Box 3 Q-Z

3/89   “Q” Miscellaneous Folder

Quality Information Systems Product Processes Organization, “How Information Systems Contribute to Becoming Customer Centered” with attached letter from Lew Platt calling it “an outstanding document” which “captures the essence of what we have recently learned by benchmarking other companies…also contains some interesting best practices from inside HP.”

Worldwide Quality Conference for HP General Managers and Quality Managers, Santa Clara; Hewlett declined invitation to attend

Coffee Pot Talk Q1’94 – slides and talking points from Roy Verley, Corporate Communications; the page on orders and earnings has been marked for WRH

3/90   “R” Miscellaneous Folder


Lew Platt announced Wim Roelandt’s becoming CEO of Xilinx, a San Jose, California-based semiconductor manufacturer, beginning 1/11/96.  This is followed by two memos outlining the changes in HP without him: “…It’s almost impossible to catalog Wim’s many contributions to HP over a career that spanned 29 years.  He joined the company in 1967 as a service engineer in Belgium and then moved to Grenoble, France, to hold positions in product support and R&D.  He was named general manager in 1984 and was promoted to the position of general manager of the information Networks Group a year later.  During this period he led HP’s networking program to a position of recognized strength, making a pivotal early decision to go with the standards-based approach that has served both HP and its customers so very well over the years.  Wim was elected a vice president in 1988 and became general manager of the former Computer Systems Group later that year.  When the Computer Systems Organization (CSO) was formed in 1990, Wim took responsibility for its Networked Systems Group.  He was named general manager of the Computer Systems Organization in 1992 and was elected a senior vice president in 1993.  Under Wim’s leadership, CSO achieved record growth rates and profitability in a tumultuous industry environment.  The continued momentum of our UNIX-systems business, the success of ‘middleware’ products like HP Open View, the growing customer recognition that HP is ‘a safe bet’–these and countless other accomplishments owe much to Wim’s technical acumen, leadership skills and dedication…”

Reporter issues for Jan./Feb. 1986, Sept./Oct. 1986.  In the former on page 10 there is a picture of Dave Packard congratulating his executive secretary Margaret Paull on her 25 years of service at the Service Awards luncheon in Dec. 1985

3/91     HP – Reorganization 10/90

HP Press Alert on Dave Packard’s recent 20-minute telephone interview on the recent reorganization to the San Jose Mercury News, 10/22.  “Roy Verley monitored the interview and said he thought it went well–lots of positive statements about the reorganization, John Young and HP’s future.  Packard also made a few frank statements of ‘bureaucracy’ problems.” [see 10/29 below for problems with newspaper story]

John Young and Jack Brigham to WRH and Packard on ideas on possible directors with a list and resumes

David Packard to HP Board members John B. Fery, T. A. Wilson, Harold J. Haynes, Paul F. Miller, Jay Keyworth, Walter Hewlett, and David Woodley Packard asking them to serve on “a board committee on long-range Strategic Planning…to provide advice and counsel for John Young and his team…”  Mission, membership, activities, and schedule are spelled out

Newsgram on “HP Realigns Computer & T&M Activities, Creates Chief Executive Office”

John Young to General Managers re “Organization Changes,” 5 pages

Recap of Dick Hackborn’s visit to Sunnyvale site

Jack Brigham to Dave Packard re special board resolution needed to authorize continued service for T. A. Wilson past age 70.  “We took identical action for Shozo Yokogawa and of course have adopted similar resolutions with respect to your continued Board service.”


T. A. Wilson to WRH with Strategic Planning Committee’s report to the Board, 4 pages.  The Committee “has heard from essentially all elements of the HP organization…impressed with caliber of people…Hewlett-Packard is unique in that the founders and major stockholders…are knowledgeable, lucid, and active…Hewlett and Packard attended a substantial number of meetings….We end our assignment with the same general recognition that we had, in a less defined way, at the outset: the computer systems side of the business has not in the last 5 years met the lofty goals that HP has set and which, to a large extent, they have met in other areas for a considerable period of time…except for peripherals, HP has not developed a highly competitive product on a sustained basis.  From the Committee’s standpoint, there is a lack of a clear, unifying vision of what are HP’s intended niches in the computer market…The computer business has had an awkward organization…John Young has realigned the computer business in a way that should remove most organizational impediments to the quality and execution of the strategic plan.  HP Laboratories continues to have great capability…management must work even harder to insure that the full benefit of such an organization is realized…”

HP Corporate Org Chart

Roy Verley to Dave Packard on San Jose Mercury News story which ran 10/29. The paper has agreed to run a correction to their story, “Can David Packard Save HP?”  1) HP is not “beset by financial crisis” and does not have a “crisis of its balance sheet.”  2) Packard’s role in day-to-day management was overstated–John Young remains CEO and is managing the company.  3) HP is not “laying off employees.”  4) The paper will acknowledge that HP doesn’t have to be “saved” in the manner implied by its headline.  “Given the magnitude of today’s article, we’re asking that the correction be given prominent placement.”

San Francisco Chronicle article on Douglas Chance leaving HP to join Octel Communications Corp, as president and CEO

John Young’s announcement to HP employees about organizational changes

3/92     HP – Reorganization

“UBS Securities” 11/29/91, 3/4/92

Upside June 1991, “Back to Basics at Hewlett-Packard” by Eric Nee, pp. 38-42, 68-73; cover drawing of cartoon with Bill and Dave

Many news articles on 1990 reorganization

San Jose Mercury News interview with Dave Packard: “Can David Packard Save HP?” and their article with corrections 10/30/90: “Setting the Record Straight.  Because of an editor’s error [sic], stories and headlines about Hewlett-Packard Co. in Monday’s Mercury News may have caused confusion about the company’s financial position and management.  The company remains solidly profitable.  While Chairman David Packard has become much more active in the company’s affairs, John Young remains its chief executive.”

3/93     HP Retired Employees Club 1981, 1989-99

1999 holiday card signed by many retirees including Dave Kirby

Various invitations to parties and picnics; mainly WRH sent regrets

HP Retired Employees Club Directory, February 1998; also one dated January 1991

Issues of the HPREC News 1996-98

HP Retiree Volunteers, No. 8-12, March 1997 – June 1998

The HP Company Store Catalog, 1996

Vision and Purpose of the HP Retiree Volunteers, part of 8/10/94 invitation to luncheon

HPREC Inc. list of officers and board members

HPREC presented WRH with honorary life membership in this club; membership card attached [nice exhibit item]; also attached are Club “Guidelines” and “By-Laws,” 3 pages.  Club was first organized 4/4/79

3/94     Retirement Information 1993-94

list of HP employees retiring

retirement party for Cort Van Rensselaer after 45 year career

retirement party for George Newman after 36 years


Bob Wayman on Newman’s retirement: “…It will be hard for many of us to imagine the finance and treasury functions without George.  He has made many core contributions that have defined treasury management at HP, and those will continue to serve us well for many years to come.  His judgment and style have done much to earn HP its reputation for financial integrity.  The mark George leaves on HP goes beyond the Treasury function he’s headed since 1984.  Joining HP at the age of 21 in 1957, he played key roles in the start-up of Hewlett-Packard Ltd. in the U.K. and of YHP, where he served as vice president from 1965-68.  He has served as director of Intercontinental, general manager of HP’s Data Systems Division, and general manager of the Calculator Products Group…”  Newsgram 6/4/93 has announcement of Newman’s retirement and the appointment of Larry Tomlinson as successor

Joel Birnbaum on retirement of Marv Patterson “to become a senior partner in a newly created firm Innovation Resultants International…During his 20-year tenure with HP, Marv has held many key R&D positions.  He joined the company in 1973 at the San Diego Division, where he initiated the large format drafting plotter product line and led the development effort that brought the HP Labs grit wheel technology to market.  In 1988 Marv became director of Corporate Engineering, with responsibility for identifying the best R&D practices within and outside HP to improve the company’s engineering effectiveness.  He has also been a member of HP’s Management Council.  In January of this year, Marv became the first Director, R&D Operations, to assist me in my various duties as Vice President of Research and Development.  In this capacity, he also served on the newly created MC2 Council.”

3/95     HP – Retirement Letters (Managers) 1986-97

Franz Newratil, HP-Switzerland, announced Franco Mariotti’s retirement after nearly 37 years at HP.  Lew Platt, Alan Bickell and Lee Ting will be at retirement party in Geneva on 2/5; WRH sent “a profound thank you for the tremendous contributions you have made to HP Europe.”  Major front page article on Franco Mariotti in Journal de Geneve et Gazette de Lausanne 2/5/97

WRH letters to retirees and those going on to other jobs:

John Moll

“…has been an icon in the semiconductor industry for more than four decades.  His pioneering work at Bell Labs in the early ‘50s led to the identification of silicon as the most appropriate material for semiconductors.”

Art Young

Starting his own company, Benelytics with HR services, Santa Clara

Hank Taylor            HP’s Corporate Network Services Manager

35 years at HP

Charles “Bill” Richion

HP Vice President, CSO’s manager for Global Partners; 31 years at HP

Nobuo Mikoshibs

Director HP Labs Japan since 1990

Jim Hacker

Corporate Security Manager; 15 years at HP

Marshall Himer

Manager of U.S. Field Personnel Operations; 35 years


Ray Smelek

Mass Storage Group; 37 years at HP

Charles House

Leaving to become Senior VP of Product Marketing and Development for Informix, Menlo Park; 29 years at HP; good letter from House to WRH on The HP Way and WRH’s “critical assessment and twinkling eye,” he writes, “from the day of describing why a computer graphics box seemed like a good idea in Colorado Springs…”

David Baldwin

Leaving HP Europe to chair UK committee on exports; 30 years at HP: “You were at the helm during some very turbulent years and certainly distinguished yourself in the eyes of all, including your own government”

Jim Barton

New Jersey Division; 37 years at HP

Chung Tung                                                             Software Engineering Systems Div.

28 years at HP; joining Mentor Graphics.  He wrote WRH: “[I am] full of precious memories of HP Lab days in developing HP9100 and, of course, our shared dream of pocket calculator days…”  Snapshot of him receiving the 6-pack of beer from Tilman Schad “by lucky guess it was Coors which was the same brand Mr. Hewlett gave him many years ago”

Bill Misson

Development engineer in Boise Printer Division; joined HP in 1957

Dennis Raney

Director of Corporate Real Estate; 23 years at HP; joining Bristol-Myers Squibb

Chining Liu

Going to create a joint venture software company in Shanghai called Huatek Company; 25 years at HP

Harold “Hal” Edmondson

37 years at HP

Aldo Dossola

HP Employees Federal Credit Union; 25 years at HP

Ben Holmes

VP/GM Medical Products Group; 34 years at HP

Rod Carlson

Corp. Grants; 35 years at HP

John Doyle

Exec. VP; 34 years at HP.  WRH: “I remember the John Doyle who was given the Swedish Air Force job to straighten out…” Doyle’s warm reply

Maria Bilzer

“the infamous ‘Bilzer Report’ (the person) is retiring”; 30 years with HP

Richard Landes

23 years at HP

Art Darbie

Fort Collins; 36 years at HP; warm letter to WRH


Ken Capen

Personnel Manager; 24 years at HP

LaJune Bush

Govn’t Affairs; full-time consulting; 11 years at HP

Tom Christiansen

Govn’t Affairs; 35 years at HP

Nancy Thoman

30 years at HP

Dominick Perry

letter from his wife Mary S. Perry thanking WRH

Malcolm Gissing

HP Canada; 25 years.  WRH told him at the job interview for President/GM Canada “you are a little bit green but I think you’ll do fine”

Steve Buer

37 years at HP

Bob Grimm

Letter to WRH thanking him for coming to retirement party; 35 years at HP: “I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to start new operations: Dynac/Dymec, 2116A computer manufacturing, Systems Division, IC research laboratory, and the manufacturing research center.  I also very much appreciate your support and encouragement in my participation in community activities.”

Al Bagley

WRH wrote:  “You know how we all feel about Al, and I will surely regret having to miss this one; especially since I could not attend the party at Corporate the other day.”

Paul Stoft

Warm letter to WRH

Emery Rogers

Norm Schrock

44 years at HP; HP Aviation Dept, flew folks to Colorado Springs from San Jose; WRH attended

Dave Weindorf

22 years at HP

3/96     HP – Retirement Letters (Employees) 1985-2000


Mollie Yoshizumi: “Mr. Hewlett no longer comes into the office and has asked me to send this message to you on his behalf” [This is the standard thank you Yoshizumi sent to employees who wrote WRH in the last few years; mainly they were thanked for their loyal dedication and many contributions to the success of HP.]  Yoshizumi wrote that while composing these letters, she copied WRH’s old letters when he was still actively involved in the company so letters are in “Mr. Hewlett’s own words” and “comes from the heart.”  In addition, she wrote many letters to employees retiring after lengthy years of service.  This folder has biographical and employment history on some of these employees.  Some letters were handled by Judy Arluck, WRH’s secretary in years between Yoshizumi’s first and second period in the position.  Among the many warm personal letters from employees thanking WRH for HP are these:

Larry Dykas to WRH: “…Many years ago, I worked at the New Jersey Division in Rockaway, NJ as a technician on the production line.  My job was to do the final tuning on the HP-202.  During one of the visits that you and Dave made to the plant, you stopped by my station and actually helped to iron out a problem we were having with the 202.  It was probably the  most defining moment of my life at HP.”

Craig Hamer, Vancouver Printer Division, to WRH: “…During my almost 24  years with HP, I have been a part of a number of transitions within the company and my family and I have always been treated extraordinarily well…HP truly does look out for its people.  I could not have asked for a better overall company to spend my work life with.  I can’t tell you enough how much your efforts to create a wonderful company have meant to me and to my family…”

Jim Murrin, HP-Roseville, on Larry Mitchell’s retirement as Roseville Site Operations Manager after 29 years at HP.  In 1980 he “had the exciting opportunity to take his family to Puerto Rico to start up HP’s first operation there…In 1982, Larry returned to the U.S. to form the Roseville Terminals Division which later became the Roseville Personal Computer Division.  In this role, Larry was among the first to HP to begin to extensively utilize TQC methods and the Hoshin concept in business planning…”

Service Award Questionnaire filled out for Tony Pay with 30 years service.  “Tony was trained as a machinist in England, and came to the United States on his own.  He began his work for HP in Palo Alto, at the machine shop on Page Mill Road.  Tony considers his major contribution to be when he was asked to become the supervisor of the grinding shop in Palo Alto.  He considered this an honor because it was customary to choose one of the highest skilled operators for positions like this….Tony considers his history around computers to be an interesting one.  He remembers his past ‘immense dislike of computers’ very clearly.  He remembers that when John Young said that HP was going to have a future in the computer business, that ‘he must have been out of his head!’  Now, Tony has both a PC and a UNIX workstation on his desk…Tony, like many employees with this length of service, have [sic] many wonderful memories of Bill and Dave.  Tony recounted several.  He remembers after he had just been working at HP for a few weeks, when he was engrossed in a particularly difficult grinding job, and Dave Packard stopped by.  He said, ‘hi, how are you this morning?’ and ‘how do you like it here?’ and ‘How’s your family?’ and ‘Do you have any children?’  Tony remembers discussing this with his boss later, and asking that his boss try to keep people from disturbing him when he was trying to concentrate.  Then his boss told him that the interruption came from Dave Packard!  Tony remembers Dave as someone who got visibly excited when we got new machinery. He even remembers a photo of Dave with a big grin on his face, looking over a new piece of equipment.  Dave used to sit at a picnic bench in the shop, with his sleeves rolled up, talking with folks.  Tony also remembers the early HP picnics, where Bill and Dave and all HP employees attended at Little Basin.  It was clear to Tony how important children and family were to both Bill and Dave.”


Mike Drayton, HP-Sonoma, on Dick Whitten’s retirement after almost 42 years.  “Dick hired in to HP on June 20th, 1955, right after high school.  His first position was in the riveting and spotwelding dept….Dick graduated from the machinist apprenticeship program and became a Journeyman in 1966, at the hourly wage of $3.65.  In 1969, he became a tool designer, and moved into manufacturing engineering in 1970.  He became an engineering manager in 1980. One of Dick’s important accomplishments in recent years was developing AVX into a high-performing supplier for Sonoma County’s microcircuit business…”

Maria Barraza on the retirement of Mike Masko after almost 18 years.  “Mike started with HP in 1979 at the San Jose site in OED in the Building Services department.  In 1988 he joined the HP Labs Hazardous Materials group which is part of the Environmental Health and Safety Department.  He has been in this function from 1988 to the present.  In the Hazardous Materials group Mike has been performing a number of functions critical to the efficient and safe operations of HP Labs.  A primary duty has included monthly or quarterly inspections of the emergency equipment (showers/eyewashes for chemical spills and equipment for chemical spills, gas leaks, fires, earthquakes, etc.) to assure that it is always accessible and operable should an emergency arise.  These inspections are also required by company and regulatory standards and Mike has done a good job in meeting the deadline and recordkeeping aspects of those requirements.  Also he has worked on improving the amount and types of emergency response equipment that is available.  Mike also has been involved in chemical distribution, delivering chemical containers to the researchers and picking up the hazardous waste that is generated.  This activity carries significant potential risk to employees and the environment and Mike works very hard to assure that this risk is minimized.  In addition, chemical and hazardous waste handling are very highly regulated and Mike has done a good job in maintaining compliance…”

Eugene Crew, lawyer, to WRH:  “It has been awhile since I and my partner Jim Gilliland had the pleasure of meeting you to represent your personal interests in the San Francisco v. Giants of Tampa Bay litigation.  I am glad that it all worked out satisfactorily and still recall how impressed I was by you and, in particular, the reason you gave us for contributing to the San Francisco Giants’ cause even though you were not a serious baseball fan.  You said during our meeting, and I quote, ‘I wanted to make a contribution to my City.’  I was sincerely impressed by that noble sentiment.”


Frank Burkhard to Dave Packard on the occasion of 50 years working at HP:  “When I began at HP, you assigned me to the production test department, which was sort of a standard practice at the time.  I remember that Cap Stewart, who was the paymaster, assigned me the employee number ‘S145.’  However, all the other employees were numbered ‘O…’  I could see that this was the case because we all placed time cards in slots in a rack on the wall just inside the side door at 395 Page Mill and the employee numbers were all plainly visible.  Anyway, it bothered me that I was ‘S’ and everyone else was ‘O.’  I quietly asked a number of people and got various answers, none of which made much sense to me.  Cap himself said it meant he didn’t think I’d last very long.  Finally, after many months I got an answer from Elaine ‘Cookie’ Cook that the ‘O’ stood for ‘original’ and the ‘S’ stood for ‘second.’  In other words I was the second person to have the number ‘145.’  I was greatly relieved.  I have always appreciated being hired at HP.  And I have always appreciated your assigning such a young guy as myself to do the HP Journal, especially when many felt that anyone below the stature of Fred Terman couldn’t do a worthwhile job.  They just didn’t understand. I always knew from feedback from the field that the Journal was a more significant positive for HP than hardly anyone understood.”

Sumie Christopher to Packard and WRH:  “Since my arrival in the U.S. from Japan more than 30 years ago, my limited English reading and writing skills have presented many challenges.  I’ve struggled and worked hard to overcome those challenges.  For me, becoming acclimated with the American lifestyle was such a drastic change in culture that I felt much like a newborn baby, starting my life all over again.  I am greatly indebted and equally appreciative of Hewlett-Packard for providing me the opportunity twenty years ago to build a better life for me and my family.  Thanks to you, I’ve achieved far more than I ever imagined I could accomplish in my lifetime.  I am not speaking merely in terms of monetary wealth, which can be easily measured in dollars and cents, but more importantly in terms of something of greater value, the personal satisfaction that comes from working hard and the pride you take in that effort….During my two decades with HP I worked in Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Cupertino and Sunnyvale plants.  I consider myself lucky to have seen the future of American technology literally pass before my eyes.  I helped assemble the first generation of personal calculators produced by HP.  I can remember how everyone was amazed by these ‘state of the art’ machines, which are now quite primitive by today’s advanced standards.  In subsequent positions I helped to assemble keyboards, terminals and other computer-related parts and peripherals….Through the years I had the good fortune to work with a great group of people…”

Newsgram announcement of “VSI to be offered in North American Field Operations”

10/11/91 Emory Meeker to WRH on the occasion of retirement after 31 years at HP.  He named supervisors he admired–“A remarkable cross section of the people that provided me with the meaning of the HP Way and HP Values.  It is unfortunate that most of the current employees will only hear stories about the real HP.”  He remembered “Dave Packard in 1961 walking through the Bldg IL parking lot door with General Charles DeGaulle attired in his French Army uniform.  No secret service, no machine guns, no HP security guards, no chain fence around the plant!!!….[lists more names who “represent the HP values and spirit” and made HP “the place to be” in this industry.]  There is much talk about ‘HP will never be the same; business is changing, competitive pressures’ ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  I would suggest that HP values are the same–but we don’t have enough Dick Hackborns, Bob Frankenbergs, Bill Harrises and Alan Seelys to mentor and coach the ‘new kids’ whose values seemingly revolve around span of control, salary grade, titles, and Tauruses.  Us old timers are not a vanishing breed, just an outnumbered bred!…”


Glenn Herreman to WRH and Packard:  “…Many thanks for the stock option program for employees and the generous retirement program with health benefits. Before I joined HP and even after I had been with HP for many years, never, in my wildest imagination, did I ever dream that I could retire with the security, comfort and peace-of-mind that Clara and I are enjoying.  Retirement was February ‘83 and we are still going strong….My first supervisor was Rufe Kingman.  One of my early assignments was to make a progressive die for the very slow ‘Pacific Press.’  With each stroke, a flat strip of aluminum was fed into the press and a finished part, an angle with holes punched, went flying into a big box off to the side of the press.  I was involved with many other successful tooling projects before moving on to quality control/assurance to set up a gage calibration program.  Calibration gradually evolved into precision measurements for product development and finally our department became Mechanical Metrology in 5L.  We were the first user of HP’s Laser Interferometer, and because of our many laser measurement applications we hosted other metrologists, inspectors, and engineers from around the world.  As a department we wrote many papers relative to machine tool calibration with the laser, roundness measurements, flatness and straightness….I enjoyed my work and always looked forward to new challenges in our specialized field.  I recognize that my success was made possible by my supervisors and the good people working with me.  I also recognize that only at HP could someone with a high school education have a successful career in a new field that was just taking off.  I often think of Ernest Schlage’s comment when I told him I was leaving Schlage Lock Co. for HP.  ‘You shouldn’t go to HP because you aren’t an electronics engineer and you will be frustrated.  You should stay here and work with mechanical design and tooling.’”

Jerry Burgess to WRH and Packard on his retirement:  “…I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for giving myself and members of my family the opportunity to be part of HP and helping it grow.  I have been associated with HP since the early 40’s and 50’s when my uncle John Jaques worked here, then from 51 to 71 when my dad Bryant Burgess was here and finally from 1956 since I’ve been here.  Again thanks to both of you because HP will always be family.”

press release “HP Announces Results of Early-Retirement Program” with 782 long-service employees in US electing to accept it.  A similar program in 1986 resulted in about 780 employees choosing to retire early

June 1989 Rolling Memos from the Midwest Sales Region house magazine with an article by Betty Nielsen, “Looking Forward Looking Back” on the 50th anniversary of HP.  About a dozen employees give their impressions of May 1939, mainly they were young kids at that time…


Oliver Humphries to WRH and Packard:  “HP South Africa celebrated its 21st birthday at the end of June, and also ceased trading as HP, as you know.  My eighteen years plus as an HP employee have been exceptional.  The HP Way environment has brought me immense personal satisfaction in allowing me to reach outside the confines of my ‘formal’ position plan to contribute to HP’s success (such as installing and implementing COMSYS & HEART in South Africa virtually unaided, and then having my Order Processing department achieve the lowest HEART order entry error rate in the world)….So it was a somber night for me last Friday, June 30th when HP South Africa ceased to be.  I fully realize that the decision was for good business reasons, and that US domestic business has suffered badly because of HP’s presence here.  That doesn’t help the knot in the gut I’ve had ever since the announcement earlier this year.  However, the decision my family and I have taken is to stay if possible with HP, even though that means leaving South Africa, and changing countries is a really traumatic decision.  It’s been about the hardest decision we’ve ever taken, but we feel it’s a good one.  There are some excellent offers of positions for me in various parts of the HP world.  Thanks again for the company ‘culture’ you spawned.  It’s gripped me so tightly that I find it impossible to give up.”

Retirement of Rudy Hirshnitz after 30 years at HP.  He began as a machinist and toll & die maker and is retiring to manage his own business, SRC Cables, a manufacturing concern producing semi-rigid coax cables for the electronic industry

Dave Packard to Steve Duer on his retirement after 37 years at HP.  Duer came on 9/5/50 “in the Redwood Building as a test engineer, then a technical writer in publications, and ultimately assuming the big responsibility of the HP catalog.  You deserve many thanks and a great deal of credit for turning the catalog into the most important non-personal selling tool of all our publications.”

WRH to John Kendall: “I was so sorry I could not attend your retirement party, but I had a long-standing commitment from Higher Authority.  I can assure you, I would much rather have been at your retirement party, particularly because I wanted to thank you for all that you have done for our Aviation Department.  John, I can honestly say that you are going to be missed.  Let’s not lose track of each other.”

WRH to Woody Meyer on his retirement after 26 years.  He was founder of the Kansas City sales office.

Retirement of Jim Marshall “best known for his work in the Standards Labs at HP.  He worked in the original Standards Lab in Bldg 5L from 1957 until 1968 for Phil Hand.  In 1968 Jim became manager of the F&T Division Standards Lab and shortly thereafter opened the Standards Lab at Santa Clara.  Jim’s most visible area of accomplishment was the HP Time and Frequency Standard, or as some people called it, ‘NBS West.’”

3/97     HP- Russia 1993

Roland Mattis to WRH: “HP Moscow is currently planning a celebration for the 25th anniversary of HP’s presence in Russia…I have interviewed a few of HP’s pioneers, including Doug Herdt…he remembers two important documents:

–the business proposal to Hpco BOD to start business in Russia (67)

–the trip report of your [WRH] first trip.”


Karen Lewis, HP Archives, to Roland Mattis: “I am pulling together a packet of material for you relating to HP’s early presence in the Soviet Union beginning in 1960, with Dave Packard’s report of his visit in which he comments on the interest of the Soviet people in ‘scientific and mechanical devices,’ and the advanced state of Soviet electronic equipment; also, Bill Hewlett’s notes made after his 1964 trip; a 1973 Hewlett speech that outlines the history of US/USSR trade regulations; and other historical documents.  A search of the indexes to the minutes of the meetings of the HP Board of Directors, 1966-1969 revealed no mention of a proposal to start business in Russia.”

“Current and Future Commercial Relations with Russia,” speech by WRH on East-West Trade Panel, International Industrial Conference, San Francisco, 11 pages [copy in WRH’s Individual File in Archives]; detailed history of US-Russia trade relations:

I think sometimes we fail to realize how extensive has been the background of trade relations between the Russian people and the United States.  Back as far as 1811 Russia was taking one-tenth the total exports of the U.S., and in turn, Russia was a major supplier of marine stores to the U.S…..World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution effectively isolated the Soviet Union from Western influences, but it must be remembered that in 1920 Herbert Hoover’s American Relief Administration spent some $20 million worth of Congressional appropriations primarily in the distribution of American grain to famine-stricken Russian peasants….Following the recognition of the Soviet Regime in 1933, the enthusiasm of the United States business community for Soviet trade became even more pronounced.

In 1934 the Export-Import Bank was established for the express purpose of financing trade with the U.S.S.R., and two years later the first Soviet-American trade agreement was signed…the Cold War brought a sharp decline in commercial relations…One of the first thaws in the Cold War was probably President Eisenhower’s authorization to decontrol some 700 items in 57 commodity categories for export…[then] the visit of Krushchev to United States in 1959…warm reception by the City of San Francisco to Krushchev during his visit resulted in a personal invitation from him to Mayor Christopher and a delegation of Bay Area businessmen to make a significant and historical visit to the Soviet Union….

What was started by the Eisenhower Administration was continued by both the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations…reinterpretation of the Johnson Act [of 1934] to permit medium-term credits linked to U.S. export transactions.  This step, together with an agreement with U.S. Longshoremen allowing 50 percent of export cargoes to travel in non-U.S. bottoms, paved the way for the $110 million wheat sale to the Soviet Union in 1964….Senate Foreign Relations Committee conducted a hearing on East-West trade…revealed a widespread interest in the expansion of commercial relations…Act of 1966 made an effort…Vietnam conflict resulted in defeat [of expansion of trade for a while]…each nation, on its own side, felt the necessity to set aside doctrinaire positions and to begin to work seriously together…President Nixon’s visit with Secretary General Brezhnev in Moscow in May of 1972…resulted in agreement [on many levels].

…mutual desire for increased trade does not necessarily mean that there are no problems.  The question of MFN treatment, U.S. Government restrictions, problems of Soviet balance of payments, and differences in the philosophy of trade, all represent major areas of difference….”


Problems include approach to exit visa, U.S. government restrictions for trade with communist countries, substantial delays in approval for transactions, Soviet trade deficit, “difference in the manner in which trading is carried on each country,” “lack of direct, personal contract between the American businessman and his Soviet counterpart.”

The Soviets “are doing much to improve the climate for trade…In our own case we signed an agreement in May [1973] with the state Committee for Science and Technology calling for long-term scientific and technical cooperation…”

“Impressions on my Trip to Russia,” by WRH [copy in WRH’s Individual File in Archives]

General – 8 pages

Agriculture – 1 page

Foreign Trade – 6 pages

Scientific Research – 2 pages

Planning in the USSR – 5 pages

Meeting with Kosygin – 6 pages

3/98     “S” Miscellaneous Folder

e-mail from HP employees offended by the photo exhibit “Homosexual Art Display at HP Sites” June through September at 9 HP sites

Accent, a Publication of the Southern Sales Region, Fall 1992, “A Salute to Southern Sales Region 1966-1992″

WRH to Felicity Smith, HP-UK, thanking her for hand carrying the photo album of pictures taken during WRH’s visit to HP Labs-Bristol 9/96

snapshot of people from companies from three continents who successfully negotiated the foundation for a consortium between Sony Corporation, Philips International B.V. and Hewlett-Packard Company

Kenzo Sasaoka to WRH thanking him for congratulations on his being awarded the Deming Prize which was instituted in 1951 by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers and is given annually for innovation through total quality control activities.  Sasaoka is retired chairman of the board of Hewlett-Packard Japan.  See also 2/9/96
Sasaoka to WRH on retirement

“HP Way Week in St. Louis,” a promotional packet

Alan Bickell to Lew Platt and cc to WRH on “Business Proposal from Tewelde Stephanos re Eritrea,” his native home

Several letters from employees who enjoyed the Hermit Park facility in Colorado

Newsgram on “San Jose Site Explosion.”  There was an explosion in Building 91 at the San Jose site Thursday, June 8 at 8:30 a.m. in the Optical Communication Division.  One employee suffered cuts and minor burns.  The explosion occurred in a “glove box,” a sealed space in which people work by putting their hands in through attached gloves.  Cause not determined yet

[sic] note from Craig A. Steele to WRH including snapshot of him with the company founders at the Santa Rosa picnic

Bill Terry to WRH and Packard re Santa Clara University’s alleged “fiscal crisis” which isn’t as bad as reported; hopes they can help

Dean Morton to WRH on high unemployment in South Queensferry and possible policies HP might take

3/99     HP Scholarship Fund 1992-93


This year 495 high school seniors were awarded HP Scholarships of $1,500, the largest number in the 41-year history of the program.  More than 5,000 students have received scholarships since the program’s inception in 1951.

Betty Gerard to WRH on her article for Measure on the HP Scholarship Fund.  The scholarships were originally established in 1952 by employees in lieu of material Christmas gifts to WRH and Dave Packard.  “The HP scholarships are virtually unique in recognizing outstanding and well-rounded achievement along with need.”  Her article in Measure March/April 1993: “It all began in the early days when HP people gave the co-founders the Christmas gift of a heifer for their ranch.  The little company in Palo Alto had fewer than 150 employees at the time. ‘One year they gave us a sleeping bag, and the next year a manure spreader filled with crumpled-up ads,’ recalls Bill Hewlett.  ‘But when they gave us the heifer, we felt it would be a more appropriate use of their time, energy and funds to start a scholarship program’” The program was set up in 1951 with awards given in spring 1952 although it wasn’t until 1956 that HP employees had children of their own who were high-school seniors.

3/100   Friedrich Wilheim Schroeder 1991

Memoirs titled “From Measure to Information (Episodes and Observations) compiled for Family, Friends and Colleagues”

Jean Chognard’s handwritten corrections re Siemens patent

3/101   HP – Securities Fraud Lawsuit 1992

HP press release “Hewlett-Packard Comments on Third-Quarter Performance”

Jack Brigham to WRH:  HP Company “was recently named as a defendant in two securities class action lawsuits arising out of the drop in the company’s stock price on August 6, 1992…”

HP press release “HP Net Revenue Up 15 Percent in Third Quarter; Net Earnings Down 1 Percent, Orders Increase 12 Percent”

HP press release “HP Issues Vigorous Denial of Securities-Fraud Allegations”

HP press release “Class-Action Suit against HP Is Dismissed”

4/16/93 and 5/20/93
Newsgram on the copyright-infringement lawsuit Apple Computer filed against HP and Microsoft Corp. in 1988.

3/102   Security Reports 1987-99

Lists of individuals and forms for security clearance

“Hewlett-Packard Stanford Site Security Policy and Procedures” 6/91

“What have we got to lose?” 7/91

WRH and Dave Packard do not want card access entry system for the outside doors to their offices in 3 upper

Various incident reports on WRH’s home

“Hewlett-Packard Palo Alto Area Security Services – Information Pamphlet” 1/94

3/103   HP – Seed Program 1991

exchange, a Magazine for the Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Personnel Community Jan/Feb/March 1991 – article on “SEEDs for future growth,” HP’s primary tool for minority hiring in US

WRH invited to participate; regrets

3/104   HP – “60 Minutes” Show 1993

San Jose Mercury News “H-P in P.A. sued over its use of foreign workers”


Newsgram on HP’s International Contract Programming (ICP) which administers temporary assignments of software engineers between countries, mostly in US

3/105   HP – South Africa Policy 1985-89

WRH to Governor George Deukmejian: “I was very disturbed to read in the morning paper that you are proposing to recommend that the University of California divests its ownership in any company that is doing business with South Africa.”  This recommendation has “broader implications” for HP and the Hewlett Foundation; please reconsider

Deukmejian reply: “…I believe that the South African government’s continued unwillingness to enact meaningful reforms …calls for our stronger action…We agree on the need to end apartheid.  Adherence to the Sullivan principles and good corporate citizenship hasn’t accomplished the goal.  Let’s see if divestature and other sanctions will…”

n.d. “The Sullivan Code”

Pamphlet “Hewlett-Packard in South Africa” April 1985

Simon Middleton to WRH and Dave Packard: “For some 3 years now I have been managing the HP Sullivan Activity here in SA…I have given you a flavour of what has happened and I wanted to say how proud I am to be a member of this exceptional company…the social investment that has been made in your name has, and is generating a positive future for some people here…”

Bill Johnson to John Young on “HP’s Position in South Africa” 8 pages

Newsgram “HP to Sell South African Subsidiary”: “Citing business conditions and the failure of the government in South Africa to make significant progress in ending apartheid, Hewlett-Packard on March 21 announced plans to sell its sales subsidiary in that country to Siltek Ltd., a South African manufacturer and distributor of computer products…”

3/106   HP Spokane – Liberty Lake Sewer District 1988-91

1988 letters on the study report sponsored by HP and three other parties; names involved include Susan Kaun, Robert Blair, and Mac McGrath at HP’s Spokane site

Liberty Lake Property Owners Association to WRH sending issue of Journal of Business with article “H-P battling sewer district”

“Restoring Liberty Lake: The First Sixteen Years 1973-1989″

Bill Terry to John Young, WRH, and Packard: “…The long term issue relates to a potential expansion of the local sewer district or adding capacity by connecting to the larger Spokane regional treatment plant…”

3/107   HP – Standards of Business Conduct 8/93

“Hewlett-Packard Standards of Business Conduct” 8/93

Newsgram on “Revised Standards of Business Conduct Issued”

Every U.S. employee of HP will receive this brochure.  “For the first time, a post-office box is available for employees to communicate confidentially about unethical or illegal conduct they may have observed.”

“Negotiating Tips PRIOR to signing the hotel’s contract for meetings”

3/108   HP – Stock Purchase Plan 1993

Jack Brigham to WRH and others reminding recipients of HP’s “Blue Book” making them an “insider” under U.S. securities law


Carol Nunnally to David Packard re HP policy for new stock purchase plan of making employees forfeit all restricted shares when they leave HP

3/109   Strategic Planning Committee 1990

Agenda for Fifth Meeting of Strategic Planning Committee from Chuck Yort, Manager, Business Planning and Development

3/110   “T” Miscellaneous Folders

announcement of upcoming women’s conferences.  In 1988, HP held the first Technical Women’s Conference (TWC) in Palo Alto.  Two regional conferences have followed, the Rocky Mountain Women’s Conference and the Eastern Professional Women’s Conference.  These have contributed to HP’s strength as a “great place to work” for many women.  The main purposes have been: to provide opportunities for professional development, to showcase the achievements of HP women, and to provide opportunities for networking and sharing best practices

Dick Anderson retires after 38 years at HP.  In 1983 he became General Manager of the Microwave and Communications Group, a job Byron Anderson will fill.  Tom White of UK will step into Byron’s job as General Manager of the Communications Test Solutions Group.

WRH to Howard Taub turning down his offer to be co-inventor of using a low-cost printer to print Braille.  “It is your idea and you deserve all the credit for it…”

Bryan Stahmer on “Revised HP Corporate Identity Trademark Standards” with samples of logotype

“Hewlett-Packard Corporate Identity Trademark Standards”

Alan Bickell to WRH re funding for an endowed chair at Stanford University in honor of Dr. K. T. Li, the ‘father of technology’ in Taiwan

Virginia Toney to WRH re Stanford Park Division celebrates 50th anniversary

packet from John Young on “Marking and Handling HP Trade Secret Information” 3 pages with additional pages of examples; also pamphlet “Protecting HP Trade Secrets” 4/89

3/111   Technical/Professional Women’s Conference 1995

See first items in folder 110

invitation to WRH to conference; regrets


“Diversity Journies” by Barbara Waugh delivered 6/2/95 at the 1995 HP Technical/Professional Women’s Conference.  Talk gives work history of Waugh who came to HP first as part of the SEED hiring process which recruited minorities.  She moved to Corporate and joined Emily Duncan in Affirmative Action hiring.  “Together we looked at our AA hiring.  In every category we were hiring fewer people than the statistics suggested could be our share…Small clusters of HP hiring managers, staffing and AA reps all over the country ‘got it.’  We didn’t have to educate, convince, or persuade.  All we had to do was identify them, introduce them to each other, and give them visibility for their successes.  In less than two years our hiring in every category exceed our goals.  I moved onto HPL, where in my first year I got to work on the ‘92 TWC…we learned of unexpected support for women in pockets at the top, all over the company….I was invited to help with the Deaf and Hearing Impaired forums…I learned that HP was supporting Gov. Wilson’s 1993 budget reform initiative…[which] proposed to reduce the AFDC and other benefits going to the poorest women and children in the state.  This seemed to me absolutely contrary to our citizenship objective.  I sent a voicemail message to about a dozen friends…and a long letter to John Young with all my documentation…John shared his own misgivings abut our position.  Later I learned that all this had reversed the decision, and in fact HP came out against this means for balancing the California budget…On the plus side we have a Technical Women’s Conference…Also on the plus side, I have never been penalized for telling the truth in this company…Where better to wage the battle [to promote diversity] than in one of the most powerful agents for change on the planet, a Fortune 30 company in a world where companies more than nations create the future?…The dream of our founders was to make a contribution to the world…WE are now the founders of the future HP!”  WRH thanked her for a copy of her talk which he found “very thoughtful and inspiring.  Dave and I like to think that our employees are our most important product and you certainly help reinforce that philosophy.”

3/112   Bill Terry Retirement 10/22/93

3/113   HP – United Way Policy 1992-97

Laurie Mittelstadt on “HP Pulls Back on Designated-Donation Matching”

WRH to Mark Muntean: “Thank you for copying me on your letter to John Young about the United Way….To go back a long ways, when the United Way started (it was probably called the Youth Fund or the Community Chest or some such thing), the company recognized its value in concentrating the evaluation of an organization’s needs and collection of funds by the company and the distribution thereafter in one organization.

I don’t remember when we started the program of the company matching the employee gifts.  We were, I believe, one of the leaders in this respect and are still one of the few who maintain such a program.  To provide some flexibility, we advised the employees that if they wished to give to a specific organization within the United Way their personal gift would be designated to that organization, but the matching gift would go to the United Way at large.

Two years ago, we opened up the matching program to include non-United Way organizations.  This turned out to be a Pandora’s Box with the result that the company, through its matching program was supporting an assortment of organizations that it would not normally support.  The most recent action by HP returns to the policy to where it always had been.

It is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood got caught up in the return of the old policy.  I am personally a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has made very substantial gifts to that organization.  But as worthy as the objectives of Planned Parenthood may be, I would be reluctant to depart again from the rules that have worked effectively for so many years.

Thank you for writing – I am sorry to disappoint you.

Several letters suggest that women and minorities are not well represented in United Way

3/114   “V” Miscellaneous Folder

Newsgram on “HP Executive Committee Names 13 New Vice Presidents”


Robert Vessot to WRH: “Back in 1969 I was the HP employee in the Quantum Electronics Division in North Beverly Massachusetts who worked on Atomic Hydrogen Masers and chose not to transfer to the West when the lab was moved.  Since that date I have been at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and have continued to do research with H-Maser and to work at improving their performance.

…I have been reflecting on how lucky I have been and I want gratefully to recognize how your generosity made possible my career at Harvard….

I vividly remember your generous help and willingness to make possible the transfer of NASA and Naval Research Lab H-Maser contracts to the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.  Also I remember your generosity in letting me keep the HP lab equipment we had been using.  Our work on masers has been at the cutting edge of frequency stability…”  WRH thanked him for his letter.

Newsgram on “Three HP Businesses to Offer VSI.”  Voluntary Severance Incentive programs offered at Computer Systems Organization’s Workstation Systems Group, The Components Group, and The Medical Products Group

San Jose Mercury News article by James J. Mitchell, Business Editor, on “Here’s how H-P gave a new life to old division,” detailing HP’s Stanford Park division which made microwave equipment into HP’s Video Communications division which makes video equipment used to create movies, commercials and animation

Rocky Review: “Rocky and Bullwinkle Mission: Bring affordable laser print quality and throughput PLUS COLOR to the personal printer market”

Paul Vella to WRH and Packard re spectrum analyzers made by HP and recent product decisions which result in mediocre products.  WRH replied 2/13/90 that Paul should present to a special committee of the Board of Directors at a time WRH has scheduled

3/115   Vanity Fair – High Tech Pioneers 6/2000

Vanity Fair wants to photograph WRH for an article on Silicon Valley pioneers.  WRH said no.  Copy of published article July 2000 is included in folder.

3/116   Verifone 1997-98

Newsgrams on Verifone

3/117   “W” Miscellaneous Folder

Newsgram announcing retirement of Dick Watts of HP Computer Sales and Distribution Group who is leaving HP after 30 years to run a small, start-up company called ConvergeNet

Chris Nilson to WRH on her trip to Italy close to Bergamo, looking for the HP sign.  “When I worked for you [WRH], HP meant both Hewlett Packard and ‘Have Pride.’”

James J. Mitchell in Mercury News on “H-P aims to help workers balance work and family”


WRH congratulated Harry E. Weaver, Jr. on receiving the Albert F. Sperry Award of the Instrument Society of American 10/18/92 in Houston.  His letter of recommendation is also here dated 5/13/92: “Harry worked for Hewlett-Packard Company for almost 20 years and had a most distinguished career while employed by us.  He worked on many projects, the most important of which was the development of the first commercial Hyperbolic Quadrupole Mass Filter.  Although the work was done in 1976, it is still being manufactured and is a key component of HP’s top-of-the-line Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer.”

Hal Mickelson, HP Legal Dept., to WRH’s and Dave Packard’s secretaries in case they are contacted: “Hewlett-Packard helped sponsor the 1988 World Corporate Games, providing HP equipment through gifts and loans.  The experience was a nightmare.  We couldn’t rely on the WCG organization to accept any limitations we tried to define for our support and our people’s participation.  WCG has five Vectra systems on lease and hasn’t made payments since June. [Ken] O’Bryan [WCG Senior Vice President] recently contacted HP through Cindy Williams, asking that HP donate the equipment, postpone collection or take other steps that would permit WCG to retain the products.  I passed O’Bryan’s request along to the appropriate HP people…we’ve decided to turn him down…”

Linda Thomas to WRH thanking him “for lending me your watch” which she and others refurbished.  10/18/89 WRH wrote: “…I simply did not think it possible that my calculator watch could be off and running again after all these many years…”

3/118   Weaver, Mike – Handheld Products 1989

Mike Weaver, President, Hand held Products, Inc., to WRH describing their “linkage to Hewlett-Packard.  Our HP-41 ROM emulator in 1981 was a major break thru using NMOS EPROM chips powered only by the HP-41’s 4 N cell batteries.  This unique interface design resulted in our first patent.  When the Corvallis Division agreed in 1983 to sell the plastic shell parts from the HP-41 card reader, Jim [DeArras, business partner] used surface mounted components to redesign the ROM emulator into 1/3 the size with twice the memory (32k).  Next came an invitation to serve as a third party developer for the HP-71.  Jim again took a unique approach to design what turned out to be seven memory modules for the HP-71.  Thru his efforts we are able to add from 32k to 160k RAM in the volume allotted to the HP-71 card reader.  Somewhere along the way Jim managed the development of a battery powered RS-232/HP-IL interface unit needed by surveyors in the field.  Our early successes with Hewlett-Packard calculators was mutually valuable; you folks sold more calculators and we boot strapped ourselves into a cash position so that we were able to accept the next challenge.  Here again Hewlett-Packard provides today a key opto-detector and nose tip for our Micro-Wand shirt pocket computer designed from 1983 thru 1986.  The success of the Federal Express Corporation’s courier computer propelled Hand Held Products from a million dollar company into the tens of millions.  Other customers today include A C Neilsen, DHL International, and hundreds more needing field data collection devices.  As we approach the milestone of 100,000 Micro-Wands, all of us at Hand Held Products are proud to have created a product line with such overall utility…”   WRH wrote thanking him for the opportunity to see the hand held products.

3/119   Wien Bridge Oscillator 1988-93

WRH answers Ben Zarlingo’s questions from an inquiry from the editor of                         Electronic Design Magazine:

Did you invent the Wien network or the Wien bridge circuit which was the basis for the 2000A?  WRH answered “NO”

Do you know how the Wien network topology got its name?

WRH answered “No–probably from a man named Wien”


WRH to Karen Lewis, HP Archives: “As to your question about the naming of the Wien-bridge Oscillator, I believe it was named after a man, Max Wien.”  She asked after seeing an article on Gen Rad saying “…in 1937, GR developed the first RC oscillator…William Hewlett modified the circuit…called a Wien-bridge oscillator.  Many engineers thought that the oscillator had been developed by some worthy professor or scientist named Wien.  In fact, Hewlett named it after a favorite city, Vienna.”

January 1993 The IEEE Grid, p. 20 “Max Wien, Mr. Hewlett and a Rainy Sunday Afternoon: Adaptation and Following Your Nose as Design Techniques”

3/120   Wilbur, Ray – HP Retired Officer, Deceased Nov. 26, 1994

WRH to Ray Wilbur III and Jean Gleason Stromberg: “I was so shocked to learn of your father’s death.  As you know, we have been good friends and associates for a great many years, be it in the field of work or play.  He was a quiet person and I quickly learned that he was worth listening to because anything he said he addressed thoroughly and with a great deal of thought.  Our friendship certainly spanned a lifetime.  Even the early days at the Cedars, Hewlett-Packard-related associations, and general family connections.”

obituary in San Francisco Chronicle

Undated obituary for Ray Layman Wilbur III who died in Palo Alto 3/23/97, 55 years old

3/121   HP – Women Engineers 1993

Randy Englund to WRH, etc. on “HP’s Project Management Council Meeting Held Feb. 1 & 2, 1993.”   John Birk, Chair

article in Design News on “Women Engineers Rate Top Employers.”  Hewlett-Packard is in The Top 10

3/122   HP – Year 2000 Project 1997-98

Lew Platt memo and Q&A on 2000 Drawer Statement, 8 pages

3/123   YHP 1991-95

WRH thanked Eiju Matsumoto for copy of the Yokogawa Technical Report including Matsumoto’s article on the history of diagonal scaling.  “In the article I traced back the origin of diagonal scale from the 20th century Yokogawa, the 19th century Weston, the 18th century surveying instruments in Japan to the 16th century Tyco Brahe in Denmark.”

3/124   “XYZ” Miscellaneous Folder

WRH gave $5,000 to the American Red Cross – Japan Relief fund in honor of Benjamin Yoshizumi; WRH letter to Mollie Yoshizumi, Ben’s wife and WRH’s secretary

Molly Yoshizumi to WRH with her resignation as his secretary effective 11/30/93, “due to my husband’s medical set-back”

3/125   John Young – Retirement 10/29/92

Articles on John Young including his work on the Council on Competitiveness, Joint Venture: Silicon Valley, “Young out of running for Cabinet post,” several Measure articles

Newsgram on press coverage on HP forthcoming changeover of executive leadership

Newsgram “Young and Morton to Retire in October; Platt Names Next President and CEO”


Text of John Young’s public address announcement

WRH’s announcement of Young elected president and COO and Morton executive vice president effective

WRH’s last message “From the president’s desk”

Undated handwritten speech for Young’s retirement party [probably WRH’s]

3/126   John Young & Dean Morton Retirement – Board of Directors Dinner 9/17/92

Box 2 – Subject Files

2/30   “H” Miscellaneous Folder

Lisa Carr sent WRH a copy of the HP story in the Self-Made in California Program which aired on CNBC on 1/18

[Haagen-Smit] 4/6/95
Jim Haagen-Smit to WRH re the lawsuit that WRH, the Sierra Club, and the people have against Squaw Valley Ski Corp. “What concerns me most is that HP continues to do business with Squaw Valley Ski Corp.  I realize that this lawsuit had nothing to do with HP.  However, HP (at least in Roseville) offers employees discount ticket vouchers that they can buy and HP has recently taken a large group of employees and spouses to a 2 day offsite, staying at the Resort at Squaw Creek.  I realize that you have no reason to publicize your lawsuit with Squaw Valley Ski Corp, but we can only imagine what Alex [Cushing] thought if he saw the rather large amount of money that HP paid for this offsite.  As Alex makes his appeals, is it time that you give him some of the bad press that he deserves.  At last inside HP…”  WRH responded 4/11/95: “…I try to keep my actions and corporate actions separate.  I would hesitate to raise the issue with the people in Roseville.”

[Horn] 8/30/93
Henry C. Horn to WRH with Aug. 1983 copy of HP Key Notes with Horn’s “My Last ‘Editorial’” retiring after 9½ years of producing Key Notes; also invited WRH to a reunion of the original Advanced Products Division member in Cupertino 9/4.  These are the employees who worked at the Division from 1972 until moving to Corvallies in 1976; 20th reunion of the ‘birth’ of the HP 35.  WRH responded with regret and “many fond memories”

[Higgins] 1991/92
correspondence from Mary Higgins of National Alliance for the Mentally Ill whom Packard has agreed to see

[Hoch] 12/15/89 WRH to Steve Hoch, co-captain of the HP Ski  Team, inviting him to join in any activities of the team.  WRH responded: “…I’m afraid my skiing days are over” and congratulates them “on placing first in the 1989 Corporate Ski Challenge”

2/31   HP Fact Sheet 1988-98

Copies of this in several forms

2/32   HP Garage – Map and Directions 1987-91

Rebecca Morgan to WRH “pleased to learn that the historic garage at 367 Addison Avenue in Palo Alto has been designated as a California Historical Landmark in recognition of the site’s significance in the birth of the Hewlett-Packard Company…”

Dave Kirby reported: “Last week the State of California designated HP’s birthplace, the garage at 367 Addison Avenue, a California State Historical Landmark…California initiated its landmark designation program in 1932.  Since then, 973 sites have become landmarks…a bronze plaque [will] be installed at an appropriate spot near the garage…at a cost to us of about $1,000…”

WRH to William Wike, an HP customer engineer, who built a scale model of the garage; sent photographs which WRH acknowledged

2/33   HP – Government Affairs 1994-97

Mainly announcements from Merissa Khachigian with her “California Review,” a monthly report on state-wide issues of importance to HP

flyer “A Matter of Republican Pride” signed by George Schultz, Bill Hewlett, Tom Campbell and Becky Morgan, urging help for Ted Laliotis so at least one mid-peninsula legislator would be Republican

Bob Kirkwood to HP Managers with his “HP’s 1996 Issue Briefs,” highlighting  current public policy issues that have a direct impact on overall competitiveness, about 20 pages

Bill Lockyer, President pro Tempore, California State Senate, wrote WRH and others about Senator Rob Hurtt, Orange County ultraconservative, who ousted Senator Ken Maddy.  Hurtt is labeled as “anti-choice, anti-minority, anti-labor and homophobic.”  WRH asked Bob Kirkwood about this and Kirkwood suggested he not respond to Lockyer’s letter as he “is not a constructive source of information.” He also agreed that Senator Hurtt is an extremely right-wing Conservative and is Pro-Life.”


Gary Fazzino to WRH, Packard, and Lew Platt re “1994 HP California Political Contributions”

2/34   HP – 50th Anniversary – Correspondence from Employees 1989

Letters and a few snapshots of event

2/35   HP – Dick Hackborn 1991

WRH to Dick Hackborn sending regrets he is unable to attend Hackborn’s retirement party on 1/29.  “I do want to take this opportunity to thank you for the tremendous job that you have done for HP.  I thought we were well known in the trade press up to the time of the hard copy printers.  Now everything pales in comparison with their PR–a great tribute to you.”  Hackborn was 31 years with HP

Snapshot of Hackborn and family

Measure May-June 1991, “Dick Hackborn: history of success” by Steve Hoffman,

pp. 9-13

2/36   Hewlett-Packard 1986-91

WRH to Doug Chance who is leaving HP after 24 years to go to Octel as president and CEO

WRH to Wilhelm L. Wurst on his retirement after 29 years with HP

a formal retirement message to the 1500 employees throughout HP taking advantage of the enhanced early retirement plan.  “Many of you here have worked together since the company was smaller and have made strong and lasting contributions to our company’s philosophy, and in that way deserve special recognition for our success.”

WRH to Art Darbie, Loveland, on his retirement after 36 years at HP.  “In some ways, in recent years, it’s been kind of tough on HP, but I’m convinced that the principles under which the Company was founded are still valid and are basically being observed.”

Correspondence with John Doyle about the contour cardiography project that Dean Forbes has been working on

Dick Alberding’s retirement after 33 years with HP

Tom Christiansen’s retirement after 35 years with HP

David A. Baldwin informing WRH and others “that in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List published on Saturday 17th June 1986 Finley MacKenzie was awarded the CBE for his services to the electronic industry in Scotland.  Baldwin finds this “an encouragement to all our HP UK employees in our 25th Anniversary year…”

2/37   Hewlett, William R. 1977-80

HP Canadian Vol. 1, No. 1, with articles on “H.P.C.L. Management Review” and

snapshots of WRH and Bob Boniface sent by Malcolm Gissing

Josette Boulmier, Geneva, with good photograph of WRH’s visit to HPSA 10/10-

[ashtray on table]

Intercom, HP Intercontinental Operations News, Vol. 4, No. 1, “A Talk with Bill

Hewlett, HP’s chief executive officer revisits Southeast Asia and Japan after four years” with specific references to Sinapore, Penang, and Japan

WRH thanked the employees of Automatic Measurement Division for the

Commemorative Medal whose “design represents the evaluation of the Automatic Measurement Division within the Hewlett Packard Company over the past 21 years and also the worldwide distribution and utilization of AMD’s products.”  Nice exhibit item.

WRH thanked Roland Krevitt for photographs of his Manufacturing Division tour.  5 colored photographs, nice exhibit items – dated 3/77


John Warnecke to WRH and Packard asking to be considered as architects for HP’s proposed new plant in San Jose; enclosed “Photos that Grace took at the opening of your Santa Rosa facility” which Warnecke & Associates planned.  2 copies of 2 fine black and white photographs of WRH at the podium

WRH to Lok Lin, HP Taiwan, thanking him for lovely card “written to me at the time of my remarriage.”   Hand-made card to “Bill & Rosemary”

2/38   HP – History

Fortune 7/2/90,
“Turning R&D into Real Products: ‘Hewlett-Packard, Allied-Signal, Du Pont, and other innovators are showing how to transform discoveries into dollars’”

“Hewlett-Packard, a company history” 3/83

2/39   HP-35 Handheld Calculator – 25th Anniversary Year 1997

press release and slides

Letters from satisfied users

2/40   Human Side of Management, Notre Dame, 3/25/82

WRH’s speech as the Eugene B. Clark Executive Lecture – multiple copies

2/41   HP Way 1991-98

HP Way brochure updated

HP Education’s on-line desk reference tool on management focus

3/89, 10/94
brochures on The HP Way

The HP Way

issue of San Jose Mercury News, “Try the H-P way, employee suggests,” to Apple Computer after 400 job cuts in 2/90 and now 1500 jobs eliminated

John Doyle to WRH and Packard: “You asked me what I thought of Pete Peterson’s plan for the personnel function….I believe that his philosophy and direction are well thought out and appropriate.  He has improved upon the objectives that I had for the function years ago.  His plan for resizing seems rather too slow and I have told him this…One reason we have so many personnel people is because we have so many organizations.  Over the last 10 years the number of HP entities has grown from 79 to 113, which is a 3.6%/year growth rate.  Sharing functions between entities has always been hard but we are getting better at it…”

Letters expressing the fears of the end of HP Way

2/42   “I” Miscellaneous Folder

[Inventions] 10/13/83
press release on the publication of Inventions of Opportunity: Matching Technology with Market Needs, a collection of 23 articles from HP Journal 1949 to 82; WRH wrote introduction and chapter prefaces.  Out of print 7/19/89

2/43   HP – India 1992

article in San Jose Mercury News on “Indian city follows Silicon Valley path to

success; Computer industry thrives in Bangalore”

2/44   “J” Miscellaneous Folder


[Johnson] 8/5/96
to Deborah Johnson who had written asking for names of HP employees working on the issue of Leaning Disabilities; WRJ knew of none but added:  “…for years I have suffered from dyslexia and, by hard work, I have learned how to live with it.  It is interesting to note that of my 12 grandchildren, almost half of them have suffered from a similar problem.  There is, however, compensation for this learning disorder.  As an example, I never could take notes.  So I learned how to listen and that may have been of more value than the reading disorder itself.  You just have to learn how to live with it.”  He added as PS: “When I was a boy, no one ever heard of dyslexia, even though my father was a physician.”

Additional correspondence with Johnson who gave WRH various material for people with learning disabilities

2/45   HP – Japan Miscellaneous 1993

Kenzo Sasaoka to WRH on his retirement as president of YHP to assume the board chairmanship, succeeding Shozo Yokogawa; WRH responded 3/5/93: “I can’t believe that it has been 18 years since you took on the responsibility of running YHP…”

2/46   “K” Miscellaneous Folder

WRH to Eberhard and Helge Knoblauch, Boeblingen, Germany, responding to their letter.  “I often think of the excellent times we had at Nesselwang and particularly the walks we took together.  As you know, in the spring I had my second knee operated on and this, combined with a mild stroke, has made recovery very slow.  However, I exercise vigorously every day and hope to be back to nearly normal in about a year…”

2/47   HP Retirement – David Kirby, Corporate Public Relations 1989

WRH to Dave Kirby: “I simply cannot believe that you’ve been with Hewlett-Packard for 27 years.  As a matter of fact, I can’t remember when you were not with us.  I know that running PR for HP (and “H” and “P”) is not the easiest job in the world, and your shoes are going to be hard to fill.  I don’t know where we will get three people to replace you.  The only screw-up I can remember was the Disney affair, but it all turned out O.K. because they now think it was Packard…”

2/48   KittyHawk (Ray Smelek) 6/8/92, Mark Hopkins Hotel, SF

Ray Smelek to WRH on introduction of the KittyHawk project

2/49   “L” Miscellaneous Folder

Several letters from employees thanking WRH for HP


[Limbaugh] 1/27/93
Gus O’Donnell, HP-Roseville Networks Division employee called Rush Limbaugh and identified himself as an HP employee and revealed confidential FY93 1st quarter financial results for his division, again U.S. Securities Law

[Laitram] 12/5/91
Bloor Redding, Jr., HP Sr. Regional Attorney to WRH notifying him of The Laitram Corporation of New Orleans suing HP for infringing patent on calculator products.  Records documenting this case must not be destroyed

[LaBarre] 8/25/89
Jack Brigham announcing “the Federal District Court in San Jose issues its opinion yesterday in our patent infringement case against Bausch & Lomb (B&L).  The court held HP’s patent covering the grit wheel is valid.  B&L infringed the patent since they had conceded infringement in their pleadings,” etc. Damage or royalties are assessed.  This was preceded on 8/6/89 with a letter from Larry LaBarre to John Young: “…before I joined Hewlett Packard, back in 1953, I was in business for myself.  I learned then that I was a better innovator and designer than businessman.  When I started at Hewlett Packard I was determined to use my mechanical abilities to solve key problems for the company’s new products.  In 1975 Bill Hewlett asked me to try to develop something better than the air-bearing pen-holder, which they were trying to perfect in our San Diego Division.  Bill’s chiding me about my chances of success only made me more determined to find that answer.  Of course, I did succeed and our victory in the Bausch & Lomb case now provides a legal and historical validation for that success…”

2/50   HP Labs 1986-98


HP Labs in Bristol reorganized

WRH and Packard were approached to contribute to the 30th issue of                                 Inforum with their memories; Packard agreed to help

1994 “Inventor Recognition Luncheon 1994″ program

HP Labs annual report

FY93 had 1026 regular FTE with increase in R&D engineers and decrease in support staff.  “A number of diversity programs have been initiated this fiscal year to address continuing problems recruiting and retaining women and minorities.  We made some strides in management when we hired a woman Lab Director and promoted two women to Department Managers….”

Joel Birnbaum inviting WRH and others to HP Labs Strategy review.  2/18 WRH called to say he is coming

Joel Birnbaum inviting WRH to dinner with Dr. Peilin Luo who is visiting from China.  Also enclosed an article Mrs. Luo wrote for a Chinese journal about a dinner WRH and his wife had for Mr and Mrs Luo in Palo Alto in April 1987.  This event ended with the Hewlett Foundation giving a grant to Yenching University, alma mater of Mrs. Luo – fascinating story, 4 pages.

Frank Carrubba to WRH inviting him to 3rd annual Research Board dinner, accepted.  List of board members attached

January-February 1991 Measure with article on HP Labs’ 25th Year

WRH was sent 15 minute videotape which describes the vision of HP’s mechanical engineering environment for the next 3 to 5 years


Frank Carrubba sent WRH Len Cutler’s write up about SQUID devices which they had talked about “the last time we spoke”

concerning future of IMAGE

WRH to Egon Loebner with corrections to Loebner’s article for Lab Notes, 4 pages plus copy of patent for “Variable Frequency Oscillation Generator, Filed July 11, 1939.”  WRH’s corrections: 1) percentage figures for HP’s compounded yearly growth rate has been equal to the growth of HP employees–about 25%.

2) It might be worth mentioning that radio engineering (electronics had not been invented) consisted mostly of entertainment (talking pictures and phonographs), communications, and small industrial use, such as, geophysical prospecting.

3) As I remember, the 200A audio oscillator went from 35 to 35,000 cycles.  It wasn’t until the Disney order that we got down to 20 cycles. 200B

1989 “Hewlett-Packard Laboratories” – publication with WRH’s quote on cover: “The creative process works best when it is not too structured; but it must, in the long run, be tamed, harnessed and hitched to the wagon of man’s needs.”

Amy and Peilin Luo to WRH and Joel Birnbaum repeating thanks “to help China improve its library facilities.”  Letter concludes with request that their son, Jin Luo, a graduate student at Caltech, be given a job at HP to gain “some practical training in industry after his graduation,” resume attached.  Birnbaum called Mollie Yoshizumi to tell WRH:   “Quite frankly, Joel thinks Mr. Luo is a little pushy and Joel’s feeling is that we should politely say ‘no.’  The Govt. will not permit a Chinese person to join a development organization.  It’s going to take a lot of people’s time to get his son in and it just simply is not worth it.  Apparently, this was pursued once before and it is not worth the effort to find the right place and justify the expenditure.”

Frank Carrubba to WRH re “Electrophoresis Gels” which WRH asked about at the last Board of Directors’ luncheon: “…you inquired about the scanning method we are using to read electrophoresis gels.  At that time you suggested we investigate the method employed by astrophysicists for interpreting stellar spectra.  I spoke with Harry Weaver, the person in our Analytical Department responsible for electrophoresis scanning, who recently met with Sandra Faber, an astronomer from the University of California at Santa Cruz…..the method we use is essentially the same as Faber’s.  Since Phase One of our work is for all practical purposes complete and Phase Two is about to begin, it’s a good time to rethink and fine tune some of our algorithms; we will make sure we know all the astronomers’ tricks.”

2/51   HP Labs – General 1999

Invitation to “The Big Bash and Employee Talent Show” for HP Labs and Agilent Labs.  9/29/99 Ed Karrer specifically invites WRH with note: “I hope that this letter finds you well.  You have always been a guiding spirit for HP Labs, many thanks for that”

2/52   HP Labs – “Masters of Technology Transfer” Video Documentary, 1997-98

Use of Bill and Dave’s offices for a historical documentary video on HP Labs, an internal project by Rosanne Wyleczuk “to inspire and inform other people at HPL about transfer”


Videotape containing HP labs interviews on the Art & Science of Technology Transfer now available.  “The Stellar Cast: Joel Birnbaum, Richard Brown, Kent Carey, Randy Coverstone, David Cunningham, Alex Drukarev, Denny Georg, Gary Gordon, John Brinham, Rajiv Gupta, Jon Gustafson, Chuck House, Waguih Ishak, Sandy Johnstone, Ed Karrer, Dick Lampman, Qian Lin, Mary Loomis, Chuck Morehouse, Steve Newton, Tom Shoup, Bill Shreve, Polly Siegel, Sally Swedberg, Howard Taub, John Taylor, Chuck Tyler”

Fortune article on “Turning R&D into Real Products” with quotes from HP’s John Young and Frank Carrubba.  “…technology transfer consists of a sequence of simple steps: A research scientist comes up with an insight, which is applied by engineers in a prototype, which in turn serves as the basis for a product that customers buy.  In actuality, the process is so difficult to manage that, according to Frank Carrubba, director of Hewlett-Packard Labs, it gives new meaning to ‘hit or miss’…”

2/53   HP Labs – Report of LAB Survey (Barney Oliver) 1991

2 copies of “HP Labs: A Few Growing Pains” 9 pages.  Reviewers: Barney Oliver, Alan Bagley, Bob Brunner, Zvonko Fazarinc, and Don Hammond: “Hewlett-Packard corporate laboratories began as a separate entity in 1966.  It was formed when the exodus to the newly established divisions–Loveland, Frequency and Time, Microwave, and Colorado Springs–had carried away a good fraction of the engineering staff of the original, single corporate lab.  It was felt that without a corporate lab, the future engineering efforts of HP might follow too closely the thrust of the existing divisions, and consequently HP would be less apt to enter new fields…The long list of products that have originated at HP Labs includes frequency standards, interferometers, time domain reflectometers, ultrasound cardiac scanners, liquid chromatograph pumps, capillary columns, vector voltmeters, moving paper plotters, gallium arsenide LED’s and microwave transistors, desktop and handheld calculators…”  Report ends with ten recommendations. [report is in Subject File in Archives]

2/54   HP – Labs Library 1995

WRH’s quote for pamphlet on Labs Library: “I can hardly believe it was over 40 years ago that I was approached about supporting an HP labs library…it has grown to over 50,000 books…”

2/55   Lake Stevens – WRH Retirement from HP Board 1987

Lee Thompson, GM Lake Stevens Instrument Division, presented WRH “with one of the last two 200CD’s produced by the Hewlett-Packard Company” and two publications which featured stories on the 200CD

a lengthy print out signed by Lake Stevens employees wishing WRH well on his retirement from HP Board.  Photographs of  a photo of WRH displayed next to the 200CD

2/56   Landscape Renovations to Patio Area off WRH and Dave Packard’s Offices 6/99

Total cost approved $3,214

2/57   Laserjets 1994

Photocopies of Technical Data sheets for HP Laserjets

2/58   HP – Legal Department 1986-98


Jack Brigham to HP managers, etc.: “Microsoft has been engaging in a business practice which could be very damaging to HP.  The purpose of this memo is to warn you of this practice.  Microsoft has been asking companies to sign agreements with an ‘Immunity from Suit’ provision.  Although the specific title and exact working provision varies and is often buried in the middle of long agreements, its effect is an agreement not to sue Microsoft or its OEMs/customers (i.e., most of the computer industry) for infringement of the company’s patents….it is critical that NO agreement be entered into with Microsoft without prior review by the HP Intellectual Property and/or Marketing Attorney supporting your entity.”  WRH responded 6/27/96 via secretary saying he “felt the company should be contacting Microsoft–not contacting HP employees/managers.”

Resistance Action Grassroots-organizing & Education at Stanford University to WRH concerning the maintenance company HP hires, Somers Building Maintenance, which gives low wages, no benefits, etc. “We have been disturbed to learn that the janitors’ right to unionize has been met with violent and repressive anti-organizing tactics, and we urge HP to live up to its reputation as a worker-friendly, family-oriented corporation…”  WRH wrote on letter: “no action”

Jack Brigham to WRH about the claim by R. Douglas Chamorro and Malcolm C. McMillan which “relates to HP’s use of cordic algorithm techniques developed by them for calculators.  There was apparently contact between you and them sometime in 1965….Do you remember anything at all about this?”  WRH responds 6/14/94 that Paul Stoft was involved

Several employees, using the Open Door policy, write with complaints

2/59   Loveland Division – “How It All Began” January 2000

Copy of publication How It All Began: Hewlett-Packard’s Loveland Facility by Kenneth Jessen, copyright 1999, Agilent Technologies.  Art Fong called in corrections and WRH had some too.  Jessen e-mailed 6/9/00 to say he had 600 copies of the present version of the book in stock and will make changes if the book is reprinted.  4/1/00 Art Fong to Ken Jessen with praise for the book and some corrections.  “…There are a few historical facts which should be restated.  These had been misquoted in the past by persons inside and outside HP.  Once it gets into print, they seem to become historical facts and is repeated again…”  Among the corrections:

WRH did not invent the Wein Bridge Oscillator.  Max Wein invented the bridge/oscillator and WRH perfected it.

WRH’s father was a medical diagnostician, cardiovascular physiologist, researcher, professor and chairman at Stanford Medical School in San Francisco; not a brain surgeon

In the beginning Bill and Dave did not have titles; they were just “partners” of the Company

The Quonset hut was built after Bill returned from the Signal Corps, just in time for the 1946 Christmas party.  The lab and the shipping department moved into the Quonset hut in early 1947.  It was quick and cheap, but not a pleasant place to do work, hot in the summer and cold in the winter

The acquisition of Boonton was of little importance because the technology had changed

Dymec was formed on July 10, 1956 by WRH and Packard to benefit employees


The first major HP initiated operation outside of the Palo Alto area was HPGmbh in Beoblingen, Germany in 1959; Loveland was second in 1960

HP’s first computer was the 2116A, then the 2115A, and then the 2114A – interesting story about the 4100A computer being essentially the 2114A with design changes to allow it to be in the Japanese market

Mollie Yoshizumi to Art Fong reporting she found an article about WRH’s father in the Johns Hopkins Medical Journal.  Albion Walter Hewlett received his M.D. degree from Hopkins in 1900, and in 1916 he succeeded Dr. Wilbur as Professor Medicine in the Chair of Medicine at Stanford when Wilbur became president.  In those days, Stanford was known as Cooper Medical College in San Francisco.

Art Fong to Mollie Yoshizumi: “Just talked to Al Bagley, he was with Carly [Fiorina] visiting Bill [WRH].  Bill doesn’t seem to understand what is going on.  I am very sad.”

2/60   Loveland Manufacturing Center – Rock Climbing Campaign 1996

WRH to Betsy Walton thanking her for the t-shirt, poster, brochures, etc. from Loveland Manufacturing Center’s customer campaign around mountain climbing. “I was especially honored to receive the beautifully framed enlargement of the  photo of me climbing Mt. Owen in Wyoming in 1936.”  Divisional communication piece with photograph of WRH

2/61   “M” Miscellaneous Folder

[Mexico] 7/30/93
script for WRH’s taping session for his greetings to HP-Mexico on the opening of its new headquarters facility in August

[Mariotti] 1/14/93
Franco Mariotti to WRH concerning his plan to improve the serious problem of employment of young graduates

[map] Printed HP Palo Alto Facilities Map; also HP Palo Alto/South Bay Facilities Map 4/89

2/62   Mariotti, Frank 1992-97

Newsgram with obit of Franco Mariotti who died 10/18/97; retired as managing director of HP Europe after 17 years on 12/31/96; eulogies by Lew Platt and Juan Soto

WRH to Mariotti on his anniversary of 35 years with HP.  “To understand the full significance, just think where the international program was 35 years ago.  You have played a major important part in this growth.”

Franco Mariotti to WRH sending regrets to invitation to attend Tosca at San Francisco Opera – must be best man at niece’s wedding.  “We enjoyed Walter’s visit to Europe earlier this month.  He showed a keen interest in our activities and left an excellent impression in the HP facilities he visited.”

2/63   HP – Measure Magazine 1988-2000

Mollie Yoshizumi to Jay Coleman, Measure editor, on Lord Kelvin’s quote: “I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind…”

Dave Kirby, Director of Public Relations, to WRH: “It turns out that we used to include the Kelvin quote in Measure magazine when the magazine was in its infancy.”  See July 1964 issue.  Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)


David Price, from HP Communications, uses a WRH quote: “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.  What gets measured gets done.”

2/64   HP – Media Articles 1975, 1981, 1986

Business Week, “Hewlett-Packard Where Slower Growth is Smarter Management”

Forbes, “The One to Watch” by Kathleen K. Wiegner

Jan./Feb. 1986 LP, “It’s up to You” by Chuck House

Originally published in The Canadian (HP)

2/65   HP – Medical Insurance 1992

Newsgram “Medical Plans to Change in 1994″

Robert Joy, HP employee, to Art Young in HP Corporate Benefits Manager

2/66   HP – Medical/Hospital Benefits 1987-93

correspondence relating to Rachel Anderson’s insurance cover for bone marrow transplant

Art Young, HP Benefits Manager, to unhappy retiree: “…The increase in retiree medical premiums for 1993 was a result of the increasing deficit Hewlett-Packard has experienced over the last eight years on retiree medical costs compared to premiums paid by retirees.  It was neither part of nor a direct result of the upcoming 1994 changes…”

WRH to complaining employee: “…We have had strong magnetic fields close to 100 years and if there is a correlation between these fields and cancer, I’m sure it would have been observed prior to this time.  As far as I know, there is very little scientific data as to the effect of these fields.”

Letters from employees complaining either of high premiums for employees and retirees or complaining when medical procedures aren’t covered by HP plans

2/67   HP Health Insurance  – Re medical procedures for Shari Abrams (high dose chemotherapy autologous bone marrow transplants) 1991

WRH to Shirley Foreman, HP Cupertino, who had written on behalf of Shari Abrams, pointing out that other companies cover HDC/ABMT procedures including IBM, GE, and Westinghouse.  After summarizing the reasons HP does not “cover extraordinary expenses,” he wrote “I have the greatest sympathy…as my wife died of breast cancer 14 years ago.”

2/68   HP – Dean Morton’s Retirement 10/15/92

WRH’s last message “From the president’s desk” where he announced John Young president and chief operating official and Dean Morton an executive vice president to succeed John Young effective 11/1/77

Dave Packard and Lew Platt announce Dean Morton will retire on 10/31/77 after 32 years with HP

Distribution list of those invited to retirement party

2/69   “Mc” Miscellaneous Folder


Cynthia McCulley to WRH thanking him for “the values and culture you created” within HP: “I recently had lunch with Joe Schoendorf to talk about job opportunities and we were reminiscing about the environment at HP and how there is no other company in the valley like it.  Joe mentioned that he remembers when both you and Dave were still very involved in running the company and when someone asked one of you a question, the other one of you would often call back with an answer to make sure that everyone realized you were working as a team.”

2/70   “N” Miscellaneous Folder

Employees who enjoyed The HP Way book or simply wanted to thank WRH and Packard for creating a good company

2/71   HP – Newsgrams 1992-97 (incomplete)

2/72   Newspaper Articles/Printed Material relating to HP 1990-94

Among the folder of articles are some rare ones:

Forbes, “Science & Technology: A doctor’s son had a vision” by Kathleen K. Wiegner on HP’s acquisition of Sanborn Co. In 1961 with WRH sensing “that the future of medical instrumentation was in electronics.”  This article traces MPG’s history back to WRH

The Salt Lake Tribune, “Larson-Davis Inc. – Provo Firm Building a ‘Sound’ Company” – founded by two former HP employees: Brian Larson and Larry Davis

2/73   N.Y. Stock Exchange Ad – 1992

To commemorate its 200th anniversary, the Stock Exchange wanted to use images of WRH and Packard in a TV ad.  The men agreed.  Photocopies of images are here.

2/74   “O” Miscellaneous Folder

Pete Reising to WRH and Packard re oscilloscope: “I found it at the Santa Cruz Flee Market.  I blew the dust out, and replaced the pilot light.  Everything else is still working.  This is the essence of HP Quality & Dependability.  Thank you.”

WRH to Kathleen O’Neill, San Jose Site, thanking her for “the T-shirt commemorating ‘Celebrate Diversity Week.’  I’m sorry I was not able to join your group for this festivity, but I did want you to know that I like the idea of ‘…raising employee awareness about the cultural diversity in our employee population’”

2/75   HP Omnibook 300 Portable Computer General Correspondence 1993

Newspaper articles and ads on the Omnibook

Invitation from Lew Platt and Bill Gates to news conference announcing the Omnibook 6/7/93 at The Spectrum Gallery, San Francisco

2/76   HP – Org Charts 1996-98

2/77   HP – Org Charts 1983-98

2/78   HP- Org Chart – Manager Profiles 8/93

2/79   HP – Oral History – Al Bagley Interviewed by Bob Grimm 7/10/90

Copy of transcription of this interview, 59 pages.  Good stories on inventions in late 1940s at HP, often depicting WRH’s and Packard’s management style.  P. 17: “There’s an old story that says most of the time Packard as a partner ran the business while Hewlett ran the lab, and in those days, that was really true.  Hewlett just loved to get out there and help–Norm Shrock, and the problems he had with the distributed amplifier, he loved to get deep into the theory of the things.  So you did find that Packard would be in the lab quite a bit, but more for a business question, ‘When are we gong to solve this thing, how much do you think that’s going to cost?’ But Hewlett would be the real technical guru…”  Good description of divisionalization.  Copy of interview also in Archives’ Oral History Files

2/80   Oscillator Purchase by Disney 2/91


The Peninsula Times Tribune, “Stanford Theatre showing “Fantasia,” included in the article is:  “David W. Packard, the Stanford owner, notes that ‘Fantasia’ has a tie to the company his father founded, Hewlett-Packard.  HP was founded in 1939, and its first major order came from Disney Studios, which purchased a half-dozen audio oscillators that were used in developing the ‘Fantasound’ system.  ‘HP had nothing to do with developing Fantasound,’ Packard stressed, adding that his father hates it when people overstate the connection between HP and ‘Fantasia.’ Just the same, there is a nostalgic connection, and ‘A lot of people at HP have been asking me to run ‘Fantasia.’”

Dave Packard to Lila Ruiz, Dave Kirby: “In your Good Morning desk message dated 2/11/91 you mention our sale of audio oscillators to be used in the sound system of Fantasia.  Our oscillators made no technical contribution whatever to Fantasia.  Bud Hawkins, the sound engineer for Disney, was planning to buy audio oscillators from General Radio for about $400 each.  We sold him our oscillators for less than $100 each.  Our only contribution was a saving of something over $2,000 to the Disney Company.  We should stop propagating the myth that we made a technical contribution to the production of Fantasia by that early sale.”

2/81   Open Software Foundation 1988-89

2/82   “P” Miscellaneous Folder

Pete Peterson’s retirement

Public Key Infrastructure Initiative

HP Performance Evaluation/Development Plan

“Patents Are Important”

“Hewlett-Packard Company Philanthropy Guidelines”

Philanthropy Annual Report

2/83   HP – PR Miscellany 1994-98

2/84   Parzybok, William – Resignation 1991

Bill Parzybok to WRH and Packard: “Today I submitted my resignation from Hewlett Packard and I wanted to drop you both a personal note.  I will be taking a senior position at another company which will be announced soon.  Leaving HP after more than 22 years is difficult but I feel the situation is such that it is time to move on.  The two of you have had a tremendous influence on me personally and professionally.  You both have and continue to be a source of inspiration to thousands of HP’ites.  You represent the ideal of what the HP Way should be.  I feel badly for the many hard working and dedicated HP’ites who are frightened about their future and disillusioned about HP.  I truly hope that HP top management can rebuild the confidence and loyalty of these employees.  I know you are aware and concerned about these issues and are working on them.  I would be happy to visit with either of you in person if you would like my views.  In closing I want to sincerely thank you both for the opportunities and experiences I have had at HP for the past 22 years; especially the opportunity to work with you.  I also want you to know that I feel Bill Terry was an outstanding manager, mentor and coach for me.  I greatly admire you all and what you stand for.  Best wishes…”


WRH to William G. Parzybok: “Thank you for your nice note…I’m very sorry to learn of this and yet, I understand the circumstances quite well.  As far as I’m concerned, you will be missed.  The only other thing I can say is that I think you made a good choice in going with the Fluke Company. Dave and I have known these people for years, and we have the highest regard for them…”

2/85   Personnel Matters 1991-98

Articles and some letters requesting job information

2/86   Products/Proposals 1992-93

2/87   HP Profit Sharing 1982-92


Listing of Profit-Sharing Percentages 1965-97

Many letters from employees unhappy with benefit changes

WRH to Shanna Bublitz, HP employee: “Thank you for your very thoughtful letter about the method of distribution of the Profit-Sharing Plan.  When we set this plan up, we very carefully considered the point that you made, i.e., that an employee’s salary was a direct indication of his/her importance in the company and the contribution to profit.  Our Profit-Sharing Plan is fairly similar to many other corporations.  We do, however, have a different type of incentive, the “STAR” option program, which is used to recognize significant contributions by employees at lower levels.  We issue about 2,000 of these 100-share options a year.  Approximately 250,000 shares are allocated to the STAR program annually. Most options in this category are for 100 shares, although some cover 150 or 200 shares.  Another 3,000 or so ‘C-share’ options are awarded as part of the regular option grant cycle each November.  We consider it very important to recognize people at the lower level of the company, and I feel this stock-option is quite unique in corporate practices.”

2/88   Lew Platt 1993-99

Platt’s retirement 12/99

Articles on Platt’s contributions and awards

Platt received American Electronics Association Medal of Achievement

Platt to WRH in response to SEIU’s attempts “to organize Sommers Building Maintenance, the janitorial contractor for our facilities in Roseville, Santa Rosa, and Corvallis.  The SEIU’s primary vehicle for this effort is their national ‘Janitors for Justice Campaign.’  Unlike traditional organizing efforts, this campaign has two primary thrusts.  The first, directed at the janitorial employee, consists of filing a number of costly lawsuits and administrative complaints (e.g. wage and hour, health and safety, etc.).  The second line of attack is directed at the janitorial company’s customers, such as HP, and is intended to enmesh the customer in the dispute to such an extent that the customer either forces the janitorial company to recognize the union or the customer switches to a unionized firm…


Given the nature of the dispute, we feel that the charges leveled by the SEIU are best resolved in the judicial and administrative forums in which they were brought.  At a more fundamental level, HP strongly supports the right of Sommers’s employees to be represented by a union freely chosen by them.  Sommers and the SEIU have been dealing with each other through a mediator, and those discussions have apparently broken down.  In accordance with established American labor law, Sommers has requested that the SEIU consent to a secret ballot election supervised by the federal government’s National Labor Relations Board.  Regrettably, the SEIU has declined that offer.  HP reiterates its support of Sommers’s employees’ right to chose, and we hope and encourage Sommers and the SEIU to resolve their dispute through the National Labor Relations Board.”

Judy Arluck told WRH that Lew Platt’s father passed away Oct. 7 in New Hartford NY, after a long illness

Lew Platt’s secretary Myrt McCarthy on Platt’s father: “Lew’s father was a professor electrical engineering at Cornell for five years.  Then went to work for a company called ANSCO, which is a division of AGFA (upstate New York).  He was in charge of the manufacturing plants.  In the mid-50’s, his father formed his own consulting engineering business and they did electrical engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering work for new construction.  Lew’s father went to Cornell and his Mom was a nurse.  His Dad and Mom are both living, in their 80’s.  They live in upstate New York and come out West to fish with Lew and his wife, Joan.”

Platt’s remarks at HP Labs Annual Review Luncheon, 6 pages

Platt’s remarks at Communicators’ Workshop, interview by Lynn Nixon at Lake Stevens Instrument Division, 15 pages

Business Marketing
, “Marketing Key to HP’s Battle Plan” by Tim Clark.  Platt on the cover

Record Box #19 – Hewlett Record Boxes

Peace Memorial Corporation, Palo Alto 1972

  • A Palo Alto organization established to make bronze castings of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. bust, Sascha Schnittmann, Sculptor; bust at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco 1972; agreement between WRH and the sculptor; financial records
  • Seal

WRH Lab Notebooks, 5 vols.

  • Stanford University, “Pyrometallurgy of Iron and Steel,” Mining Engineering 105, n.d.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computation Book, Course 6.69, n.d.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Course 6.561, “Characteristics of Composite Filters,” Laboratory Problem, 15 Dec. 1935; Report by Hewlett, Kingsbury
  • Stamped: Hewlett Packard Co. – William Hewlett [crossed out on cover: C.E. 130] , n.d.
  • Volume: Stanford Law Note Book; scientific annotations, n.d.

Record Box #18 – Hewlett Record Boxes

National Academy of Science, Publications and Panels on Advanced Technology 1979-82

  • Raymond Vernon, “On Science Indicators, 1978,” Harvard Univ., February 1980; gift of William T. Golden who wrote WRH: “The topics [Vernon] addresses are more fundamental than those indicated by the title of his article and the National Science Foundation report which evoked his observations.”
  • Book manuscript; Chapter 17 “Research in Industry” by WRH (not included)
  • NAS – National Academy of Science, Report on Industrial Research – Work File 1979-80
  • Review of WRH’s chapter for book
  • NAS Meeting 9 April 1982
  • NAS – Panel on Advanced Technology Competition 9 April 1982
  • NAS – Panel on Advanced Technology Competition and Industrialized Allies 9 March 1982
  • NAS – Panel on Advanced Technology Competition 9 Feb. 1982
  • Printed Proceedings of above
  • NAS – Panel on Advanced Technology Competition 15 Jan. 1982
  • NAS – “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” 1981-83
  • NAS – “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” 9 Mar. 1982
  • NAS Chapter – Research in Industry; WRH Coordinator 1981-83
  • Science and Technology Policy: Perspectives for the 1980s, edited by Herbert I. Fusfeld and Carmela S. Haklisch, 1979; other publications on related subjects, 1970s

Record Box #17 – Hewlett Record Boxes

The Flora and William R. Hewlett Foundation 1976-85

  • General 1975
  • General Correspondence 1976
  • “ ” “ ” “ 1977
  • Dr. Heyns 1976-77
  • Benefits 1976-77
  • Correspondence 1978
  • “ ” “ 1979
  • “ ” “ 1980
  • Investment Committee 1981
  • Correspondence 1981
  • “ ” “ 1982
  • Investment Committee 1982
  • Correspondence 1983
  • “ ” “ 1984

National Academy of Engineering 1975-84

  • 6 folders

Record Box #16 – Hewlett Record Boxes

WRH HP Internal Office Files 1968-75 (continued)

  • Taiwan 1968-75
  • Venezuela 1972-75
  • Vienna 1972
  • Grenoble 1972-74
  • HPSA Directors 1969-75
  • Denmark/Finland/Norway/Sweden 1968-75
  • Athens 1975
  • Austria/Socialists/USSR 1973-75
  • Benelux 1975
  • France 1972-75
  • Germany 1973-75
  • Italy 1971-75
  • Mid-East 1975
  • Spain 1974-75
  • United Kingdom 1975
  • Vienna 1975
  • HP Limited – South Queensferry 1973-75
  • Company Insurance 1972-74
  • Corporate Accounting – Jerry Carlson 1970-76
  • Corporate Finance – V-P 1969-75
  • Payroll 1974
  • Corporate Marketing – General 1973-74
  • Marketing Services 1972
  • Corp. Training/Management Dev. (T.V./Video) – Bill Nilsson 1972-74
  • Corporate Development – John Doyle 1971-75
  • Company Polities 1968-75
  • Ceramic Systems, San Diego – R. Demere 1973
  • “HP has fin. int.”
  • Manufacturing – V-P Bruce Wholey 1970-74
  • Energy/Fuel Shortages 1973
  • Plant Site Analysis 25 Feb. 1970 – Exec. Council Minutes
  • Ralph Lee – Executive Vice President 1971-75
  • Advanced Products Department 1973-75
  • HP-35 Pocket Calculator 1972-73
  • HP-80 Calculator 1972-73
  • HP-45 1973
  • Medical Electronics Division 1972-75
  • Scientific Instruments – Karl Schwarz, General Manager 1975
  • Avondale Division 1971-75
  • Scientific Instruments Division 1972
  • McMinnville Division 1973-75
  • Components – Dave Weindorf, General Manager 1975

Record Box #15 – Hewlett Record Boxes

WHR HP Internal Office Files 1968-75 (continued)

  • Marketing – V-P Al Oliverio 1975
  • Neely Sales Region 1968-75
  • Eastern Sales Region 1968-75
  • Midwest Sales Region 1868-75
  • Southern Sales Region 1867-75
  • Affirmative Action – E.E.O. – Personnel – Ken Capen 1971-75
  • Personnel: Employee Correspondence 1974-75
  • General Counsel – Jack Brigham 1974-75
  • General Counsel – John Chognard 1970-74
  • Government Relations – Jack Beckett 1973-74
  • Government Work – Analysis of April 1972
  • Personnel – Ray Wilbur 1969-72, 1973-75
  • Employment Evaluation Status Report 1975
  • Credit Union 1970-74
  • Retirement Fund 1974
  • Secretary – Frank Cavier 1972-74
  • Security 1970-74
  • Contributions Committee – Noam Williams 1973-75
  • Hewlett-Packard Company Employees’ Profit-Sharing Retirement Trust investment Review
  • 20 Nov. 1975
  • Executive Committee Minutes 1969-74

Record Box #14 – Hewlett Record Boxes

WRH HP Internal Office Files 1968-75

  • Bill Hewlett-Dave Packard 1968-74
  • Santa Clara Division 1973-75
  • Automatic Measurement Div. 1973-75
  • HPA 1973
  • Stanford Park Division 1973-75
  • Delcon Division 1975
  • San Diego Division 1973-75
  • New Jersey Division 1974-75
  • Santa Rosa Division 1973-74
  • Loveland Division 1973-75
  • Colorado Springs Division 1973-75
  • Data Systems 1973-75
  • Boise Division (Data Systems) 1973-75
  • Data Products Group 1973-74
  • Corporate Customer Service 1970-74
  • John Young – Executive V-P Operations 1974-75
  • Corporate R&D – V-P Barney Oliver 1968-75
  • Physical Elec. Laboratory – General – Don Hammond 1968-75
  • ESCA – Don Hammond 1972
  • Solid State Laboratory – General 1970
  • Electrical Research Lab – Paul Stoft 1968-75
  • Hupe & Busch 1972-74
  • Administrative Manager – Dan Lansdon 1968-72
  • COMSAT/IBM – Ed Rechtin 1973
  • Telecommunications – Rechtin 1974
  • Corporate Engineering – Rechtin 1974
  • Communications [Equipment] Meeting 1971
  • Bob Boniface – V-P Administration 1971-75
  • Manufacturing Division 1973-75
  • Internal Audits – George Abbott 1973-75
  • John Cage 1968-74

Record Box #13 – Hewlett Record Boxes

Record Box 13

  • WRH HP External Office Files A-W, 1970-72 (some earlier and later)
  • “A” 1970
  • AMPEX 1972
  • Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies 1963-71
  • Autoscan 1972
  • “B” 1970-71
  • Business Council for International Understanding 1970-73
  • “C” 1970-72
  • “D” 1970-72
  • “E” 1970-72
  • Emergency Committee for American Trade 1970-71
  • “F” 1970
  • Foreign Policy Association 1966-70
  • “G” 1970-72
  • Ginzton, Edward L. 1970
  • “H” 1970-72
  • “I” 1970
  • “J” 1970
  • “K” 1970
  • “L” 1970
  • Leeds & Northrup – Nat Cohn 1967-70
  • “M” 1970
  • “Mc” 1970
  • “N” 1970
  • NICB – National Industrial Conference Board 1968-69
  • National Science Foundation 1968-70
  • “O” 1970
  • OFDI – Office of Foreign Direct Investments 1971-72
  • “P” 1960-71
  • Palo Alto, City of 1960-72
  • “R” 1970
  • “S” 1972
  • “S” 1970-71
  • San Francisco Bay Area Council – Board of Trustees 1970-71, 1972
  • Siemens 1971-72
  • “T” 1970
  • U.S. Government Agencies – Misc. 1970-72
  • “W” 1970-72

Record Box #12 – Hewlett Record Box

WRH Office Files V-Z, 1971-76 (continued)

  • “V”
  • “W”
  • Weinberger, Cap – Meeting 17 Mar. 1971
  • WEMA 1959-75
  • World Affairs Council 1961-64
  • White House Fellows Panel – WRH Chairman 1970
  • White House Fellows Program 1969

International 1972-75 [Folders at back of box]

  • Government Relations – Jack Beckett 1974-76
  • International Operations – V. Pres. 1973-75
  • European Operations – HPSA 1973-75
  • International Trade Relations – Tom Christiansen 1973-75
  • Argentina 1973-74
  • Australia/New Zealand 1972-75
  • Brazil 1973-75
  • Canada 1972-75
  • Central American 1970-74
  • Chile 1971-75
  • China 1967-75
  • Columbia 1973
  • Ecuador 1974-75
  • India 1970-75
  • Iran 1975
  • Israel 1963-76
  • Japan 1973-74
  • Korea 1974
  • Mexico 1973-75
  • HP Singapore 1973-75
  • South Africa 1973-75
  • South America 1974
  • HP Malaysia 1972-75