1968 – Packard Speeches

Box 3, Folder 8 – General Speeches


March 30, 1968. The Promise of America in Crisis, Challenge to the Leadership of the Communities, Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce conference for business and industrial leaders, Palo Alto CA.

This conference, under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, was intended to generate discussion of possible solutions to the problem of the under employed, disadvantaged people, particularly those living in East Palo Alto \. Packard was asked to be the keynote speaker and participate in a panel discussion .


3/30/68, Typewritten text of Packard’s speech with many notations by him in his handwriting.


Packard mentions several problems facing America , Viet Nam,  the Mid-East monetary policy, inflation or the problems of the disadvantaged, saying it is hard to know which is the most serious, much less know how to solve them. However, with the disadvantaged he says “…we can do something here because this is where the problem is. I want to make some general observations about the problem and suggest several courses of action for your consideration here today. I believe we have the opportunity here in the mid-peninsula to develop an exemplary solution to this problem. It will require more effort and more involvement on the part of everyone, but I believe it can – indeed, it must be done.”


Referring to Federal support programs for the disadvantaged, Packard says “…criticism has ranged all the way from too little control to too much control.


“Evaluating the programs and their critics, there is no doubt that Federal involvement has been constructive – that in addition to such substantive contributions as have been made, the Federal Government has helped to catalyze the private sector of the American Society into concern and action.


“We have at least reached the point where every important institution in America – Government, School Church, foundation, Business, Industry, Labor – wants to help in solving the problem of the minorities. Their reasons may be different, their approaches to the problem may be different, but they are all concerned and genuinely want to help. The forgotten man in the minority culture of America is certainly no longer forgotten.”


However, Packard acknowledges that “…it does not follow that every person involved in each of these institutions is so committed. There are generations of prejudice to overcome, and this cannot be done quickly.


“With a problem so complex, underlaid (sic) with traditional attitudes, biases, emotions – and compounded by the simple fact that it takes time for people to change their views, and their ways, and their feelings, I see no hope for a quick solution – but I see every hope for a substantial and continuous improvement.


“Whether the rate and the substance of the improvement will satisfy all those involved is very doubtful. The probability is of more violence for some time to come. It is not just a probability, it is a certainty – almost as sure as day follows night. This distressing fact must not, however, limit our resolve to proceed with the job at hand; indeed it should strengthen our resolve to get ahead with the job.”


As to advocates of “Black Power” and separatism Packard refers to a quote attributed to Francis Bacon to the effect that :Knowledge is Power.” If that is what the Black Power leaders mean, I am with them. If, on the other hand, they mean power in terms of the primitive law of the jungle, they will only hinder progress and do their people a great disservice.


As to a separate Negro society there are pros and cons. There is a great human imperative to be in control of one’s destiny. This aspiration certainly translates to groups of people, encouraging people with common interests to band together in support of the common cause. Why not, then, encourage Negros (sic) to establish their own society, and let their destiny by determined by their own efforts? I think the answer to this is very simple. The white society in America has such a head start that the Negro would have a very difficult time if he did not share in the wealth and benefits of the American Society as a whole….The idea of a separate society is an emotional response. Though understandable, it is completely unrealistic.”


Focusing on the local problem, Packard says “The most important thing I can say is that I believe we have the opportunity to produce an exemplary solution to the problems of the disadvantaged right here in our own back yard. We have the resources – education, jobs, human understanding – in better measure than almost any community in the country. If we fail it is only because we lack the will.


“I am delighted that the Palo Alto Chamber has called this conference to study and attack these problems. I would like to suggest a number of propositions which I believe will help us move ahead in the job at hand.


#1. We must begin with the proposition that this job cannot be done without much more effort and involvement on the part of everyone. To put it squarely – every business, every industry, every union, indeed, every person must do more than has been done so far.


#2.  We must all understand that the job cannot be done over night. We must ask for a degree of patience from the people we are trying to help; we must insist on a high degree of urgency from everyone else in the community.


#3.  Because there are so many people interested we must do a better job of coordinating the efforts in this area. I hope from this meeting here today will come some action toward a better coordination of the effort of all the institutions and people who are involved.


#4. Because jobs are the foundation on which all else will be built, we must muster an all-out effort to get more of these people in meaningful jobs as soon as possible.


#5.  Although emphasis recently has been placed on finding jobs for the “hard core” unemployed and the “drop out” youth, we must not distort our judgment against those who have tried. Heads of families should have first priority, of course. Then high school graduates should be given preference on the theory that if a high school diploma in fact earns a job, there will be more high school diplomas.


#6. After these steps have been achieved – singly or simultaneously – ways must be found to employ more of the so called “hard core”. This will require considerable effort.


#7.  Although initial employment and training will require extra effort, in the long run achievement standards cannot be lowered. To lower standards will place the business firms at a competitive disadvantage, and reduce their ability to provide jobs for anyone in the future.


#8.  In addition to finding jobs with business and industrial firms in the area, encouragement should be given to the establishment and support of minority owned and managed firms. These firms will not only provide much-needed jobs, but will add to the confidence of minority people and their pride in their own ability.”


Packard hopes that “…every employer in the community will find a way to accommodate a larger proportion of disadvantaged people into his work force in the future than he has in the past. And I hope the unions will cooperate in this endeavor. This may mean changes in hiring standards. This certainly will require more understanding – more thoughtful training – more effort on everyone’s part. The name of this game is to extend yourself in firing and training, but not to lower your standards of job performance because that will jeopardize your competitiv3 position, and therefore the future success and growth of your company.


“I believe it is important for disadvantaged people seeking jobs to understand this very important economic fact of life. Business and industry do not create jobs; they provide the opportunity for people to work and produce something some one else wants. If the employees produce a superior product, more people will want the product and more jobs will be generated. If the employees produce an inferior product – or service – no one will want it, and that firm will have no more jobs. So, while private business can do a better of hiring and training undereducated under-trained people, private business cannot provide jobs for them in the long run unless standards of quality, production, and service are maintained that are necessary for the survival and success of the business.


Packard says he believes the government’s recent emphasis on employment of the “hard core” minority , while worthy, “overlooks some basic considerations. It is generally agreed that education is the most secure path to progress. Over the past few years, when these problems of minority unemployment have been brought into focus, there have been thousands of jobs available – for those with the right training and education. Clearly, more education would be of immense help in alleviating these problems. Sometimes I think this particular problem is a failure of our educational system more than anything else.


“While the problem is complex, one reaches the conclusion that motivation is a key factor. There is the question of the home surroundings and many other discouraging environmental factors, but it remains as a fact that any minority youngster can obtain a good education and be a success in the American Society if properly motivated.”


“It is important – very important – then as we seek to help those who have not made the grade, that we also encourage those who have. This says that we must put our first emphasis not in helping the drop outs, gut in helping those who have had the will and determination to get an education. To make sure the rewards for their effort are both real and visible.


“I hope, then, that we can find a way in this community to assure every Negro high school graduate, and every Spanish American high school graduate, that he or she will either have a good job opportunity or will have an opportunity to go on to college.”


“This matter is so vital that I hope the community can pup special emphasis on summer jobs for high school students. What better incentive could there be for a young person to work at his high school education than to know that by doing so he would be assured of a good summer job, or a good permanent job after graduation – or go to college.”


“While this and other efforts should reduce…and in the short run eliminate, this drop out problem…we have some short term considerations relating to drop outs.


“The drop outs of the past cannot be completely overlooked, even if we can keep them in school in the future. This suggests that business and industry should do what they can providing jobs, training and education to help bring some of these so-called “hard core” people back into the mainstream of American Society.”


Summing up Packard says “The order of priority providing jobs is then as follows:


# 1.  Those with a family to support, a home to maintain, because the home environment is the true foundation on which the future is built for every person – regardless of race, creed, or culture. I understand there are 641 families with dependent children numbering 2,036 on welfare. We certainly should be able to find that many jobs. Child care centers, transportation, welfare policies etc…..


#2.   Those who are taking advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. They deserve this recognition for their efforts and such recognition will provide a powerful incentive to motivate others to follow.


#3.  The so called “hard core” unemployed and the “drop outs”. Even though they have not availed themselves of educational and other opportunities, they deserve a second chance. In fact, for one reason or another, they may not even have had a first chance. It is probably not possible to get these people back in [the] educational system and here business and industry can help.


“I would hope we might, here in this area, provide job opportunities for all of these groups. If we can do so I believe it can demonstrate that Negros (sic), Spanish Americans and other disadvantaged groups are a part and parcel of American Society and can be counted on to do more than their share in helping us build a community with true equal opportunity for all. Each of you here today has a great responsibility and a great opportunity to help translate the American Dream from vision into reality.”




1/26/68 Letter to Packard from Joseph Ehrlich, confirming the agreement that Packard will be the keynote speaker at the conference sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

3/15/68, Letter to Packard from Rev. Carl A. Smith thanking him for agreeing to participate in the Conference of Business and Industrial Leaders. He attaches a copy of the program.

3/27/68, Internal HP memorandum to Packard from Ray Wilbur, VP Personnel, giving some background and thoughts on the program. He attaches a copy of a speech by John Gardner, former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare.

3/27/68, Internal HP memo to Packard and Ray Wilbur from J. A. Barr, giving a progress on the project known as EPA Electronics, Inc.

4/2/68, Letter to Packard from Rev. Carl A. Smith expressing appreciation for Packard’s participation in the conference.

4/5/68, Copy of a letter from Packard to Joseph Ehrlich expressing the thought that the conference seemed to be worthwhile, but there remains “a problem of follow up.”

To do this Packard suggests a group be formed to contact local businesses individually.

Copy of an undated letter to Allan Brown from Joseph Ehrlich with a cc to Packard with some suggestions on steps to implement a plan.



Box 3, Folder 9 – General Speeches


April 19, 1968, Keynote Speaker, International Business Scene and Minority Race Problems, Rotary International of Northern California, Palo Alto CA


4/19/68, Typewritten copy of Packard’s speech – in outline format.


“So many interesting things – international scene. World in turmoil. Vietnam. Focus on what is U.S. role in world.


“…U.S. has had role in international leadership last two decades unsurpassed in history.


“Our leadership rehabilitated Europe.

“Japan position great economic strength and progress.


“Stabilized balance free world and Communist world.


“Here at home greatest prosperity. 20 billion GNP growth firsts quarter – 800 billion.


“In a year or two we add to our economy an increment equal to total economy of France or England.


“Amid prosperity – more of everything for everybody – even poor than any prior society.


“Greatest social turmoil in history of country. We are in midst of one of the great revolutions of history.

“Bad news – Good news


Pilot comes on speaker – Bad news – visibility zero. None of navigational instruments are working. We don’t know where we are. We don’t know where we are going.


Good news – 500 knot tail wind. Get there ahead of schedule.”


“With your permission comment about two aspects  of this great national crisis.

Monetary and fiscal crisis and relationship to World Trade.

Observation on minority problems.


“The crisis in United States monetary and fiscal affairs is simply the strength of the dollar – despite what the advocates of a gold standard say – the dollar is in fact the monetary standard of the free world. If the dollar should fail in this role, we would find ourselves confronted with a world-wide economic panic.


Undermine U. S. role in world leadership

Undermine ability to solve domestic problems


“Let me attempt to outline the problem in simple terms. In the years following the war, we spent billions of dollars overseas helping Europe – Japan – recover from the ravages of the war and in stabilizing the position of the Free World vs. Communist countries. These dollars were welcome abroad – many were returned to buy products from U.S.


“As Europe and Japan reached position of economic stability their need for dollars lessened. Yet we continued to pour billions more into the international monetary system. From 1958 to 1960 the average was 3.7 billion per year.


Aid – Military – Tourism


We get  some back – Merchandise trade


“Many countries simply had more dollars than they needed and they returned them to us in exchange for gold. The government became concerned – first voluntary program and other actions and reduced outflow but have been unable to bring to low enough balance.


“Agreements with banks to hold dollars


“We do not have enough gold to cover – raised price – economies of other free world dependent on confidence in dollar.


“We are reasonably safe as long as purchasing power of dollar in U.S. remains stable.


“Sly Fowler – money can be sound at home and in trouble abroad – but money cannot be sound abroad and in trouble at home – our economy too large


  1. Must control balance of payment problems


3.9 billion 1960

1.3  billion 1965

3.5 – 4 billion 1967


  1. Must get monetary and fiscal problems at home under control.


“What are elements of balance of payments problem?

1.   Vietnam

  1.  Other military commitments – We could get out of Europe – Creditability – Vietnam


  1. Tourism – 1 billion


  1. Merchandise trade balance


Trade balance


Dependent on two-way trade

U.S. industry is competitive abroad in many areas

Total exports from Calif. (?)

1.2  billion 1966  ¼ Agricultural


“In view of importance of our merchandise trade balance

International quota war would be disastrous

“Stability of dollar at home

“Federal deficits – inflation wage settlements

“When government asks us to support programs – important

“Cannot support Vietnam – war on poverty – space program


“Those of you who have influence with anyone in Washington should help

Tax increase will help




“Mail from home against taxes – for quotas – for more of everything


“Word about minority problems


“Must resolve our ultimate goal


“One nation indivisible – all blacks and all whites working together – equality and brotherhood for all or polarized black against white in peripheral strife


“Events of past two weeks may have increased polarization


“Difficulty compounded by subversive elements – aim not unity but destruction of our country


Confrontation of Black Student Union at Stanford

Sympathy with concern

Polarization – White Plaza event

Confrontation of Payton Jordan by Harry Edwards


“We are undertaking positive program. Has been underway


“Applicants increased three times in last several years


“Programs of assistance will be continued

“If Black Student Union leaders persist in efforts to isolate black from white at Stanford, it will defeat the purposes of the University.


“Administration, faculty, white students cooperating with black enable them to fully integrate into life of University.


“This is the problem for all of us who want to help in our areas of responsibility.


“Actions which will help integrate black people into structure of society with equality and brotherhood

“Difficult because subversive elements are in control in many areas – make sure you know who these people are in your community. Help the large group that deserves help.


“We are faced with some touchy problems

“ Understanding – and involvement – we can make progress.”





4/19/68, Outline of speech handwritten by Packard

1/23/68, Letter to Packard from Jack B. Power expressing appreciation for Packard’s participation in speaking at their luncheon. Says they expect about 500 to attend.

4/19/68, Printed copy of program of Rotary 30th annual conference

5/13/68, Copy of letter from Packard to Jack Power thanking for sending him some cuff links.



Box 3, Folder 10 – General Speeches


April 22, 1968, Congratulation to PG&E Scholarship Winners, PG&E  personnel and scholarship winners, San Francisco, CA


4/22/68, Typewritten text of speech.


Packard is speaking to an audience of high school students and he tells them he was “…thinking about what I might say of interest to you tonight and realizing that young people are properly concerned, or at least interested in what kind of a world their world will be, I tried to recall in my mind the state of the world 38 years ago when I was looking forward to graduation from high school in 1930. – Pueblo, Colorado –


“Radio broadcasting, which began in the early 1920s, was just coming into its own. One of my hobbies was amateur radio, and I had been building radios for a number of years. Many families in our neighborhood did not have a radio. Television was still some time away.


“Automobiles had become a major factor in our lives but many streets and highways were not yet paved.


“Lindbergh had made his famous flight across the ocean only a few years earlier. The airmail was coming into Pueblo in a two-place biplane from Denver. It was to be ten years before I made a cross country flight in a DC3 – it took nearly 24 hours. By comparison in the first three months of this year I have flown to New York 5 times, Europe once, Chicago 2 times, and a few other places like Boston, Washington, Dallas and Denver in between.


“Although our family was very healthy, an infection of any kind often required a week or more in bed. Pneumonia and other infections diseases were often fatal. No one dreamed that surgery would ever be possible, let alone the possibility of transplanting a heart or a kidney.


“There was no television, no radar, no garbage disposals, few plastics except celluloid and hard rubber. I remember hearing about a new plastic called bakelite when I was in high school. For the ladies there was no nylon though there were a few synthetic textile materials.


“I decided while I was in high school I wanted to be an engineer and I read all of the technical magazines I could obtain. The library in Pueblo had only about a dozen volumes on electricity and chemistry, all of which I read several times.


“We had heard of Einstein’s equation and the possibility of converting matter into energy, but no one dreamed it would be possible so soon I am sure we knew that fossil fuels were limited – there was talk about solar energy – but certainly the thought never crossed our young minds in those days that there would be unlimited energy in our lifetime which could be directed to unlimited good or unlimited evil.”


Packard tells of having been asked what the Hewlett-Packard Company will been doing ten years hence. He says he responded by saying that “10 years ago I could not have told you what we would be doing today, and I am unable to tell you what new products we will be showing our stockholders. I am certain, however, that there are just as many important things to be done today as there were 10 years ago, and I can say for sure …in 10 years there will certainly be more yet to be done, even though I can’t tell you just exactly what that will be.


And Packard tells his young audience that “Although much has been accomplished in the 38 years since I was your age, there is more knowledge – more ability – more resources – and the next 38 years are certain to be as challenging and as exciting for you as the past 38 have been for me.


“But you say yes there has been material progress and there will certainly be more – what about the other things – urban problems, riots – Vietnam – starvation of people in a world where food is thrown away or deliberately not produced. Has the world really made any progress in the past 38 years in these areas – or is it in fact in the worst condition in its history?”


Packard admits this is not an easy question to answer. “We know we can produce electricity more efficiently – we can make accurate measurements. We know people have more money – even the poor, and even after we allow for inflation. Whether more people are happier – whether better off, etc is hard to evaluate.”


Packard remembers the world of 1930 as “…reasonable calm and hopeful. There had been the crash in Wall Street – people lost jobs and things were very difficult, but I didn’t sense great despair. On the world scene there had been considerable progress in disarmament. There was the World Court – and after all, America had entered World War I to make the world safe for democracy. On closer examination, however, there was very much the same kind of turmoil all over the world then that there is today. There had been very bloody labor strife in Colorado a few years earlier. Two or three years later there were reports of Japanese military action in china. We began shortly to hear about a man names Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy. I recall stories of the communists in Russia. The Bolsheviks going through a crowd and shooting on the spot any person who did not have callused hands and who was therefore not a working man.


“It is clear to me that in close examination there was just about as much turmoil in thee world in those days as there is today. We decry horrors of Vietnam, but World War II was no humane endeavor.


“There is however, one big difference. We read about these things in newspapers or in magazines. Some were on newsreels in the theaters, but we did not have on-the-spot television nowhere near the thorough news coverage. We simply were not anywhere near as aware of the social and political problems of the world as you young people are today. – We knew about them, but they seemed remote.


“As I think about these matters – and what has happened in these areas over the past 38 years – I believe there has been substantial progress. I am certain the world is better today than 38 years ago. Clearly there is great opportunity for more progress, and I am pleased that so many young people today are dedicated to help bring it about.


“I would hasten to add, however, there will always be an opportunity for improvement in human and social affairs – just as there will always be opportunity for scientific discovery, inventions and new works of engineering.


“I am afraid Robert Frost was right when he said there is only one thing in this world we can be certain about – there will always be conflict and there will always be change. The problem is: how to minimize the conflict and how to make the change constructive and substantial. That is of course precisely the problem we face in our civil rights – minority problem here in America.


“Packard tells the students that as they go on into life they “…will have some of their ideas challenged – there will be conflict in your mind – you will find new fields of knowledge available to you – what you make of it will be up to you.


“We hear much today about the generation gap. You are at the age where you don’t understand your elders – probably some of you don’t even understand your parents. I can assure you that is one thing which really has not changed very much. I remember vividly one of the greatest things about coming to Stanford for me was that I would have a chance to get away from home. I assure you after being away I soon wanted to get back – I decided my parents weren’t so bad after all.


“I learned a little secret somewhere along the line I would like to share with you. Whatever you may think of this older generation of yours, we desperately want you to succeed. When we criticize it is only in the hope we can help you avoid the mistakes we have made. In particular I want to say to each of you – if you ever need help, don’t hesitate to ask. The Chairman and the President of this company would be flattered and pleased if they had the opportunity to help you in any way that might be useful.


“And regardless of what you think about the older generation, you have a responsibility to them – to make the future better than the past. You have a responsibility to your parents to grow up to be a person they will be proud of. But as David Starr Jordan once said, the person above all who you have a responsibility to is the person you will be 10 – 2 — 30 – years from now.


“Good luck and God bless you.


4/22/68, Text of speech handwritten by Packard.

4/4/68, Letter to Packard from Robert H. Gerdes, Chairman of the Board, PG&E, inviting Packard to speak to the winners of college scholarships.4/10/68, Copy of letter from Packard to Robert Gerdes saying he will “see if he can find something to say to the group.”


4/11/68, Letter to Packard from Robert Gros  expressing appreciation that Packard has agreed to speak and giving details of the evening.




Box 3, Folder 11 – General Speeches


November 20, 1968,  Dinner speaker, Herbert Hoover Memorial Boys Club of Menlo Park, Leading Citizens Dinner, Palo Alto CA


11/20/68, Typewritten text of Packard’s speech.


Packard says this event has great significance to him: first, because he had the good fortune to know Herbert Hoover during the last few years of his life, and “I know he put the Boys’ clubs high on his list of priorities. And secondly, “…this Boys’ Club is making a great contribution to the improvement in the lot of young people of the black community in our area.”


Packard then says he would like to say a few things about Herbert Hoover – “for whom this Boys’ is named. “In doing so I am not unaware that Herbert Hoover was a conservative. Many of our friends on the campus today would call him a reactionary. Many of today’s students would reject him – even though they don’t understand what he really stood for.


“I am afraid also that many of the black power advocates in East Palo Alto would reject Herbert Hoover and what he stood for, but in the end I predict that the solution to our minority problems will come only from better understanding of and acceptance of the things Herbert Hoover believed.”


And Packard lists some things Hoover believed:

Conservative – referred to liberals as “those left wingers”

Was respected by both Republicans and Democrats, and friend of several presidents from both parties.


Hoover loved fishing and encouraged boys to fish.


“He thought it very important that boys be close to nature.”


Referring to Hoover’s feeling that we should work toward a “strengthening if vision, curiosity and patience” in the mind of boys, Packard says “What a great contribution to the troubled times of today more vision would bring. And patience – our young people of today seem possessed with the idea that there are instant solutions to everything. I am a great advocate of the idea that young people should learn something about the world before they try to reform it.”


“Herbert Hoover had great love for his country. He once expressed it this way:


“I was a boy with nothing and this magnificent country of ours gave me my education and my opportunity. After I had made my competence – fortunately rather early in life – I wanted in turn to do something for my country.”


“And he spent the last 50 years of his life in service to his country.”


Herbert Hoover was one of the great men of this century. He was the product and the examplification [sic] of what we call the Puritan ethic. The Puritan ethic involved a strict code of morality, a belief in religion….Many of these ideas are rejected today – by young people – by people in the black community – even by people in the churches who are searching for new answers


“The young radicals and even some people who should know better say America is a sick society.
In the words of Eldridge Cleaver all religions are phony.


“The Puritan ethic is rejected by many minority people because these people have failed to obtain their fair share of the good things of an affluent society built on the Puritan ethic. They are not willing to trust their reward at some future time to a benevolent God in heaven – they want some of that reward now.


“And I think they are right in saying and believing something better must be done for them, and by them – and it must be done now. We don’t need a new philosophy – we need better application of the old.


“We have, here in our area, the Herbert Hoover Memorial Boys; Club. We also have the Nairobi Day School Teen Summer Project. Both of these groups are directed toward influencing the minds of the young people of this community toward their training and education.”


Packard says he has quoted from the philosophy of Hoover, and he would like to quote from the Nairobi Day School Teen Summer Project. He gives some quotes by young people who attended the Nairobi (East Palo Alto) Day School Project:


Here is a poem titled “Black is Beautiful” which Packard quoted:

“Black is who is always getting in fights

Black is who is now standing for their rights.

Black is the way you walk,

Black is the way you talk.

Black is the kind of food you eat,

Black is [who] the pigs like to beat.

Black is who was a slave,

Black is who pigs think don’t bathe.

Black is the way you wear your hair,

Black is at whom the pigs stare.

Black is the music you dig,

Black is the way you gig.

And I would like to say,

As I finish this poem today,



Packard continues, “These are not the happy, care-free young people Mr. Hoover recalls. They are troubled. And we must be troubled when we hear what they say. But if one reads on, there is a clear ray of hope.” And Packard quotes another poem:




“Education is what we need

To get along in this world,

In reading let us pick up speed.

Whether we are a boy or girl.


Math we need also in school

To develop our minds so blank,

But it’s better than pitching pennies or shooting pool,

So let’s not walk that plank.


Science is a necessary thing

To me and to others

So when our education bell rings,

Let’s help our sisters and brothers.”


“These are the young people of East Palo Alto. They are complaining about their lot – but behind the complaints is a new sense of pride – a dedication to education – a call for competence and responsibility. These are the activist young people speaking.


“Behind them is the vast majority who have faith in the American way as did Herbert Hoover.


“Since I have been involved in the minority problems of this area, I have had many communications – letters, phone calls, and discussions with people from the black community who do not agree with the black activist tactics. People who believe that the traditional values of our society are right. People who would agree with Herbert Hoover. They are the ones we must help – not just the activists who attract attention.


“I am convinced we must all work harder to open the doors of opportunity for our friends in the minority community. Progress will come to them through education – education dedicated to the goal of improving their competence and responsibility.


“I believe my friends in the Nairobi Day School are also saying that their students should strive to be competent and responsible.


“I am sure I speak for all of the employers in this area – we couldn’t care less about Swahili or African History – we want people who are competent in English and mathematics and science. People who can do a job well. But if pride in their background or learning Swahili helps them appreciate the importance of competence and responsibility, then it’s all to the good.”


“We are here tonight to honor and to help the Herbert Hoover Memorial Boys’ Club. It is involved in the future of young people from the black community.


“Get these people into club

n  education

n  jobs

n  housing


“Don’t blame them for what’s going on – blame yourself – get with it.


“The Herbert Hoover Memorial Boys; Club is one of the very important enterprises in our community. It can help bring hope, confidence, competence and responsibility. It can demonstrate that the principles which guided Herbert Hoover’s long and useful life can also serve the young people of today.


“We don’t need to discard the things which have made America great. We simply need to get these troubled people on board. This will take understanding by you and me. It will take time and it will take work. There is no greater challenge today. Perhaps this is the most severe challenge we have yet encountered.


“It can be done, and one good step is for us all to give our unqualified support to the Herbert Hoover Boys’ Club here in our community.


“But don’t stop with your $25 involvement tonight – move into this job as though you really mean it.”



11/20/68, Copy of the printed program for the Boys’ Club dinner at Rickey’s Hyatt House in Palo Alto.

9/6/68, Letter to Packard from David M Botsford, A Director of the Boys’ Club, saying he had received the “good news” that Packard has agreed to speak at their dinner.

9/11/68, Copy of letter from Packard to David Botsford confirming Packard’s willingness to speak.

11/8/68, Letter to Margaret Paull from Mrs. Crone Kernke sending material written by Herbert Hoover.

11/26/68, Letter to Packard from David Botsford thanking him for his participation at the dinner.

12/4/68, Letter to Margaret Paull thanking her for mailing out invitations to the dinner.

12/13/68, Letter to Packard from Bruce Michael asking for a $5000 donation for the Boys’ Club Drum and Bugle Corps. He says the last minute request is necessitated by the unexpected withdrawal of a pledge from another company.

1217/68, Copy of letter from Packard to Bruce Michael saying he “cannot help further at this time….There are just too many other things that come higher on my list of priorities.”

Several newspaper clippings and other articles providing Packard background reference material.