- Hewlett-Packard Goes to College (Hewlett-Packard wing of the new Electronics Research Laboratory on the Stanford Campus), PHOTO, 3.
- PHOTO: Eldred Honored by West Coast Electronic Manufacturers’ Association in Los Angeles, 5.
- From Our President’s Desk, 1.
- outlook is bright
- plans for additions for more space
- research and development work
- From Our President’s Desk, 1.
- Hewlett-Packard on Display–Interest High
- New -hp- Models Shown
- Chest X-Ray for H-P’ites (chest X-ray day a-hp-), George Climo, 1.
- New Plant Record Set for Red Cross Drive (Amount: $2,259.00), 2.
- PHOTO: Mr. G.L. Osborne presents Mr. Bob Sundberg, Purchasing Agent, with the 20,000th transformer supplied Hewlett-Packard since 1950 by the Osborne Electric Company.
- H-P Proposed Expansion Program, 3.
- Industrial Awakening!! — Mid-Peninsula Safety and Security Council Activated, Cal Larsen, 9.
- (Misprinted as April, 1953)
- From Our President’s Desk, 1.
- New Construction to Start Soon
- Educational Cancer Movies–Another H-P Health Project, Paul Fulton, 1.
- H-P Chest X-Ray Survey, George Climo, 1.
- H-P Active Participant in Stanford Blood Drive, George Climo, 1.
- PHOTO: New H-P Exhibit Unfolded at New York IRE Show.
- Two Scholarships to be Awarded This Year, Frank Cavier, 3.
- W.C.E.M.A. (West Coast Electronic Manufacturers’ Association) Establishes Scholarship Fund, Jeanne Jarrett, 3.
- Editorially Speaking, Bill Bigler, 2.
- municipal water supply fluoridation
- Junis Petriceks of Paly; John Gallo, Sequoia High H-P Scholarship Winners — Will Work at -hp- This Summer, 2.
- National Electronic Buyers’ Group Formed — Sundberg Elected Secretary, 3.
- First Spadeful! New Building Program Now Underway, 4.
- Harry S. Dowe, Jr., Inc., Long-Time H-P Associate, Jeanne Jarrett, 5.
- From Our President’s Desk, 1.
- Complete Cooperation with Development Lab Highly Essential
- Blood Drive on Again!, George Climo, 1.
- Baender of Yale Univ.–First Scholarship Man Meets 1953 Winners, PHOTO, 2.
- From Our President’s Desk, 1.
- sales-seminar program
- Inter-Department Safety Contest (Another First), Cal Larsen, 1.
- Blood Bank Record Set, George Climo, 1.
- Pension Fund Set-Up, George Climo, 1.
- Report on Safety Contest, Cal Larsen, 1.
- WCEMA Scholarships Awarded, PHOTO, 1.
- WESCON for ’53, 1.
- H-P to Exhibit at Sept. National Electronics Conference in Chicago, 1.
- PHOTO: Norman B. Neely’s Mobile Lab, 3.
- From Our President’s Desk, 1.
- projects in the near future
- Community Chest Drive Opens October 6th (Palo Alto Goal, $100,210.00), Frank Cavier, 1.
- A Light for the Handicapped (signal light presented to Rehabilitation Section of the Palo Alto Clinic), PHOTO, 2.
- H-P Booth a Big Success at San Francisco WESCON, 1.
- From Our President’s Desk, Dave Packard, 1.
- H-P Spirit Exemplified in Chest Contributions
- Our Association with Kingman–A Proud One
- Community Chest, George Climo, 1.
- PHOTO: Earl Lipscompb’s Fifty-three Foot Travel-Lab, interior/exterior, 3.
- Nov. 15 Deadline for Gifts Going Overseas, 13.
- From Our President’s Desk, Dave Packard, 1.
- A Christmas Message
- Congratulations Bill! (Bill Hewlett named President of the National Institute of Radio Engineers), 1.
- Blood Bank Report, 3.