O – Oral History Collection

Oliver, Bernard More
[OLIVER1-NOR.doc]:  interview by Arthur L. Norberg, 8/9/85; softcopy transcript

(Note: 1952-1981

Oliver, Bernard More
[OLIVER2-NOR.doc]:  interview by Arthur L. Norberg continued, 4/14/86; softcopy transcript

Oliver, Bernard More
[OLIVER-91.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 3/26/91; softcopy transcript

[OSBORNE.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcript – unedited; hardcopy (only) interview transcription with initial edits; supporting documents; photos

L – Oral History Collection

LaBarre, Larry
[LABARRE.doc]:  speeches/tributes from memorial service for LaBarre 1/18/94, softcopy transcript – edited

Lee, Ralph
[LEE.doc]:  interview by Al Bagley 12/7/90, softcopy transcript

Liu, Chining & Alan Bickell
[LIU-KL-1&2.doc]:  interview by Karen Lewis 1/18/96, softcopy transcript (HP in China)

Liu, Chining & Alan Bickell
[LIU-KL-3&4.doc]:  interview continued by Karen Lewis 1/18/96, softcopy transcript (HP in China)

Liu, Chining
[LIU-01&02.doc]:  interview 11/24/95, softcopy transcript – edited (trying to establish a market in China)

Liu, Chining
[LIU-03&04.doc]:  interview 1/14/96, softcopy transcript – edited

Liu, Chining
[LIU-05&06.doc]:  interview 1/14/96, softcopy transcript – edited

Liu, Chining
[LIU-07&08.doc]:  interview 1/14/96, softcopy transcript – edited

Liu, Chining
[LIU-09&10.doc]:  interview 1/14/96, softcopy transcript – edited (HP Board visits China 1983)

Liu, Chining
[LIU-13&14.doc]:  interview 1/30/96, softcopy transcript – edited (management of the people of CHP)

Liu, Chining
[LIU-11&12.doc]:  interview 1/30/96, softcopy transcript – edited (management of the people of CHP)

H – Oral History Collection

Hackborn, Richard
[HACKBORN.doc]:  interview by Alan Bagley 10/24/95, softcopy transcript

Hackborn, Richard
[HACKBORNDP.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby and Karen Lewis (for HP Way) 7/21/94, softcopy transcript

Hackborn, D 
[DH24.doc]:  transcript continued (pp 24-25)

Hammond, Don
[HAMMOND.doc]:  interview by Alan Bagley 10/25/90 and 11/1/90, softcopy transcript

Hammond, Don
[DAMMOND-kl.doc]:  interview by Karen Lewis 11/25/96, softcopy transcript

(Note: R&D)

Harrison, Bill
[HARRISON.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcript – unedited; hardcopy (only) interview transcription with initial edits; supporting documents

(Note: Started Harrison Lab, acquired by HP 1961; retired 1965)

Hartke, Dexter
[HARTKE.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcript – unedited; hardcopy (only) interview transcription with initial edits

(Note: Engineer; came to HP 1950)

Hewlett, Bill
[Stanford_Hewlett_Interview.pdf]:  interview by A. Michal McMahon 11/27/84 for the Frederick E. Terman Associates Collection; abstract; softcopy transcript (edited)

(Note: “…attempts to focus on the background of Hewlett’s connections with Stanford, his relationship with Terman and Dr. Fred Sterling, and HP’s interest in educational programs…”)

Hewlett, Bill
[HEWLETT.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 5/14/91, softcopy transcript

Hewlett, Bill
[HEWLETT-DKL.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby and Karen Lewis 10/24/96, softcopy transcript

Hewlett, Bill & Dave Packard
[H&P1.doc]:  Bill and Dave interview each other about the history of HP 8/26/80, softcopy transcript of audio portion of videotape

Hewlett, Bill & Dave Packard
[H&P2.doc]:  Bill and Dave interview each other, softcopy transcript

Hewlett, Bill & Dave Packard
[H&P3.doc]:  Bill and Dave interview each other 3/18/81, softcopy transcript

Hewlett, Bill & Dave Packard
[H&P4.doc]:  Bill and Dave interview each other 5/21/81, softcopy transcript

Hewlett, Bill & Dave Packard
[H-scvha.doc]:  interview by John McLaughlin (Santa Clara Valley Historical Association) for book Making of Silicon Valley 10/28/93, softcopy transcript

Hunt, Myron
[HUNT.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcription with initial edits

(Note: Moseley, Division Sales Manager)

G – Oral History Collection

Girdner, Bill
[GIRDNER.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcript – unedited; hardcopy (only) interview transcription with initial edits; supporting documents

Glaser, Dr. Robert J.
[GLASER.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 1/14/92, softcopy transcript – edited

Glaser, Dr. Robert J.
[GLASER2.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 1/14/92, softcopy transcript

[GODWIN.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcript – unedited; hardcopy (only) interview transcription with initial edits; supporting documents

(Note: Began on the Assembly 1942; production supervisor; retired 1978)

Grimm, Robert
[GRIMM.doc]: interview by Alan Bagley 11/13/91, softcopy transcript

F – Oral History Collection

Finch, Nate
[FINCH1.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 9/24/90, softcopy transcript

(Note: Consulting attorney; lawyer for Packard Foundation)

Finch, Nate
[FINCH2.doc]:  follow-up interview by Dave Kirby 10/19/90, softcopy transcript

Fluke, John M.
[FLUKE.doc]:  hardcopy (only) interview transcript – unedited; see folder 2 for support material

(Note: Founder and chairman of John Fluke Mfg. Co.)

Fong, Art
[FONG.doc]:  interviews by Alan Bagley 8/22/90 and 8/30/90, softcopy transcript

E – Oral History Collection

Ehrlich, Joseph
[EHRLICH.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 2/4/97, softcopy transcript

Ehrlich, Joseph
[EHRLICH2.doc]:  follow-up interview by Dave Kirby 8/12/97, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-1.doc]:  interview by Al Bagley 6/2/98, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-2.doc]:  interview continued by Al Bagley 6/2/98, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-3.doc]:  interview by Al Bagley 7/21/98, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-4.doc]:  interview continued by Al Bagley 7/21/98, softcopy transcript