Box 2 – Subject Files

2/30   “H” Miscellaneous Folder

Lisa Carr sent WRH a copy of the HP story in the Self-Made in California Program which aired on CNBC on 1/18

[Haagen-Smit] 4/6/95
Jim Haagen-Smit to WRH re the lawsuit that WRH, the Sierra Club, and the people have against Squaw Valley Ski Corp. “What concerns me most is that HP continues to do business with Squaw Valley Ski Corp.  I realize that this lawsuit had nothing to do with HP.  However, HP (at least in Roseville) offers employees discount ticket vouchers that they can buy and HP has recently taken a large group of employees and spouses to a 2 day offsite, staying at the Resort at Squaw Creek.  I realize that you have no reason to publicize your lawsuit with Squaw Valley Ski Corp, but we can only imagine what Alex [Cushing] thought if he saw the rather large amount of money that HP paid for this offsite.  As Alex makes his appeals, is it time that you give him some of the bad press that he deserves.  At last inside HP…”  WRH responded 4/11/95: “…I try to keep my actions and corporate actions separate.  I would hesitate to raise the issue with the people in Roseville.”

[Horn] 8/30/93
Henry C. Horn to WRH with Aug. 1983 copy of HP Key Notes with Horn’s “My Last ‘Editorial’” retiring after 9½ years of producing Key Notes; also invited WRH to a reunion of the original Advanced Products Division member in Cupertino 9/4.  These are the employees who worked at the Division from 1972 until moving to Corvallies in 1976; 20th reunion of the ‘birth’ of the HP 35.  WRH responded with regret and “many fond memories”

[Higgins] 1991/92
correspondence from Mary Higgins of National Alliance for the Mentally Ill whom Packard has agreed to see

[Hoch] 12/15/89 WRH to Steve Hoch, co-captain of the HP Ski  Team, inviting him to join in any activities of the team.  WRH responded: “…I’m afraid my skiing days are over” and congratulates them “on placing first in the 1989 Corporate Ski Challenge”

2/31   HP Fact Sheet 1988-98

Copies of this in several forms

2/32   HP Garage – Map and Directions 1987-91

Rebecca Morgan to WRH “pleased to learn that the historic garage at 367 Addison Avenue in Palo Alto has been designated as a California Historical Landmark in recognition of the site’s significance in the birth of the Hewlett-Packard Company…”

Dave Kirby reported: “Last week the State of California designated HP’s birthplace, the garage at 367 Addison Avenue, a California State Historical Landmark…California initiated its landmark designation program in 1932.  Since then, 973 sites have become landmarks…a bronze plaque [will] be installed at an appropriate spot near the garage…at a cost to us of about $1,000…”

WRH to William Wike, an HP customer engineer, who built a scale model of the garage; sent photographs which WRH acknowledged

2/33   HP – Government Affairs 1994-97

Mainly announcements from Merissa Khachigian with her “California Review,” a monthly report on state-wide issues of importance to HP

flyer “A Matter of Republican Pride” signed by George Schultz, Bill Hewlett, Tom Campbell and Becky Morgan, urging help for Ted Laliotis so at least one mid-peninsula legislator would be Republican

Bob Kirkwood to HP Managers with his “HP’s 1996 Issue Briefs,” highlighting  current public policy issues that have a direct impact on overall competitiveness, about 20 pages

Bill Lockyer, President pro Tempore, California State Senate, wrote WRH and others about Senator Rob Hurtt, Orange County ultraconservative, who ousted Senator Ken Maddy.  Hurtt is labeled as “anti-choice, anti-minority, anti-labor and homophobic.”  WRH asked Bob Kirkwood about this and Kirkwood suggested he not respond to Lockyer’s letter as he “is not a constructive source of information.” He also agreed that Senator Hurtt is an extremely right-wing Conservative and is Pro-Life.”


Gary Fazzino to WRH, Packard, and Lew Platt re “1994 HP California Political Contributions”

2/34   HP – 50th Anniversary – Correspondence from Employees 1989

Letters and a few snapshots of event

2/35   HP – Dick Hackborn 1991

WRH to Dick Hackborn sending regrets he is unable to attend Hackborn’s retirement party on 1/29.  “I do want to take this opportunity to thank you for the tremendous job that you have done for HP.  I thought we were well known in the trade press up to the time of the hard copy printers.  Now everything pales in comparison with their PR–a great tribute to you.”  Hackborn was 31 years with HP

Snapshot of Hackborn and family

Measure May-June 1991, “Dick Hackborn: history of success” by Steve Hoffman,

pp. 9-13

2/36   Hewlett-Packard 1986-91

WRH to Doug Chance who is leaving HP after 24 years to go to Octel as president and CEO

WRH to Wilhelm L. Wurst on his retirement after 29 years with HP

a formal retirement message to the 1500 employees throughout HP taking advantage of the enhanced early retirement plan.  “Many of you here have worked together since the company was smaller and have made strong and lasting contributions to our company’s philosophy, and in that way deserve special recognition for our success.”

WRH to Art Darbie, Loveland, on his retirement after 36 years at HP.  “In some ways, in recent years, it’s been kind of tough on HP, but I’m convinced that the principles under which the Company was founded are still valid and are basically being observed.”

Correspondence with John Doyle about the contour cardiography project that Dean Forbes has been working on

Dick Alberding’s retirement after 33 years with HP

Tom Christiansen’s retirement after 35 years with HP

David A. Baldwin informing WRH and others “that in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List published on Saturday 17th June 1986 Finley MacKenzie was awarded the CBE for his services to the electronic industry in Scotland.  Baldwin finds this “an encouragement to all our HP UK employees in our 25th Anniversary year…”

2/37   Hewlett, William R. 1977-80

HP Canadian Vol. 1, No. 1, with articles on “H.P.C.L. Management Review” and

snapshots of WRH and Bob Boniface sent by Malcolm Gissing

Josette Boulmier, Geneva, with good photograph of WRH’s visit to HPSA 10/10-

[ashtray on table]

Intercom, HP Intercontinental Operations News, Vol. 4, No. 1, “A Talk with Bill

Hewlett, HP’s chief executive officer revisits Southeast Asia and Japan after four years” with specific references to Sinapore, Penang, and Japan

WRH thanked the employees of Automatic Measurement Division for the

Commemorative Medal whose “design represents the evaluation of the Automatic Measurement Division within the Hewlett Packard Company over the past 21 years and also the worldwide distribution and utilization of AMD’s products.”  Nice exhibit item.

WRH thanked Roland Krevitt for photographs of his Manufacturing Division tour.  5 colored photographs, nice exhibit items – dated 3/77


John Warnecke to WRH and Packard asking to be considered as architects for HP’s proposed new plant in San Jose; enclosed “Photos that Grace took at the opening of your Santa Rosa facility” which Warnecke & Associates planned.  2 copies of 2 fine black and white photographs of WRH at the podium

WRH to Lok Lin, HP Taiwan, thanking him for lovely card “written to me at the time of my remarriage.”   Hand-made card to “Bill & Rosemary”

2/38   HP – History

Fortune 7/2/90,
“Turning R&D into Real Products: ‘Hewlett-Packard, Allied-Signal, Du Pont, and other innovators are showing how to transform discoveries into dollars’”

“Hewlett-Packard, a company history” 3/83

2/39   HP-35 Handheld Calculator – 25th Anniversary Year 1997

press release and slides

Letters from satisfied users

2/40   Human Side of Management, Notre Dame, 3/25/82

WRH’s speech as the Eugene B. Clark Executive Lecture – multiple copies

2/41   HP Way 1991-98

HP Way brochure updated

HP Education’s on-line desk reference tool on management focus

3/89, 10/94
brochures on The HP Way

The HP Way

issue of San Jose Mercury News, “Try the H-P way, employee suggests,” to Apple Computer after 400 job cuts in 2/90 and now 1500 jobs eliminated

John Doyle to WRH and Packard: “You asked me what I thought of Pete Peterson’s plan for the personnel function….I believe that his philosophy and direction are well thought out and appropriate.  He has improved upon the objectives that I had for the function years ago.  His plan for resizing seems rather too slow and I have told him this…One reason we have so many personnel people is because we have so many organizations.  Over the last 10 years the number of HP entities has grown from 79 to 113, which is a 3.6%/year growth rate.  Sharing functions between entities has always been hard but we are getting better at it…”

Letters expressing the fears of the end of HP Way

2/42   “I” Miscellaneous Folder

[Inventions] 10/13/83
press release on the publication of Inventions of Opportunity: Matching Technology with Market Needs, a collection of 23 articles from HP Journal 1949 to 82; WRH wrote introduction and chapter prefaces.  Out of print 7/19/89

2/43   HP – India 1992

article in San Jose Mercury News on “Indian city follows Silicon Valley path to

success; Computer industry thrives in Bangalore”

2/44   “J” Miscellaneous Folder


[Johnson] 8/5/96
to Deborah Johnson who had written asking for names of HP employees working on the issue of Leaning Disabilities; WRJ knew of none but added:  “…for years I have suffered from dyslexia and, by hard work, I have learned how to live with it.  It is interesting to note that of my 12 grandchildren, almost half of them have suffered from a similar problem.  There is, however, compensation for this learning disorder.  As an example, I never could take notes.  So I learned how to listen and that may have been of more value than the reading disorder itself.  You just have to learn how to live with it.”  He added as PS: “When I was a boy, no one ever heard of dyslexia, even though my father was a physician.”

Additional correspondence with Johnson who gave WRH various material for people with learning disabilities

2/45   HP – Japan Miscellaneous 1993

Kenzo Sasaoka to WRH on his retirement as president of YHP to assume the board chairmanship, succeeding Shozo Yokogawa; WRH responded 3/5/93: “I can’t believe that it has been 18 years since you took on the responsibility of running YHP…”

2/46   “K” Miscellaneous Folder

WRH to Eberhard and Helge Knoblauch, Boeblingen, Germany, responding to their letter.  “I often think of the excellent times we had at Nesselwang and particularly the walks we took together.  As you know, in the spring I had my second knee operated on and this, combined with a mild stroke, has made recovery very slow.  However, I exercise vigorously every day and hope to be back to nearly normal in about a year…”

2/47   HP Retirement – David Kirby, Corporate Public Relations 1989

WRH to Dave Kirby: “I simply cannot believe that you’ve been with Hewlett-Packard for 27 years.  As a matter of fact, I can’t remember when you were not with us.  I know that running PR for HP (and “H” and “P”) is not the easiest job in the world, and your shoes are going to be hard to fill.  I don’t know where we will get three people to replace you.  The only screw-up I can remember was the Disney affair, but it all turned out O.K. because they now think it was Packard…”

2/48   KittyHawk (Ray Smelek) 6/8/92, Mark Hopkins Hotel, SF

Ray Smelek to WRH on introduction of the KittyHawk project

2/49   “L” Miscellaneous Folder

Several letters from employees thanking WRH for HP


[Limbaugh] 1/27/93
Gus O’Donnell, HP-Roseville Networks Division employee called Rush Limbaugh and identified himself as an HP employee and revealed confidential FY93 1st quarter financial results for his division, again U.S. Securities Law

[Laitram] 12/5/91
Bloor Redding, Jr., HP Sr. Regional Attorney to WRH notifying him of The Laitram Corporation of New Orleans suing HP for infringing patent on calculator products.  Records documenting this case must not be destroyed

[LaBarre] 8/25/89
Jack Brigham announcing “the Federal District Court in San Jose issues its opinion yesterday in our patent infringement case against Bausch & Lomb (B&L).  The court held HP’s patent covering the grit wheel is valid.  B&L infringed the patent since they had conceded infringement in their pleadings,” etc. Damage or royalties are assessed.  This was preceded on 8/6/89 with a letter from Larry LaBarre to John Young: “…before I joined Hewlett Packard, back in 1953, I was in business for myself.  I learned then that I was a better innovator and designer than businessman.  When I started at Hewlett Packard I was determined to use my mechanical abilities to solve key problems for the company’s new products.  In 1975 Bill Hewlett asked me to try to develop something better than the air-bearing pen-holder, which they were trying to perfect in our San Diego Division.  Bill’s chiding me about my chances of success only made me more determined to find that answer.  Of course, I did succeed and our victory in the Bausch & Lomb case now provides a legal and historical validation for that success…”

2/50   HP Labs 1986-98


HP Labs in Bristol reorganized

WRH and Packard were approached to contribute to the 30th issue of                                 Inforum with their memories; Packard agreed to help

1994 “Inventor Recognition Luncheon 1994″ program

HP Labs annual report

FY93 had 1026 regular FTE with increase in R&D engineers and decrease in support staff.  “A number of diversity programs have been initiated this fiscal year to address continuing problems recruiting and retaining women and minorities.  We made some strides in management when we hired a woman Lab Director and promoted two women to Department Managers….”

Joel Birnbaum inviting WRH and others to HP Labs Strategy review.  2/18 WRH called to say he is coming

Joel Birnbaum inviting WRH to dinner with Dr. Peilin Luo who is visiting from China.  Also enclosed an article Mrs. Luo wrote for a Chinese journal about a dinner WRH and his wife had for Mr and Mrs Luo in Palo Alto in April 1987.  This event ended with the Hewlett Foundation giving a grant to Yenching University, alma mater of Mrs. Luo – fascinating story, 4 pages.

Frank Carrubba to WRH inviting him to 3rd annual Research Board dinner, accepted.  List of board members attached

January-February 1991 Measure with article on HP Labs’ 25th Year

WRH was sent 15 minute videotape which describes the vision of HP’s mechanical engineering environment for the next 3 to 5 years


Frank Carrubba sent WRH Len Cutler’s write up about SQUID devices which they had talked about “the last time we spoke”

concerning future of IMAGE

WRH to Egon Loebner with corrections to Loebner’s article for Lab Notes, 4 pages plus copy of patent for “Variable Frequency Oscillation Generator, Filed July 11, 1939.”  WRH’s corrections: 1) percentage figures for HP’s compounded yearly growth rate has been equal to the growth of HP employees–about 25%.

2) It might be worth mentioning that radio engineering (electronics had not been invented) consisted mostly of entertainment (talking pictures and phonographs), communications, and small industrial use, such as, geophysical prospecting.

3) As I remember, the 200A audio oscillator went from 35 to 35,000 cycles.  It wasn’t until the Disney order that we got down to 20 cycles. 200B

1989 “Hewlett-Packard Laboratories” – publication with WRH’s quote on cover: “The creative process works best when it is not too structured; but it must, in the long run, be tamed, harnessed and hitched to the wagon of man’s needs.”

Amy and Peilin Luo to WRH and Joel Birnbaum repeating thanks “to help China improve its library facilities.”  Letter concludes with request that their son, Jin Luo, a graduate student at Caltech, be given a job at HP to gain “some practical training in industry after his graduation,” resume attached.  Birnbaum called Mollie Yoshizumi to tell WRH:   “Quite frankly, Joel thinks Mr. Luo is a little pushy and Joel’s feeling is that we should politely say ‘no.’  The Govt. will not permit a Chinese person to join a development organization.  It’s going to take a lot of people’s time to get his son in and it just simply is not worth it.  Apparently, this was pursued once before and it is not worth the effort to find the right place and justify the expenditure.”

Frank Carrubba to WRH re “Electrophoresis Gels” which WRH asked about at the last Board of Directors’ luncheon: “…you inquired about the scanning method we are using to read electrophoresis gels.  At that time you suggested we investigate the method employed by astrophysicists for interpreting stellar spectra.  I spoke with Harry Weaver, the person in our Analytical Department responsible for electrophoresis scanning, who recently met with Sandra Faber, an astronomer from the University of California at Santa Cruz…..the method we use is essentially the same as Faber’s.  Since Phase One of our work is for all practical purposes complete and Phase Two is about to begin, it’s a good time to rethink and fine tune some of our algorithms; we will make sure we know all the astronomers’ tricks.”

2/51   HP Labs – General 1999

Invitation to “The Big Bash and Employee Talent Show” for HP Labs and Agilent Labs.  9/29/99 Ed Karrer specifically invites WRH with note: “I hope that this letter finds you well.  You have always been a guiding spirit for HP Labs, many thanks for that”

2/52   HP Labs – “Masters of Technology Transfer” Video Documentary, 1997-98

Use of Bill and Dave’s offices for a historical documentary video on HP Labs, an internal project by Rosanne Wyleczuk “to inspire and inform other people at HPL about transfer”


Videotape containing HP labs interviews on the Art & Science of Technology Transfer now available.  “The Stellar Cast: Joel Birnbaum, Richard Brown, Kent Carey, Randy Coverstone, David Cunningham, Alex Drukarev, Denny Georg, Gary Gordon, John Brinham, Rajiv Gupta, Jon Gustafson, Chuck House, Waguih Ishak, Sandy Johnstone, Ed Karrer, Dick Lampman, Qian Lin, Mary Loomis, Chuck Morehouse, Steve Newton, Tom Shoup, Bill Shreve, Polly Siegel, Sally Swedberg, Howard Taub, John Taylor, Chuck Tyler”

Fortune article on “Turning R&D into Real Products” with quotes from HP’s John Young and Frank Carrubba.  “…technology transfer consists of a sequence of simple steps: A research scientist comes up with an insight, which is applied by engineers in a prototype, which in turn serves as the basis for a product that customers buy.  In actuality, the process is so difficult to manage that, according to Frank Carrubba, director of Hewlett-Packard Labs, it gives new meaning to ‘hit or miss’…”

2/53   HP Labs – Report of LAB Survey (Barney Oliver) 1991

2 copies of “HP Labs: A Few Growing Pains” 9 pages.  Reviewers: Barney Oliver, Alan Bagley, Bob Brunner, Zvonko Fazarinc, and Don Hammond: “Hewlett-Packard corporate laboratories began as a separate entity in 1966.  It was formed when the exodus to the newly established divisions–Loveland, Frequency and Time, Microwave, and Colorado Springs–had carried away a good fraction of the engineering staff of the original, single corporate lab.  It was felt that without a corporate lab, the future engineering efforts of HP might follow too closely the thrust of the existing divisions, and consequently HP would be less apt to enter new fields…The long list of products that have originated at HP Labs includes frequency standards, interferometers, time domain reflectometers, ultrasound cardiac scanners, liquid chromatograph pumps, capillary columns, vector voltmeters, moving paper plotters, gallium arsenide LED’s and microwave transistors, desktop and handheld calculators…”  Report ends with ten recommendations. [report is in Subject File in Archives]

2/54   HP – Labs Library 1995

WRH’s quote for pamphlet on Labs Library: “I can hardly believe it was over 40 years ago that I was approached about supporting an HP labs library…it has grown to over 50,000 books…”

2/55   Lake Stevens – WRH Retirement from HP Board 1987

Lee Thompson, GM Lake Stevens Instrument Division, presented WRH “with one of the last two 200CD’s produced by the Hewlett-Packard Company” and two publications which featured stories on the 200CD

a lengthy print out signed by Lake Stevens employees wishing WRH well on his retirement from HP Board.  Photographs of  a photo of WRH displayed next to the 200CD

2/56   Landscape Renovations to Patio Area off WRH and Dave Packard’s Offices 6/99

Total cost approved $3,214

2/57   Laserjets 1994

Photocopies of Technical Data sheets for HP Laserjets

2/58   HP – Legal Department 1986-98


Jack Brigham to HP managers, etc.: “Microsoft has been engaging in a business practice which could be very damaging to HP.  The purpose of this memo is to warn you of this practice.  Microsoft has been asking companies to sign agreements with an ‘Immunity from Suit’ provision.  Although the specific title and exact working provision varies and is often buried in the middle of long agreements, its effect is an agreement not to sue Microsoft or its OEMs/customers (i.e., most of the computer industry) for infringement of the company’s patents….it is critical that NO agreement be entered into with Microsoft without prior review by the HP Intellectual Property and/or Marketing Attorney supporting your entity.”  WRH responded 6/27/96 via secretary saying he “felt the company should be contacting Microsoft–not contacting HP employees/managers.”

Resistance Action Grassroots-organizing & Education at Stanford University to WRH concerning the maintenance company HP hires, Somers Building Maintenance, which gives low wages, no benefits, etc. “We have been disturbed to learn that the janitors’ right to unionize has been met with violent and repressive anti-organizing tactics, and we urge HP to live up to its reputation as a worker-friendly, family-oriented corporation…”  WRH wrote on letter: “no action”

Jack Brigham to WRH about the claim by R. Douglas Chamorro and Malcolm C. McMillan which “relates to HP’s use of cordic algorithm techniques developed by them for calculators.  There was apparently contact between you and them sometime in 1965….Do you remember anything at all about this?”  WRH responds 6/14/94 that Paul Stoft was involved

Several employees, using the Open Door policy, write with complaints

2/59   Loveland Division – “How It All Began” January 2000

Copy of publication How It All Began: Hewlett-Packard’s Loveland Facility by Kenneth Jessen, copyright 1999, Agilent Technologies.  Art Fong called in corrections and WRH had some too.  Jessen e-mailed 6/9/00 to say he had 600 copies of the present version of the book in stock and will make changes if the book is reprinted.  4/1/00 Art Fong to Ken Jessen with praise for the book and some corrections.  “…There are a few historical facts which should be restated.  These had been misquoted in the past by persons inside and outside HP.  Once it gets into print, they seem to become historical facts and is repeated again…”  Among the corrections:

WRH did not invent the Wein Bridge Oscillator.  Max Wein invented the bridge/oscillator and WRH perfected it.

WRH’s father was a medical diagnostician, cardiovascular physiologist, researcher, professor and chairman at Stanford Medical School in San Francisco; not a brain surgeon

In the beginning Bill and Dave did not have titles; they were just “partners” of the Company

The Quonset hut was built after Bill returned from the Signal Corps, just in time for the 1946 Christmas party.  The lab and the shipping department moved into the Quonset hut in early 1947.  It was quick and cheap, but not a pleasant place to do work, hot in the summer and cold in the winter

The acquisition of Boonton was of little importance because the technology had changed

Dymec was formed on July 10, 1956 by WRH and Packard to benefit employees


The first major HP initiated operation outside of the Palo Alto area was HPGmbh in Beoblingen, Germany in 1959; Loveland was second in 1960

HP’s first computer was the 2116A, then the 2115A, and then the 2114A – interesting story about the 4100A computer being essentially the 2114A with design changes to allow it to be in the Japanese market

Mollie Yoshizumi to Art Fong reporting she found an article about WRH’s father in the Johns Hopkins Medical Journal.  Albion Walter Hewlett received his M.D. degree from Hopkins in 1900, and in 1916 he succeeded Dr. Wilbur as Professor Medicine in the Chair of Medicine at Stanford when Wilbur became president.  In those days, Stanford was known as Cooper Medical College in San Francisco.

Art Fong to Mollie Yoshizumi: “Just talked to Al Bagley, he was with Carly [Fiorina] visiting Bill [WRH].  Bill doesn’t seem to understand what is going on.  I am very sad.”

2/60   Loveland Manufacturing Center – Rock Climbing Campaign 1996

WRH to Betsy Walton thanking her for the t-shirt, poster, brochures, etc. from Loveland Manufacturing Center’s customer campaign around mountain climbing. “I was especially honored to receive the beautifully framed enlargement of the  photo of me climbing Mt. Owen in Wyoming in 1936.”  Divisional communication piece with photograph of WRH

2/61   “M” Miscellaneous Folder

[Mexico] 7/30/93
script for WRH’s taping session for his greetings to HP-Mexico on the opening of its new headquarters facility in August

[Mariotti] 1/14/93
Franco Mariotti to WRH concerning his plan to improve the serious problem of employment of young graduates

[map] Printed HP Palo Alto Facilities Map; also HP Palo Alto/South Bay Facilities Map 4/89

2/62   Mariotti, Frank 1992-97

Newsgram with obit of Franco Mariotti who died 10/18/97; retired as managing director of HP Europe after 17 years on 12/31/96; eulogies by Lew Platt and Juan Soto

WRH to Mariotti on his anniversary of 35 years with HP.  “To understand the full significance, just think where the international program was 35 years ago.  You have played a major important part in this growth.”

Franco Mariotti to WRH sending regrets to invitation to attend Tosca at San Francisco Opera – must be best man at niece’s wedding.  “We enjoyed Walter’s visit to Europe earlier this month.  He showed a keen interest in our activities and left an excellent impression in the HP facilities he visited.”

2/63   HP – Measure Magazine 1988-2000

Mollie Yoshizumi to Jay Coleman, Measure editor, on Lord Kelvin’s quote: “I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind…”

Dave Kirby, Director of Public Relations, to WRH: “It turns out that we used to include the Kelvin quote in Measure magazine when the magazine was in its infancy.”  See July 1964 issue.  Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)


David Price, from HP Communications, uses a WRH quote: “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.  What gets measured gets done.”

2/64   HP – Media Articles 1975, 1981, 1986

Business Week, “Hewlett-Packard Where Slower Growth is Smarter Management”

Forbes, “The One to Watch” by Kathleen K. Wiegner

Jan./Feb. 1986 LP, “It’s up to You” by Chuck House

Originally published in The Canadian (HP)

2/65   HP – Medical Insurance 1992

Newsgram “Medical Plans to Change in 1994″

Robert Joy, HP employee, to Art Young in HP Corporate Benefits Manager

2/66   HP – Medical/Hospital Benefits 1987-93

correspondence relating to Rachel Anderson’s insurance cover for bone marrow transplant

Art Young, HP Benefits Manager, to unhappy retiree: “…The increase in retiree medical premiums for 1993 was a result of the increasing deficit Hewlett-Packard has experienced over the last eight years on retiree medical costs compared to premiums paid by retirees.  It was neither part of nor a direct result of the upcoming 1994 changes…”

WRH to complaining employee: “…We have had strong magnetic fields close to 100 years and if there is a correlation between these fields and cancer, I’m sure it would have been observed prior to this time.  As far as I know, there is very little scientific data as to the effect of these fields.”

Letters from employees complaining either of high premiums for employees and retirees or complaining when medical procedures aren’t covered by HP plans

2/67   HP Health Insurance  – Re medical procedures for Shari Abrams (high dose chemotherapy autologous bone marrow transplants) 1991

WRH to Shirley Foreman, HP Cupertino, who had written on behalf of Shari Abrams, pointing out that other companies cover HDC/ABMT procedures including IBM, GE, and Westinghouse.  After summarizing the reasons HP does not “cover extraordinary expenses,” he wrote “I have the greatest sympathy…as my wife died of breast cancer 14 years ago.”

2/68   HP – Dean Morton’s Retirement 10/15/92

WRH’s last message “From the president’s desk” where he announced John Young president and chief operating official and Dean Morton an executive vice president to succeed John Young effective 11/1/77

Dave Packard and Lew Platt announce Dean Morton will retire on 10/31/77 after 32 years with HP

Distribution list of those invited to retirement party

2/69   “Mc” Miscellaneous Folder


Cynthia McCulley to WRH thanking him for “the values and culture you created” within HP: “I recently had lunch with Joe Schoendorf to talk about job opportunities and we were reminiscing about the environment at HP and how there is no other company in the valley like it.  Joe mentioned that he remembers when both you and Dave were still very involved in running the company and when someone asked one of you a question, the other one of you would often call back with an answer to make sure that everyone realized you were working as a team.”

2/70   “N” Miscellaneous Folder

Employees who enjoyed The HP Way book or simply wanted to thank WRH and Packard for creating a good company

2/71   HP – Newsgrams 1992-97 (incomplete)

2/72   Newspaper Articles/Printed Material relating to HP 1990-94

Among the folder of articles are some rare ones:

Forbes, “Science & Technology: A doctor’s son had a vision” by Kathleen K. Wiegner on HP’s acquisition of Sanborn Co. In 1961 with WRH sensing “that the future of medical instrumentation was in electronics.”  This article traces MPG’s history back to WRH

The Salt Lake Tribune, “Larson-Davis Inc. – Provo Firm Building a ‘Sound’ Company” – founded by two former HP employees: Brian Larson and Larry Davis

2/73   N.Y. Stock Exchange Ad – 1992

To commemorate its 200th anniversary, the Stock Exchange wanted to use images of WRH and Packard in a TV ad.  The men agreed.  Photocopies of images are here.

2/74   “O” Miscellaneous Folder

Pete Reising to WRH and Packard re oscilloscope: “I found it at the Santa Cruz Flee Market.  I blew the dust out, and replaced the pilot light.  Everything else is still working.  This is the essence of HP Quality & Dependability.  Thank you.”

WRH to Kathleen O’Neill, San Jose Site, thanking her for “the T-shirt commemorating ‘Celebrate Diversity Week.’  I’m sorry I was not able to join your group for this festivity, but I did want you to know that I like the idea of ‘…raising employee awareness about the cultural diversity in our employee population’”

2/75   HP Omnibook 300 Portable Computer General Correspondence 1993

Newspaper articles and ads on the Omnibook

Invitation from Lew Platt and Bill Gates to news conference announcing the Omnibook 6/7/93 at The Spectrum Gallery, San Francisco

2/76   HP – Org Charts 1996-98

2/77   HP – Org Charts 1983-98

2/78   HP- Org Chart – Manager Profiles 8/93

2/79   HP – Oral History – Al Bagley Interviewed by Bob Grimm 7/10/90

Copy of transcription of this interview, 59 pages.  Good stories on inventions in late 1940s at HP, often depicting WRH’s and Packard’s management style.  P. 17: “There’s an old story that says most of the time Packard as a partner ran the business while Hewlett ran the lab, and in those days, that was really true.  Hewlett just loved to get out there and help–Norm Shrock, and the problems he had with the distributed amplifier, he loved to get deep into the theory of the things.  So you did find that Packard would be in the lab quite a bit, but more for a business question, ‘When are we gong to solve this thing, how much do you think that’s going to cost?’ But Hewlett would be the real technical guru…”  Good description of divisionalization.  Copy of interview also in Archives’ Oral History Files

2/80   Oscillator Purchase by Disney 2/91


The Peninsula Times Tribune, “Stanford Theatre showing “Fantasia,” included in the article is:  “David W. Packard, the Stanford owner, notes that ‘Fantasia’ has a tie to the company his father founded, Hewlett-Packard.  HP was founded in 1939, and its first major order came from Disney Studios, which purchased a half-dozen audio oscillators that were used in developing the ‘Fantasound’ system.  ‘HP had nothing to do with developing Fantasound,’ Packard stressed, adding that his father hates it when people overstate the connection between HP and ‘Fantasia.’ Just the same, there is a nostalgic connection, and ‘A lot of people at HP have been asking me to run ‘Fantasia.’”

Dave Packard to Lila Ruiz, Dave Kirby: “In your Good Morning desk message dated 2/11/91 you mention our sale of audio oscillators to be used in the sound system of Fantasia.  Our oscillators made no technical contribution whatever to Fantasia.  Bud Hawkins, the sound engineer for Disney, was planning to buy audio oscillators from General Radio for about $400 each.  We sold him our oscillators for less than $100 each.  Our only contribution was a saving of something over $2,000 to the Disney Company.  We should stop propagating the myth that we made a technical contribution to the production of Fantasia by that early sale.”

2/81   Open Software Foundation 1988-89

2/82   “P” Miscellaneous Folder

Pete Peterson’s retirement

Public Key Infrastructure Initiative

HP Performance Evaluation/Development Plan

“Patents Are Important”

“Hewlett-Packard Company Philanthropy Guidelines”

Philanthropy Annual Report

2/83   HP – PR Miscellany 1994-98

2/84   Parzybok, William – Resignation 1991

Bill Parzybok to WRH and Packard: “Today I submitted my resignation from Hewlett Packard and I wanted to drop you both a personal note.  I will be taking a senior position at another company which will be announced soon.  Leaving HP after more than 22 years is difficult but I feel the situation is such that it is time to move on.  The two of you have had a tremendous influence on me personally and professionally.  You both have and continue to be a source of inspiration to thousands of HP’ites.  You represent the ideal of what the HP Way should be.  I feel badly for the many hard working and dedicated HP’ites who are frightened about their future and disillusioned about HP.  I truly hope that HP top management can rebuild the confidence and loyalty of these employees.  I know you are aware and concerned about these issues and are working on them.  I would be happy to visit with either of you in person if you would like my views.  In closing I want to sincerely thank you both for the opportunities and experiences I have had at HP for the past 22 years; especially the opportunity to work with you.  I also want you to know that I feel Bill Terry was an outstanding manager, mentor and coach for me.  I greatly admire you all and what you stand for.  Best wishes…”


WRH to William G. Parzybok: “Thank you for your nice note…I’m very sorry to learn of this and yet, I understand the circumstances quite well.  As far as I’m concerned, you will be missed.  The only other thing I can say is that I think you made a good choice in going with the Fluke Company. Dave and I have known these people for years, and we have the highest regard for them…”

2/85   Personnel Matters 1991-98

Articles and some letters requesting job information

2/86   Products/Proposals 1992-93

2/87   HP Profit Sharing 1982-92


Listing of Profit-Sharing Percentages 1965-97

Many letters from employees unhappy with benefit changes

WRH to Shanna Bublitz, HP employee: “Thank you for your very thoughtful letter about the method of distribution of the Profit-Sharing Plan.  When we set this plan up, we very carefully considered the point that you made, i.e., that an employee’s salary was a direct indication of his/her importance in the company and the contribution to profit.  Our Profit-Sharing Plan is fairly similar to many other corporations.  We do, however, have a different type of incentive, the “STAR” option program, which is used to recognize significant contributions by employees at lower levels.  We issue about 2,000 of these 100-share options a year.  Approximately 250,000 shares are allocated to the STAR program annually. Most options in this category are for 100 shares, although some cover 150 or 200 shares.  Another 3,000 or so ‘C-share’ options are awarded as part of the regular option grant cycle each November.  We consider it very important to recognize people at the lower level of the company, and I feel this stock-option is quite unique in corporate practices.”

2/88   Lew Platt 1993-99

Platt’s retirement 12/99

Articles on Platt’s contributions and awards

Platt received American Electronics Association Medal of Achievement

Platt to WRH in response to SEIU’s attempts “to organize Sommers Building Maintenance, the janitorial contractor for our facilities in Roseville, Santa Rosa, and Corvallis.  The SEIU’s primary vehicle for this effort is their national ‘Janitors for Justice Campaign.’  Unlike traditional organizing efforts, this campaign has two primary thrusts.  The first, directed at the janitorial employee, consists of filing a number of costly lawsuits and administrative complaints (e.g. wage and hour, health and safety, etc.).  The second line of attack is directed at the janitorial company’s customers, such as HP, and is intended to enmesh the customer in the dispute to such an extent that the customer either forces the janitorial company to recognize the union or the customer switches to a unionized firm…


Given the nature of the dispute, we feel that the charges leveled by the SEIU are best resolved in the judicial and administrative forums in which they were brought.  At a more fundamental level, HP strongly supports the right of Sommers’s employees to be represented by a union freely chosen by them.  Sommers and the SEIU have been dealing with each other through a mediator, and those discussions have apparently broken down.  In accordance with established American labor law, Sommers has requested that the SEIU consent to a secret ballot election supervised by the federal government’s National Labor Relations Board.  Regrettably, the SEIU has declined that offer.  HP reiterates its support of Sommers’s employees’ right to chose, and we hope and encourage Sommers and the SEIU to resolve their dispute through the National Labor Relations Board.”

Judy Arluck told WRH that Lew Platt’s father passed away Oct. 7 in New Hartford NY, after a long illness

Lew Platt’s secretary Myrt McCarthy on Platt’s father: “Lew’s father was a professor electrical engineering at Cornell for five years.  Then went to work for a company called ANSCO, which is a division of AGFA (upstate New York).  He was in charge of the manufacturing plants.  In the mid-50’s, his father formed his own consulting engineering business and they did electrical engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering work for new construction.  Lew’s father went to Cornell and his Mom was a nurse.  His Dad and Mom are both living, in their 80’s.  They live in upstate New York and come out West to fish with Lew and his wife, Joan.”

Platt’s remarks at HP Labs Annual Review Luncheon, 6 pages

Platt’s remarks at Communicators’ Workshop, interview by Lynn Nixon at Lake Stevens Instrument Division, 15 pages

Business Marketing
, “Marketing Key to HP’s Battle Plan” by Tim Clark.  Platt on the cover

Box 2 Office Files – Special Events 1991 – 1993 (Iron Mt #G60663)

2/30     HP Corvallis Division Visit, 12/2-3/93 (did not attend)

[International Leadership Reunion; folder with WRH speech transferred to speech file]

2/31     World Affairs Council/China Banquet 11/17/93 (did not attend)

2/32     National Academy of Sciences/Fifth Annual Symposium 11/4/93

2/33     Palo Alto Weekly Interview 10/25/93  “The Man Who Won the Coin Toss”

2/34     Bob Dow (re Philanthropic Ventures Foundation) 10/22/93

2/35     HP Labs Inventors Lunch 10/12/93

2/36     Vancouver Division Visit 10/8/93

[Oregon Graduate Institute of Scientific Leadership Award 10/93; folder with WRH speech transferred to speech file]

[National Academy of Engineering Award 10/93; folder with WRH speech transferred to speech file]

2/37     International Industrial Conference 9/19-22/93

2/38     HP Board Meeting – Packard Retires 9/17/93
2/39     HP Board – Executive Compensation and Stock Option Committee Mtg 9/16/93
2/40     Haas Dinner – 6/22/93
2/41     HP Labs – “Tinker Tank” 6/8/93 – Chandrakant Patel
2/42     HP – European Top Resellers Meeting 6/3/93 – Dick Watts
2/43     Rand Policy Forum – 5/27/93 – Information Revolution in Society
2/44     Rand Policy Forum Luncheon – 5/27/93   Hosts: Hewlett, Gaither & Huddleson
2/45     China Hewlett-Packard (Silk Road Trip) 4/16/93
2/46     HP – Boeblingen and Geneva – Eberhard Knoblauch Retirement 3/10-18/93
2/47     HP Annual Shareholders Meeting 2/23/93
2/48     MIT Spectrum Article – Theresa Pease, Editor   Winter 1993
2/49     HP Labs – Barney Oliver Symposium 1/15/93
2/50     HP – General Managers Meeting – Burlingame Hyatt Regency 1/10-11/93
2/51     HP – Intercon – Chinese Delegation – Dr. Song Jian 12/17/92
2/52     HP – President’s Club – San Diego 12/9-11/92
2/53     Boy Scouts of America – Stanford Area Council – Distinguished Citizen Award – Bill &            Rosemary Hewlett 12/3/92
2/54     People’s Republic of China – Pacific Economic Cooperation Council  – Madame Zhe                9/28/92
2/55     Churchill Club – 6/18/92 Panel Discussion – Silicon Valley
2/56     National Inventors Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 4/23-25/92
2/57     Swedish Delegation (Intercon) – Sy Corenson 4/9/92
2/58     London Financial Times Interview 4/7/92

[American Leadership Forum Award 8/92; folder with WRH speech transferred to speech file]

2/59     American Leadership Forum Award – Silicon Valley Chapter 3/23/92

2/60     HP – Annual Shareholders Meeting 2/25/92

2/61     Palo Alto Times Tribune Innovation in Manufacturing 2/24/92

2/62     HP – Integrated Systems Division – Tour & Coffee 2/14/92

2/63     World Affairs Council – Dick Cheney 2/12/92

2/64     HP – General Mangers Meeting – Hyatt Burlingame 1/12-14/92

2/65     HP-35 Calculator – 20th Anniversary (San Jose Mercury News) 1/8/92

2/66     HP – Service Awards 12/6/91

2/67     HP-President’s Club – Scottsdale AZ 12/11-13/91

2/68     HP Board of Directors Meeting 11/21/91

2/69     Exploratorium – 15th Annual Awards, Wm Hewlett, Honorary Chair 11/19/91

2/70     United Way of Santa Clara – Tocqueville Society Award to Bill Hewlett – Tom Perkins            10/27/91

2/71     United Way of Santa Clara – First Tocqueville Society Award (Jack Black) San Felipe Ranch 10/14/90

2/72     HP Board of Directors Meeting – Boise Division 9/19-20/91

2/73     HP – Measure Magazine – Wildflowers Article July-August/91

2/74     Santa Clara University – Honorary Degree 6/15/91

Sanborn Box 2 (IRON MOUNTAIN BOX SJ425378)

1 Stockholder’s Waiver Notices 1937
2 Stockholders and Directors’ Meeting Minutes 1943-1947; Cash Record at rear of volume 1937-1942
3 Stockholders’ Special Meeting; By-Laws form modernized 10/24/58
4 “Speaking of The Founders of Sanborn Company” by James Jenks, Jr. re Frank B. Sanborn 1955
5 Use of Sanborn products, undated article

The following folders were collected for a legal case designated as the Nichols Case:

6 Nichols-Chase Company Patents correspondence 1935-1939
7 Depositions of Sanborn and Miller 1939
8 Nichols vs Sanborn, Equity No. 4260; brief for plaintiff 1940
9 Nichols vs Sanborn, defendant’s briefs 1940
10 Robert Cushman 1940
11 Miscellaneous data 1939-1941
12 TLS, Steve Fox to Ted Adams saying the patent infringement case in 1937 was captioned Nichols et al. vs. Sanborn Company
13 Cambridge Instrument Co. (Hindle Patent Case) 1931-1938
14 Attorney David Rines 1935-1936
15 Exhibits on Cardiette
16 More exhibits on electrocardiograph
17 More exhibits

18 “Katz Report on Markham Company” Part 1 1917-1960
19 “Katz Report” Part 11

Box 2 – Transition Collection

  • Transition Communication – Day 1 Guide for Employees – 10/4/99
  • Transition Communication – Day 1 Guide for Employees – Global Revised
  • Version – 10/20/99
  • Transition Communication – Day 1 Guide for Employees – U.S. Revised Version 10/20/99
  • Transition Communication – Transition Reference Guide [formerly Day 1 Guide]Global Version – 12/99
  • Transition Communication – Transition Reference Guide [formerly Day 1 Guide]
    – U.S. Version – 12/99
  • Transition Communication – External Communication Plan – 5/99
  • Transition Communication – New Organization and Maintenance Approach for
  • Q & As on HP.Now – 7/99
  • Transition Communication Teams
  • Transition Communication – “Split Decisions: Communicating a Major
  • Transformation.” [slides from speech by Shirley Gilbert at Reagan Conference, Chicago] – 10/99
  • Transition Communication – “Dealing Successfully with the Changes at Hewlett-
  • Packard… and Everywhere.” [course material by William Bridges Associates] -10/99
  • Human Resources
  • Stock Options (see also Human Resources)
  • HP Credit Union
  • Real Estate
  • Travel
  • HP Labs
  • Countries – Australia
  • Countries – Austria
  • Countries – Canada
  • Countries – China
  • Countries – Germany
  • Countries – Italy
  • Countries – Singapore