January 1950 v.1 n.5
Greater Reliability in UHF Impedance Measurements, by W. B. Wholey. 805A.
February 1950 v.1 n.6
A New 0.07-10 Microsecond General-Purpose Pulse Generator, by G. S. Kan. 212A.
March 1950 v.1 n.7
A New 10-500 Megacycle A-M Signal Generator, by H. E. Overacker. 608A.
April 1950 v.1 n.8
Direct Measurement of Impedance in the 50-500 MC Range, by Arthur Fong. 803A VHF, 417A VHF, 100-500 MC VHF Detector.
May 1950 v.1 n.9
Direct Reading UHF Power Measurements, by B. P. Hand. 430A, 475A, 475B.
June 1950 v.1 n.10
The Explanation for Certain Cathode-Follower Effects, by Brunton Bauer. 451A, 710A, 712A.
Extended-Range Metered Power Supply
July 1950 v.1 n.11
New 125-Volt Fast Pulse Amplifier, by N. B. Schrock. 460B.
August 1950 v.1 n.12
A New Monitor for FM Communications Services, by J. E. Stiles. 337BX.
New Aural and Video Monitors for TV Stations. 335C-D, 336C-D.
September 1950 v.2 n.1
A 3800-7600 MC Signal Generator Using a Parallel-Plane Type Resonator, by W. D. Myers. 618A.
October 1950 v.2 n.2
A 10 MC Scaler for Nuclear Counting and Frequency Measurement, by A. S. Bagley. 520A.
November 1950 v.2 n.3
The 700-Megacycle Voltmeter and Its Applications, by J. R. Petrak. 410B, 46A-95D, 452A, 453A, 455A, 458A, 459A.
Diode Replacement Kit Available for Model 410A
December 1950 v.2 n.4
A New Low-Power Klystron Supply, by J. R. Petrak. 715A.
Balanced Load Measurements with VHF Bridge, by W. B. Wholey. 803A VHF.
Repair of Hewlett-Packard Instruments
AIEE-IRE-NBS Conference on High Frequency Measurements