5
  • HP in the Netherlands and Belgium. 6 10
  • HP’s profit-sharing program helps company’s corporate objective that employees should share in company’s success. 11
  • Doctoral student at University of Calif., San Diego, uses HP portable computer for field work in New Guinea. 12
  • HP plotter used in study of Stradivarious violins. 13
  • Winners of HP crossword puzzle contest. 13
  • HP designs workstations to accommodate left-handed users. 13
  • Museum Science & Industry in Los Angeles asks HP to provide vision of factory of the future. 14 16
  • HP Touchscreen computer used by Italian voters on Fiat plant. 17
  • Motorola’s first Quality Award given to HP. 18 19
  • Data codes part of “corporate glue” that holds HP divisions together; uniform and timely information available throughout company. 20 21
  • John Young discusses survey of employee attitudes. 23

1983 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1983 The Road to 1989

  • HP gets award from Calif. Governor’s Committee for Employment of Handicapped. 2
  • HP products behind the scenes at Disneyland, including HP 85 computers; products on display at two park pavilions at Disney’s EPCOT Center. 3-5
  • Yokogawa HP awarded Japanese industry’s highest award, the Deming Prize. 6-8
  • Speculation about the workplace, work force, marketplace as company moves toward fiftieth anniversary in 1989. 9-16
  • HP sales office in Honolulu celebrates tenth anniversary. 18
  • Celebration of shipment of 10,000th HP 3000 computer. 18
  • HP employee uses HP 87 and 9872 plotter to enter computer-generated art in exhibit. 19
  • Seniors who choose to work after age 65. 20-22
  • John Young evaluates operating results for FY82. 23
  • New products include HP 9000 line of 32-bit technical computers; HP 5970A is HP’s first standalone mass-selective detector. 24

March-April 1983 The Maple Leaf: Big, Broad and Colorful — Just Like the Canada it Represents

  • Stanford’s Fred Terman, “father of Silicon Valley” and professor of Hewlett and Packard, dies at 82. 2
  • HP Canadians discuss relationship with U.S. organization and prevalence of U.S. economy on their own sales activities. 3 7
  • Exceptional children of HP people are highlighted. 8 10
  • HP’s biggest product, facility, profit-sharing percentage. 12 13
  • Program to develop long-term relationships with major customers to increase their productivity through computer solutions; Manufacturer’s Productivity Network (MPN) allows companies to link computer applications and resources throughout its organization. 14 17
  • Andover Division starts mini clinical internships for employees who design, market, manufacture division’s products. 18
  • HP 75 used to measure static and dynamic stress factors of da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.” 18
  • Hewlett-Packard Journal, in its 34th year, chronicles HP’s technical accomplishments. 20-22
  • John Young plays leading role in Computer Groups’ major account program. 23
  • Computer Groups is reorganized. 24
  • HP ranks close behind IBM as “most admired” company according to Fortune magazine. 24
  • New products include HP 2627A color graphics terminal, 8180A data generator, 8182A data analyzer, 4955A protocol analyzer, 1630A/D logic analyzer. 24

May-June 1983 A Profile of HP’s President

  • John Young’s first five years as CEO of HP and biography. 3 7
  • HP’s 25th year of growth and history in Europe; one-third of HP sales come from Europe; HP’s senior vice president of international operations, Bill Doolittle, retires. 8 10
  • Visit by Queen Elizabeth to HP’s Cupertino facility. 11
  • Pay-as-we-grow is HP’s policy of self-financed growth rooted in belief that success must be solidly based on performance; policy is a matter of corporate philosophy and is reflected in management practices. 12 15
  • HP replaces part for lung function monitor in Australia in record time. 16
  • HP runners model running gear for Runners Magazine. 16
  • HP matches employee contributions for relief fund for fire victims in Australia. 17
  • HP’s Waltham Division helps community theatre company affected by arson fire. 17
  • HP 250 computer used on containership, the President Lincoln. 17
  • NBC’s Today show host, Jane Pauley, visits HP in Palo Alto. 19
  • Technical training uses interactive video; self-paced learning. 20 22
  • John Young describes changes in HP’s European facilities over the last 25 years. 23
  • Hewlett elected to newly created position of vice chairman of the board. 24
  • New products include Series 200 36C technical computer, model 20 modular instrument controller, 1090 liquid chromatograph. 24

July-August 1983 Programmed for Independence

  • HP employee prevents fraud; saves company $20,000. 2
  • HP’s efforts to improve R&D; recommendations/findings of task force formed in 1981: better tools for engineers, importance of strategic planning, attention to motivation and moral, lack of R&D management training, need for corporate office of engineering. 3 7
  • Computer training for disabled and HP’s involvement in the program in Berkeley, Calif. 8 11
  • New organization chart; changes in Personal Computation Group; broadens responsibilities of Management Council. 12 13
  • Reasons for computer group reorganization. 14
  • Quality and productivity improvements; how HP employees are making the best even better. 15
  • Labs has beer bust to celebrate groundbreaking of new building in Palo Alto. 18
  • HP makes cash grants to non-profit National Energy Foundation to improve science literacy in U.S. 18
  • HP ultrasound equipment used to diagnose heart problem of thoroughbred race horse in France. 19
  • HP 3054A and HP 85 help scientists analyze Venezuela’s sugar cane. 19
  • Measure magazine celebrates twentieth year of publication. 20-21
  • John Young evaluates operating results for first half of FY83. 23
  • HP acquires Canadian firm, Panacom Automation. 24
  • New products include HP 3000 Series 68, 48, 42. 24

September-October 1983 Preparing Tomorrow’s Talent

  • Logic analyzer replaces oscilloscope to measure digital electronic systems. 2
  • Examining HP’s newest Latin American manufacturing plants in Puerto Rico and Mexico; tax incentives primary reason HP came to Puerto Rico along with availability, quality of work force; reason for HP in Mexico was to survive in the Mexican marketplace and its introduction of import restrictions. 3 5
  • Most important factor in sustaining growth is new recruits and new research—-neither produced without considerable investments in facilities, equipment, teachers; HP contributes $23 million in 1983 to universities; HP recruits college graduates. 9 16
  • Success as business connected to customer satisfaction. 13-14
  • HP’s contributions to the space shuttle and space program in general. 15-17
  • HP donates 15 PCs to mobile computer classes for Calif. Schools. 19
  • Focus on branch business managers running HP sales offices. 20-22
  • John Young discusses importance of customer satisfaction. 23
  • HP board declares a two-for-one stock split. 24
  • HP and Genentech announce joint venture company to develop instrumentation and computer systems for bioengineering research. 24
  • John Young named by White House to chair President’s Commission on Industrial Competitiveness. 24
  • New products include HP 7475A graphics plotter, 1347A HP-IB display, HCPL-4100 transmitter, HCPL4200 receiver, 4062A test system, super-bright LED display. 24

November-December 1983 Automation at HP: Will It Be a Friendly Fit?

  • HP replaces 3000 computer of Houston’s Buffalo Business Products after it’s destroyed by hurricane. 2
  • Discussion about the place of automation at HP; wherever robots help produce higher quality, more cost-effective products is where they belong. 3 7
  • HP’s fleet of seven airplanes flies employees to various HP sites; saves time. 8 10
  • HP in Boblingen has eat-now, pay-later computer system in cafeteria. 12
  • HP 41CV handheld computer used in first Brazilian expedition to Antarctica. 13
  • Emphasis on software to make hardware more user friendly and for profitability; acquisition of software written by other companies. 14 16
  • Systems marketing center saves sales force time and frustration by bringing together technical and strategic computer sales support into one organization. 17 19
  • Lucas films uses HP 9826 desktop computer for special effects in “Star Wars” trilogy. 20 21
  • Hamburg sales office year-long public relations effort. 22
  • John Young explains new executive committee, Management Council. 23
  • HP and Yokogawa-Hokushin Electric Corp. agreement increases HP’s percentage of HP-Yokogawa from 49-75 percent. 24
  • New products include new microwave signal generators (8673C, 8673D, 8683D, 8684D), HP 6901S data acquisition and control system, 13 new office automation products; 5890A gas chromatograph. 24

1982 – MEASURE Magazine

January-February 1982 HP in the Pacific Northwest

  • HP Measure magazine has new editor, Brad Whitworth. 2
  • Sagging economy of Pacific Northwest dominated by lumbar; economy recovery with help from HP and growing electronics industry. 2 7
  • Definition of “target,” “goal” and “objective.” 8
  • Chart of highlights and successes of 1981; organization chart. 9 16
  • Greeley Division produces two products—-9134 and 9135 Winchester drives—-in record time of 14 weeks. 17
  • Corporate objectives revised to emphasize elements of increasing importance in HP’s business. 20 22
  • John Young discusses revised corporate objectives. 23
  • HP’s Santa Rosa facility won grand prize for outstanding plant engineering program; HP-IL interface loop introduced; new products include HP 9836A desktop computer with larger CRT, HP 1360 graphics system. 24

March-April 1982 Computer Graphics: Signs of our Times

  • Computers to solve inventory problems. 2
  • Computer graphics simplify the process of ingesting and analyzing graphics data; HP is a leader in computer graphics. 3 7
  • Fifteen jobs that didn’t exist 15 years ago: industrial hygienist, TV lighting and set designer, clean room operator, and so on. 8 11
  • Noteworthy and interesting HP firsts from the company archives. 12 13
  • HP people caught in California flood and mudslides. 14 17
  • New formula for computer area sales organization: combine local resources with strong local responsibility. 18 19
  • HP 49er fans ship order to Cincinnati decorated with 49ers logo leading up to Super bowl between two cities. 20
  • Wells Fargo brings stage coach to Cupertino facility to celebrate installation of new onsite automated tellers. 20
  • Worldwide ham radio gathering. 21
  • John Young discusses revised corporate objectives. 23
  • HP establishes computer manufacturing facility in Mexico; HP announces agreement to market PCs and peripherals through ComputerLand Corp.; new products include HP-87 PC, HP 7470 color graphics plotter. 24

May-June 1982


July-August 1982 The People Growers

  • Volunteers plan HP picnics around the world. 2
  • Characteristics of “people growers” or mentors: sensitive to needs of others, offering challenging assignments, possessing healthy self-esteem. 3 6
  • Use of lab project names–code names rather than model numbers—-popular throughout the company. 7
  • HP Way is alive and well in South Africa; challenges of doing business in a society that is legally separated by race. 8 11
  • HP in high schools; career patterns set early in life; HP’s 1941 price list fit on one page, now 2500 pages of products calculated to cost $23,338,150. 16
  • Manufacturing Managers’ Council issues 10-point corporate manufacturing strategy. 17 19
  • John Young discusses first half FY82 results. 23
  • New products include ultrasound systems, HP 77020AC and HP77020AR; HP 4145A semiconductor parameter analyzer; HEDS-3200—HP’s first high-resolution digital wand. 24

September-October 1982 HP’s Health Advocates

  • HP nurses design programs to reduce back injuries, lower hypertension, lose weight; take blood pressure readings, give hearing tests, set up lung exams; counsel employees; offer classes, aerobic exercise, first-aid training. 3 6
  • HP’s board and corporate governance; HP’s standards include majority of directors from outside company for objectivity and variety of viewpoints and experience; other committees are auditing, compensation, employee benefits, investment, executive. 7 9
  • HP’s chip manufacturing clean rooms. 10 11
  • HP’s treasury staffs protect company from uncertainties of world currency market; translate local currencies to U.S. dollars. 12 15
  • Wineries use HP 3000 and 1000 business computers to handle payroll, inventory control, analysis in winery laboratories, and control bottling lines and fermentation; HP introduced Winery Productivity Network. 17 19
  • HP equipment used to check athletes for drugs at World Cup soccer tournament in Madrid. 20
  • Space shuttle preparation uses HP 3822A coordinate determination system. 20
  • John Young discusses highlights of recent tour of HP’s European facilities. 23
  • Four HP employees receive IEEE Society Award for innovation and implementation of the HP interface bus (HP-IB). 24
  • New products include slim-line programmable calculators (HP 15C, HP 16C. 24

November-December 1982 HP in Colorado

  • HP is Colorado’s largest industrial employer–-over 9,000 employees (concentration second only to Bay Area); in 1960s, HP is first large electronics firm to locate in a major facility in Colo. 3 9
  • Minority owned firms encouraged by HP. 11
  • Quality team at deburring shop, where aluminum parts are polished, create system to reduce noise by 84 decibels. 12 13
  • Article highlights current activities of founders Packard and Hewlett: keynote speaking, attending board meetings, accepting awards, serving on national science committee. 14 17
  • HP 9845B desktop and special program used to score competition of National Rifle Association. 19
  • HP receives European Steel Association award for the Waldbronn, Germany, building. 19
  • Does your computer speak French: local language software applications. 20 22
  • John Young reviews new books that mention HP. 23
  • Packard receives 1982 John Fritz Medal, highest award in engineering. 24
  • HP new products include 75C portable personal computer, 2700 series high-performance color graphics terminals and 8340A synthesized sweeper. 24