1 Anniversary, 50th 1917-1967
2 Annual Reports: 1924, 1946, 1947
3 Annual Reports: 1953-1960
4 Affiliation with HP 1961; Made a division 1963
5 Birthday card to employees sent by Jim Jenks n.d.
6 Catalogs 1961
7 Catalogs – Instruments for Biophysical Research and Instrumentation 1961-1963
8 Catalogs – Instrumentation for Data Handling, Recording, & Readout 1963
9 Credit Union 1961
10 Dividend Check 1951
11 Electrocardiogram – Directions and Technical Bulletin 1954
12 Engineering Division, Policies and Procedures 1957 with annotations to mid-1960s
13 Employee Handbook 1946-
14 Fictitious Name, Certificate of 1937
15 “Founder’s Review” 1957
16 Group Insurance Plan ca. 1961
17 History highlights and pamphlet “Speaking of Sanborn Company – Here Are Its Ups and Downs from 1917 to 1942”
18 Inspection Sticker for HP Medical Electronics
19 Instructions for use of Sanborn Industrial Amplifier Model 124
20 “Introducing Sanborn Company” 1957
21 Management Committee Minutes 1944-1951
22 Management Meetings: Production 1945; Research 1945-1946; Sales 1945; Miscel. 1941-1947
23 Management Meetings, Executive Committee 1945
24 Management, Study of 1946
25 Metabolism Accessories
26 The Medical Instrumentation Market 1961
27 Organization Charts 1956, 1961
28 Patent, Scanning Type Oscillograph 1946
29 President’s Report 1963
30 Press Releases 1961, 1963
31 Product 1916 Sanborn Flow and Water Level Recorder
32 Recorder 100 CPS X-Y
33 Radar Diary 1943-1945 World War II production
34 Radio Communications meetings 1943-1945
35 Recorders and recording systems
36 Recreation area, map
37 Sanborn Company diary 1942-1950
38 “The Sanborn Way” early publication (one copy is 1953 but the others seem to be earlier) and oral history interview with Harry Smith by George Climo 1978