E – Individuals File Guide

Eaton, John
[VP for Corporate Development]: Corporate Development org chart 12/12/02; interview where portfolio management, venture capital and high-growth strategy are discussed, 3/00; interview with Rach Wagner discussing Stratos, Agilent growth strategy, 5/01; photo removed

Edmonson, Harold C.
[Director of Corporate Manufacturing]: retirement memo 4/1/92; presentation at APICS on “New Technology:Industrial Renaissance,” 11/3/83; HP Management Council committee membership lists

Egbert, Jacob H.
[General Manager, EEsof Div.]: résumé, incl. internal news memos (Eesof, a Division of the Microwave and Communications Group created from an acquired company that developed computer-aided engineering software used to design high-frequency systems, circuits and devices)

Eldred, W. Noel
[Executive VP; Director]: death announcement 11/30/70; remembrance (Noel Porter?) from Measure 1/71; notes from WRH upon hearing of Eldred’s death, 11/30/70; eulogy by Noel “Ed” Porter in Watt’s Current 12/70; notes on California electronics industry, 6/7/65; speech to WEMA marketing seminar, 3/31/61; “A New Type of Slotted Line Section” by W. Bruce wholey and WNE, 3/50; pre-HP biography from Watt’s Current 7/26/46;

Elwell, Cyril Frank “Cy”
[radio pioneer, HP employee]: obituary, ???;; biography “Radio Telegraph & Telphone Pioneer 1909-1959,” by Felix Rosa; “Cy Elwell Story” pt.1-2 by Elwell in Wire & Radio Communications, 1959; WESCON recognizes Elwell with “Pioneer of Western Electronics” honors 8/57; draft talk on the history of radio by Elwell to AIEE, 4/8/57; IRE Australia makes Elwell “Honorary Life Member”, 1954; biography in Watt’s Current, when Elwell came to work for HP (while in his 60’s), 3/52

Ely, Paul:
PE’s remarks to New York Times (August 1983) touches on inventory, computer business, employee turnover;

Ergueta, Taia:
Named Senior Director of Business Development, 10/09/01

Evans, Jane:
comments on HP-Compaq merger, 11/25/01; inducted into Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame, 11/23/98; “Breaking New Ground: First Woman BSEE Grad from SJ State University Makes Her Mark at HP,” Silicon Valley Engineer Magazine 11/89; elected Fellowof the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), 4/7/88; photo of JE, product manager for software data acquisition systems, 11/70; résumé, incl. internal news memos

E – Oral History Collection

Ehrlich, Joseph
[EHRLICH.doc]:  interview by Dave Kirby 2/4/97, softcopy transcript

Ehrlich, Joseph
[EHRLICH2.doc]:  follow-up interview by Dave Kirby 8/12/97, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-1.doc]:  interview by Al Bagley 6/2/98, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-2.doc]:  interview continued by Al Bagley 6/2/98, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-3.doc]:  interview by Al Bagley 7/21/98, softcopy transcript

Ely, Paul
[ELY-4.doc]:  interview continued by Al Bagley 7/21/98, softcopy transcript